
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool:

>Amazing Grace 11/5/18
>God Bless The USA 11/4/18

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in DC 11/11/18
>Pres Trump @WW1 American Commemoration Ceremony 11/11/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Armistice Day Centennial Commemoration 11/11/18
>KAC on FoxNewsSun 11/11/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart Élysée mosque 11/10/18
>Pres Trump Bilat w/French Emir Macron 11/10/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive @Élysée mosque 11/10/18
>SecNav Spencer 2018 Veterans Day Message 11/10/18
>RNCChair McDaniel on FoxNews 11/10/18
>StateDepVideo: Happy Birthday Marine Corps 11/10/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in Islamic Republic of France 11/9/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 11/9/18
>Pres Trump speaks before departing WH 11/9/18
>UNAmb Haley @UNSC on Multilateralism 11/9/18
>TrumpWave: Enemy of the People 11/8/18

OP pastebin:

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Ready for deployment guys?

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>You are missing the point. The dems targeted very specific areas on the local level this time around and flipped them.
I'm not arguing they didn't commit fraud. Democrats did commit fraud, obviously.

I am arguing that all these counties and areas share something in common. Can you think of what it is, user? Who is running things there? In Maricopa county there is no excuse for all these local positions and boards to have gone to D's. Look at how Maricopa voted for Governor -- overwhelmingly red. All the other major races there went Republican, too. It's a red county, mostly. Zero excuse for Republicans there -- or anywhere -- to not do due diligence and vote Republican ALL the way down the ticket into the judicial picks... yet so many don't.

Try not to be a fucking moron.

prev thread wordcloud

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Will this be red pilled?

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in case anyone is interested in a first hand account of what's going on with the fires in california -

you all voted democrat rite
you love the jew
you love gun control
you love more goblins rite

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absolutely impossible, not enough niggers

Blackpillniggers are scum. They refuse to do anything but moan and groan about how everyone is boner. Take the lead out of your pants and do something yourself.

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Maybe he could monitor the election bullshit instead. Getting a little despondent here, fellas.

Not with a nigger as the main character

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I'm always ready to do my duty.

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Amerifats are disgusting

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They did vote red in that county until the new votes rolled in. Try to not gaslight yourself.

wtf is this picture
it's hilarious

I'm sincerely getting disappointed. I'm watching a stupid nigger bitch who has been caught half a dozen times rigging elections, RIGGING MY ELECTIONS.
Is Trump just waiting to see if they try to flip it? I don't know, but if he doesn't do something and they do, I am absolutely done.


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>Maybe he could monitor the election bullshit instead. Getting a little despondent here, fellas.
We're gonna win Florida, and there is no party apparatus willing to contest Arizona.

good to hear fren

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LIVE: Florida election recount update, deadly California wildfires continue

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>couldn't handle rain to honor WWI memorial
>lost plenty of house seats
>lost plenty of governorships
>spin conspiracy theories around
>still calling it a victory
How does it feel to have a retard for president?

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but what if the nigger is looking for his missing father

>a Jew who was so retarded that he got kicked out of Israel
>calling anyone else disgusting


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>blue fraud vote
>maga stan
>obama cucks


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It looks like a giraffe breaking into a car.

Not bad. Look at yours dude.

Israel more important than our own country. Getting real fucking blackpilled.

silly giraffe

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i genuinely don't know. on the one hand those models are, against all logic and reason, both cute and hit uncanny valley, they made the protag kid a nigger, and the most prominent mon shown aside from pikachu was the ebin ninja shillmon.
BUT on the other hand, it doesn't seem like a forced vidya movie, there's a morbid curiosity to see how it turns out, and somehow hollyjew managed to slip in a subtle redpill (may or may not have been intentional) by having the nigger protag look for his missing father (KEK). honestly could go either way

>election results on Election Nights are too close to call for the Republicans goy, we must keep counting!
>election results one week later are JUUUUUST right, we can now delcare safe Democrat victory :^)
>don't be silly, we didn't break the law, we just ignored it long enough to win and now want to cite it to maintain control :^)
I do not consent to being governed, what are you gonna do about it?

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>WWI veterans died for muh freedom
Are they really this retarded or just pandering. America had nothing to do with the war and only entered in the last stretch

I read "you sent Jared Taylor" and felt confused for a second.

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giraffes are now niggers
good to know
around giraffe, never relaffe

>Ukrainians get shelled in Donbass
>Niggers get shot in Chicago

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I don't understand why you people have seriously supported someone like Donald Trump this far after all that he's "achieved" these past two years.

Why are you responding to that post with this? bleep bloop

Continue to get despondent. He won't do anything about election fraud. Remember that commission he made to try and audit the 2016 election? Remember how it got disbanded because Dems essentially said "No" and Trump gave up and didn't try to get documents by legal force?

Yep, anyone who defends that shit here is a filthy kike that deserves to be thrown in an oven.

twitter commies are saying drumpf didn't go to Arlington National Cemetery because he's had a stroke

I wish the niggas would

He already tweeted about it. What more do you want him to do????

>Nogger ash
>talking pokemon

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It’s not fraud dude. Have you even considered that the gop blows and McSally actually lost?

What if in reality this is just one big LSD trip from some homeless nigger? That would be pretty based

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What? What should I do? I'm really asking here? If I go to confront these fucking niggers myself, I'll just end up committing suicide on some beach.

In 2016 for that particular position (County recorder)? Can I get a link?

He has been afterwards and a stroke does permanent damage to one physically.

