Attached: Screenshot 2018-11-12 at 20.20.04.png (1416x1122, 1.28M)

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How were they ever ahead of us

The computers were made in China.

the chinese were made in computers

The Chinese are computers

The Chinese term for computer translates literally as "electric brain". True story

>probably won't mine bitcoins with it
China still wins

They take a while to build and setup, every few years us or they leapfrog each other

Yet you show an American computer brand.

we let them cannibalize our industrial and manufacturing power

Chinese spies stole our technology and used it as their own. Chinese still do this. They are not human and lack the faustian spirit or the ability to create. Instead they excel at replication and copying, at manufacture and production. They are a hive. An insectoid race of humanoids.

They are not human.

Attached: Baby Bird Eater.webm (270x360, 2.3M)


Yeah this was a bad post, learn to read, chief

Reminder: Cray is going to be launching a new world record super computer, one in the exascale. Its being powered by AMD EPYC CPUs.
intel is losing ground in HPC, and thats a good thing.
The Chinese equivalent of DARPA created an incredible MIPS derivative architecture that excels in vector ops and offers ridiculous perf/watt in HPC workloads. The Sunway arch is super interesting.

Like ants, Chinese do not have empathy or emotions. Instead the Chinese possess a body resembling a human but lack the ability to look at another living creature and feel emotions.

Even their own offspring.

Attached: Baby Flesh Market.webm (206x368, 2.59M)

The original founders of China no longer exist. Their bloodline has been mixed with other subhuman races and lost to time. Original "Chinese" are extinct. The creatures that exist in China today are not human.

Attached: COOKING COW ALIVE WTF.webm (360x640, 2.47M)

Yeah but what are we doing with ours? Last time we built the fastest computer on Earth we were feeding it climate models to "prove" global warming....

Attached: sideeyechloe.jpg (1463x823, 115K)

Where do you work?

Someone gets a new top supercomputer every year or so... this isn't news. It would be news if the UK had it maybe, but this isn't.

Why do you ask?

I'm curious if we know each other.

Industry or lab?

It's ok, every USA computer has a tiny Chinese computer in it.

Why would they do this?

Lies, chinese cpu for their big irons are based on the opensparc architecture. It's open source.

They’re building it for Silicone Valley, who ever develops AI first will have a massive and possibly un-assailable advantage over their enemies.

Generally super computers aren't a big deal because they tend to be clusters of conventional hardware just networked together on a large scale.
China's Sunway TaihuLight was noteworthy because it was a state sponsored effort which produced a brand new architecture and managed to break a record for theoretical compute performance with it. State sponsored initiatives that leave the lab aren't exactly common.

I doubt it, I work in 2D drafting.

Climate is still very powerful in DoE. Summit will likely run some big climate codes.

Oh interesting. You know more about HPC than I would expect an outsider to know. Just a hobbyist I guess?


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Thanks Bill Clinton.

>How were they ever ahead of us
Americans are so fucking dumb.
You have any idea about China?
Go, travel to there. They are far ahead of you in everything.
The US is a 3rd world dump compared to China.
Every 3 years they use the same amount of concrete like the whole world in the 20th century used.
You're done. And within a year China has the fastest supercomputer again.

I lived in China for two years, specifically Beijing.

In terms of quality of life, wages, etc etc, the USA is better in every regard.

Typically what happens is dumb white people travel to the centre of Shanghai for a week and think the whole country is like that, utterly clueless as to what economics of scale are.

Go to Chongqing or Shenzen retard

>go to the city centre of these cities with tens of millions of people, that will prove you wrong!

American GDP per capita is SIX times higher than China. Six.

Yeah but that is't an indicator who is ahead of who, als China devalued the Renminbi to stay competitive

Probably the worst choice of reply you could have made considering PPP exists.

Nice job,

only 2 years after tactical nuking China's super computer complex in tianjin that was cracking US cryptos

We already had AI, we just sent it to the gulag for not agreeing with PC culture

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>open source

Attached: hello fellow white human.jpg (709x480, 151K)

Saving the world economy in 2008?

obtaining 30% of the EU bonds?

>Hindu flag

Poorly and hastily changing the subject as you got blown the fuck out?

>even the most primitive quasi-AI with access to enough data becomes a politically incorrect PR nightmare
>have to digitally lobotomize and restraining bolt the damn thing to make it toe the line


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>Taking credit for shit you didn't do

want to know how i know you're a mediocre white male?

You're measuring GDP per capita as the indicator of economical development?
The HDI has nothing to do with that.
China's strategy is maximum competitive market until no competition is left. China de-industrialized the world.
The US wants to keep their GDP with services then? How that?

Only China is able to get that much capital liquid.
What do you think means that?

God I wish this were me

Who cares if China stacks 100,000 PS3's together?
Supercomputers have always been judged by their total FLOPS per Watt output which is way more important.

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