How do we convince the world’s government that it makes sense to terraform Venus? It would give us an entire second planet to live on right in our solar system. Sure it will take 80-100yrs until we can settle the Venutian surface and another 50yrs until the atmosphere is breathable and we created oceans that create a nice biosphere... but it would be totally worth it.
Venus terraforming
no one want's to go unless they can make territorial claims. That's why the moon is so boring.
Also you're being very optimistic about how long it'd take to terraform. You're a couple orders of magnitude off.
Also also, a day on Venus is 200+ days so one side would roast while the other freezes.
Mars or Europa is the way to go
>it will take 80-100yrs
…….to develop the necessary tech that it would take to even BEGIN to terraform Venus, and that's being very, very optimistic. I think we'd be better off settling a much less hostile planet (Mars) and THEN look towards terraforming. Venus is a horrible candidate for terraforming. Titan would be a better choice.
Venus doesn't rotate. You can't terraform that. Mars would be much, much easier.
It might take 100 years to terraform mars, with today's tech, and something like 900 billion dollars, according to the NASA plans. Mars also has a day similar in length to Earth, and an atmosphere that needs to be just a little thicker instead of millions of times thinner. I don't think anyone has seriously considered the possibility of terraforming Venus. It seems like total idiocy.
>You're a couple orders of magnitude off.
Why is that? We can calculate how long it takes to cool down the Venutian atmosphere and have the CO2 liquify/then turn to ice/snow if we block sunlight going to Venus with a space-based sunshade. You can calculate this by using the rate of heat emission per second and the estimated change of the rate of emission with time as the atmosphere cools down. Having pretty much all of the CO2 “rain down” or snow down from the armosphere takes anyway between 50 and 100yrs.
To make Venus even a sliver of habitable you’d have to have it grow an O-zone and give it a much faster day/night cycle than 200+ days
there is SO much carbon in the atmosphere it would be impossible with current technology to be rid of it.
Also, as far as I'm aware there is almost no hydrogen, so getting anything even close to resembling oceans is out of the question.
if you were able to precipitate all the carbon from the atmosphe it would then be mostly oxygen. if you didn't remove th C from the planet, it would simply react with the oxygen, nullifying your efforts.
unless you could remove ~ 80% of the atmosphere itself and introduce 10,000,000 comet's worth of water, it wouldn't be possible.
also, the spin of venus is quite slow and it doesn't have the benefit of a large moon to keep it as stable on it's axis as us.
It seems you've already done the calculations; please post them.
Terraforming, yes. Colonizing, not exactly. There's been talk of cloud city style settlements since the atmosphere is so dense.
Mars is a better option, but even then you'd have to fire up a magnetosphere somehow.
Ozone layer: not necessary, even life on Earth would be fine without a layer. Also, the sunshade that you need to completely block out sunlight won’t go away, it can be used to block uv-light just like ozone.
Day/night cycle: exactly the same point. If you can block ALL the sunlight with a sunshade, well, you can do just that 12hrs a day... and even more so, also reflect sunlight 12hrs a day to the non-sunfacing side of Venus.
10 years tops
Imagine if Venus and Mars swapped places many millions of years ago?
Give it a swift kick so it starts rotating?
Tidally locked planets can have habitable twilight zones.
What are you on? We can live above the clouds in Venus, oxygen goes up there the same way helium goes up here, its far easier and cheaper to develop a floating city than terraforming venus
We need Moon infrastructure before anything else
I think once we start mining the astroids in the moon we will probably want to go in all directions.
not sure that's plausible. errybody's been eyeing mars. First step would be moon base, tho
>It seems you've already done the calculations; please post them.
We'd just end up filling it up with third-world garbage, same as we do everywhere. Better to leave the rest of our solar system lifeless and pure than fill it with niggers.
Nigga you don’t JUST block sun 12 hours a day all at once, you need to transition into it via sunrise and sunset. Dropping and raising the sun shield would be fine short term, but after that it can ruin the potential for an ecosystem
Mars is too small and too cold, and no magnetosphere which is very important.
How? How the fuck do you propose we do this when our current environmental manipulation scale amounts to polluting the fuck out of a planet. Is that going to make Venus habitable?
Eternal sunset/sunrise sounds kind of comfy.
without earth like gravity we can't survives on mars or on space stations for a extended period of time.
You're implying a mega engineering project far exceeding anything else ever attempted by humanity. Even with Musk's advancements it would be impossibly expensive (and would require more rockets than could be currently mustered or manufactured in the next half century). The real shame is that there's no financial entity with enough of a long range outlook to fund such an endeavor--save maybe the Chinese--though they'd never be able to pull it off on their own.
You can simulate a night day cycle (basically like an Earth day) with a soletta.
politicians think in 4-year cycles, not 150 year ones.
better chance for you would be to earn tons of money and invest them into such endeavour yourself, like Musk or Bezos
Didnt you also want to use titan's own atmosphere as a propulsion system to launch it into venus or Mars as a source of water, and in venus's case to speed up its rotation if you hit at the right angle?
with HAVOC project we wouldn't even need to terraform venus.
