Why don't states like Nevada and Florida pay income tax?

Why don't states like Nevada and Florida pay income tax?

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They pay income tax. There’s way to avoid paying state level income tax, though, but federal income tax is the really expensive one

They tax gambling
They tax tourism

State or federal?

Because state income tax is a massive meme
Nevada has no state income tax


Nevada and Florida have a sales tax. There is no need for a state income tax.

Because were fucking based


Federal grants and sales taxes.

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The stars at night,
Are big and bright,
Deep in the heart of Texas,
The prairie sky
Is wide and high,
Deep in the heart of Texas.
The sage in bloom
Is like perfume,
Deep in the heart of Texas,
Reminds me of,
The one I love,
Deep in the heart of Texas.
The coyotes wail,
Along the trail,
Deep in the heart of Texas,
The rabbits rush,
Around the brush,
Deep in the heart of Texas.
The cowboys cry,
Deep in the heart of Texas,
The dogies bawl,
And bawl and bawl,
Deep in the heart of Texas.



I'm surprised that Live-Free-or-Die-Yet-Voted-for-Hillary New Hampshire is ranked so low given its very high property taxes. There's no way it should be lower than FL or NV.

those are some iddy biddy tiddies

How did we build roads prior to the income tax?

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>Federal grants
So in other words, they're literally leeches?

We battled goblins and they dropped them every-so-often

Roads arent paid for with those taxes

>Why don't states like Nevada and Florida pay income tax?
Don't worry, as long as democrats keep spamming the polls in Florida, they'll eventually have their own king nigger that will start one.

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duties and tariffs

>Why don't states like Nevada and Florida pay income tax?

Higher average sales tax. Lots of tourism and transient population that comes specifically to spend money.

Gas tax retardo. You have to be at least this smart to post here.

Their property tax makes up for it. Don’t understand how they make money off tourists tho.

They don't have State taxes because both States have a massive tourist industry. They tax the tourists instead.

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Because fuck you, thats why.

because they are the smart ones and the rest are morons! Income Tax can only be applied during War Times to help economy, all other times it is illegal.

What? We fucking have both.



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