Maybe he's questioning why Trump cares more about Israel than the integrity of elections in his own nation?

Never been to Chick-fil-a, it's always packed every time I drive by, what am I missing?

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He didn't go because he had to make sure Israel was okay.

>not finn
but really we had a fractured GOP, between rino and patriots. that's why so many retired, leaving open seats for dem control.

Trump only ever was a molotov-cocktail to throw at the Overton window. He is not a serious thinker or a principled person. He cannot envision a long-term strategy for United States or the Western Civilization. He is a wrecking ball. He has ignited discussions we were not having 3 years ago. He is hopefully paving the way for someone serious and intelligent like Ben Shapiro to fit comfortably inside the Overton window by 2024- and opening doors to a more general cultural attack on the universities, media and other ideologically corrupt leftist institutions.

so what happened to the military votes for McSally?

ITT we name people who've had more plastic surgery than Pelosi
bogs not allowed

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Tell me all the great things Sinema has promised to do for the state of Arizone. Tell me what her platform and agenda are.

Innovative! Clearly Chick-fil-a is best chicken

>all this shilling

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be other elections, don't get to excited. we need your shit posts here.


Do something more than tweet? I don't know, maybe send the feds down there to help enforce Florida law that Brenda is blatantly breaking? Or to help enforce the court order that she's ignoring?

I was talking about Florida.

They elected Trump, and look how far that got them.

it had been know for quite a while that the finn has several VPNs user

>They did vote red in that county until the new votes rolled in. Try to not gaslight yourself.
What does that even mean? Look at the margin for Governor, or any other race. It either went Republican, or was break-even. Same for Pima county, yet Sinema is magically ahead there by a huge margin compared to other Dem-Rep races.

Do you think the """registration""" of 150k+ new voters in Maricopa County leading up to the election (15%+ increase in voter registration... in an off cycle election? Crazy) had anything to do with it?
Or the fact that we now know for sure there are illegals in there?
Or the fact that they "oopses! mixed some unchecked ballots into the general vote pool... guess we gotta count em all now!"
More people in Maricopa voted for Senator than did for the Governor.
Sinema is going to pull in more votes than Hillary Clinton did in a Presidential election.

It's fucking WAY out of line with everything else, and it smells.

Makes me think something big's just around the corner.

> Celebrating an event where Americans came to kill Europeans because ???.

Nothing but respect for Donald flipping off that shit.

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if you don't make promises, you can't keep em
i don't actually have the pic

Pretty good chicken. Like high quality. Only I find the spices they use in the regular chicken isn't strong enough because they really deep fry those suckers. Spicy is fine

Pic related

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The GOP can now look into election fraud, the Democrats thought they could do it & they are actually doing it in the open for everyone to see. Never interrupt an enemy when they are fucking up.

First Constantinople, then the Kingdoms of Antioch and Jerusalem.

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yah i know that, just can't confirm

One of the most over-rated chain restaurants of all time. Imagine if mcdonalds only served mcchickens but had a dozen different varieties, and for some reason cut their fries into a # symbol like shape and fried them so they were soggy and soft. That's Chickfila


Because I haven't seen any action in FL and now he will be distracted by bullshit happening in Isreal. I just want to see some fucking justice god dammit. Why is it fucking so odd that I just want to see the Rs use the powers of the state to stop these people?

I love this country, I mean I really love it. I lost hope before Trump, and gained it back with him. I don't think he is lying or tricking me, but I'm starting to feel like he is stuck in the idea that he has to preserve this now toxic system we have in place. If you are playing by the idea of holding back for the good of, and your opponents are taking advantage of that, you will lose.

We all know that. Saddest part is that there are shills responding to shills to make them seem like they are pulling people

28. My life will never be the same again.

Florida is fine you fucking small brain nigger

>maybe send the feds down there
Kek, they work for the democrats. Haven't you been paying attention?

I can believe it because McSally was a shit candidate.
>weak speaker
>shitty name
If AZ republicans had run a white man of good character they would have won

> this level of "former Trump supporter" coordinated discussion between the same two or three fellows

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Trump can't do anything about.
Even if he could, he'd likely make the results worse than they are now.

lets do its

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There is no shilling. Plenty of people are disappointed in the president because he's a fucking failure and has been for two years already.
The fact is, people can't handle the truth that Trump is fucking incompetent and do the most retarded things a president can do.

>The GOP can now look into election fraud
Will this do them any good once they've lost Florida?

>Never interrupt an enemy when they are fucking up.
Who, other than the people who frequent this place, see the Dems as "fucking up"?


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They need to distract from the election fraud they committed badly and the fact they made America look like a freaking banana republic.

>after they’ve lost Florida
This right here makes that a straw man.

These are just dry runs for when they steal the 2020 election. They never thought Trump would win, but now they aren’t taking any chances.

What good are elections if we just allow this shit to happen?

So now that 11/11 was officially a fluke, is Q finally done?

So why isn’t he pushing the AZ GOP to action? He should be blasting them and FL isn’t set in stone yet.
He was the best shot we had at salvation and I’m not ready to drop my support yet. I’m going to watch how this election/Israel situation unfolds and make a decision then. I still wouldn’t actively undermine support for him but I would resign myself from the political sphere.
Eh, I was waiting for a post like yours, you made me smile so have a (you).

i want to tittyfuck her while she gives me an annoyed look

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>So why isn’t he pushing the AZ GOP to action?
They're useless faggots user, can't make the horse drink and all that.