Is this what socialism looks like in the US?
wtf I love socialism now
US Socialism
>looks like
screw your optics, user
>retarded spic waitress larping as """politician"""
Socialism is long queues, shortages and no free speech. And gulags. Imagine Alaska as a giant network of incarcerated Pepes and Wojaks breaking rocks all year round for 25 years.
A brown savage dancing around? Thats pretty much all socialism is anymore.
yeah. nah. that isn't real socialism
noicely executed
Call me when a socialist government guarantees equal access to sex.
goblina en la azotea
(((Commies))) in Hungary wanted to communize women in 1919. Imagine the ration card for sex. "Sorry, blondes are all booked for this month."
What a perfect president, gyrating around like a fucking whore.
>hungarian kike mad at anti-israel politician!
it's the same old script
>she was rich! her dad was an architect
150k childhood home that was foreclosed on
>she went to an ivy league school!
and worked through it and possesses no student debt because she responsibly paid it off
>doesn't know anything about economics or politics
she has a degree in economics and is already one of the most powerful female politicians in america
keep shilling against MOMMY and i will keep destroying you
Remember when feminists opposed this stuff?
Life comes at you fast.
$40 trillion.
La cucaracha de la noche comedora de los hombres!
Where did you read that, Obongo?
>anti Israel
[citation needed]
why is she dancing like a slut?
i assume you have google, kike
>Another suburban socialite wanting to exploit or enslave the people closest to owning their own means of production.
Nah, Ill pass.
Don't fool yourself mr. memeflag, most likely it paid its student debt sucking old men cocks.
>slams Israel
Wake me up when she says BTFO genocidal jews. You must be a 14 year old incel thinking she is redpilled on jews. Pathetic beta.