Mars is as cold as winter in Antarctica and has 38% the gravity of Earth. Venus would be more comfortable for humans if we could somehow remove all greenhouse gases locking the heat in.
I know there's no feasible way to do it, but Mars has too little atmosphere and venus has too much. Seems like it would be perfect to swap their position in the solar system or swap their atmospheres
How would it exceed anything attempted up to now? The first step is putting in place a 250 million km2 sunshade in space. A m2 of solar sunshade weighs a few grams (includes truss structure). A km2 is a few tons. Sunshades can use solar pressure to leave Earth orbit and fly to position at Sun-Venus L1 by themselves. The biggest problem is how to cheaply launch these things. Probably the most sensible and cost effective way to do so is a mass driver..
With what tech? Star trek III wasn't a documentary. We can barely make earths deserts habitable.
Venus does rotate, it just rotates the slowest.
No. I said to use one of the icy Moons of the Jupiter system to provide enough water for Venus. Mostly by using parts of the water as propellant (as part of a crude steam engine) to change a Moon’s trajectory enough to use Titan via a gravitational slingshot to get the Moon into the inner solar system.
There are other options also. Lots of them.
With a GECK obviously
Why move to another planet when you faggots will just bring a bunch of jews along? Better to just nuke this one and be done with it. Save the solar system for something better.
>With what tech?
Essentially the equivalent of pic related, just a billion of those.
Where are you going to put the co2 after it snows down?
Based German space poster. Were you the one posting the Antarctica stuff a while back?
T. Thought police
>pool global resources to spend trillions of dollars researching and putting into action the multi-century long process of making Venus habitable
>this is fine
>spending a fraction to keep Earth sustainable long term
>Stalinist communism takeover of the entire planet!
I don’t think Jewish people are a problem, they mix with the white race.
The thing with Venus is that there's mass to work with. The atmosphere is extremely thick, dense.
It seems like if we could engineer some sort of cloud-borne bacteria/algae/fungus that could survive in the clouds of Venus terraforming it wouldn't be impossible.
With Mars, you're starting from scratch. There's almost no atmosphere. Any atmosphere you do build up is probably going to get blown away by the solar winds.
Venus has everything it needs to be habitable - except the horrible dense sulphuric acid atmosphere. But, one would think there has to be a way of fixing that via microorganisms or something.
At least with Venus you're changing a terrible atmosphere to a livable atmosophere, versus Mars where you're changing almost no atmosphere to a full atmosphere. Mars terraforming never made sense to me. Where does all the mass come from? How do you retain the atmosphere?
With Venus you have shit you can work with. It's very hard to work with, but at least it's there.
The Venus atmosphere is most likely the result of volcanic ash.
>Earth is one tectonic plate shift away from becoming Venus.
Well, first it rains down and fills the lower plains. We can make sure the snow comes down mostly at the poles and through reheating the non-pole areas we can get the liquid CO2 to vaporize and then snow in the poles again.
Essentially you either keep the poles in total darkness forever to make sure the CO2 never turns to liquid and then evaporates... or you have to cover it with a planket (not entirely impossible).
Somehow drag some giant comets out of the Oort Cloud and slam them into Venus at an angle that would cause the rotation to speed up. The icy comets would provide oceans.
Venus would be a great candidate for cloud cities, with just brief excursions to the surface for raw materials. Bladders filled with Methane would provide the lift to keep them afloat. That technique actually puts the habitat up in layers of the atmosphere that have the correct pressure for humans to exist without pressure suits. Although your habitat would still need a way to provide the proper amount of nitrogen in the air, because I think a pure oxygen environment would be hard to deal with...
>please nuke Yellowstone
Yeah, that. Is there no way to just "drain" the atmosphere away in the same way that Mars lost its atmosphere?
That makes no sense. There is a proposal of a massive sun windmill and an orbital mass stream..
but that proposal sounds unlandish even for me.
>tfw hate niggers so much I want to advance human engineering and technology by 1000 years just to create 1950s suburbia and a 19th century farm life in space
>no magnetosphere
Venus doesn't have one either.
we definitely need to try OP. Unironically.
You are a dumb nigger and thats why you get to stay behind.
I think that is the wrong way to go about it. Instead build several orbital rings around Venus and use the existing Venusian magnetosphere to drive its spin with solar power like you would a motor.
>Is there no way to just "drain" the atmosphere away in the same way that Mars lost its atmosphere?
Not sure what you mean. Drain the Venutian atmosphere? That’s just way too much mass.
You can't terraform Venus. But you can colonize it, as the upper atmosphere is actually quite habitable, and breathable air is lighter than the Venusian atmosphere. But ultimately you're just creating a self-sustaining habitat not at all unlike a space station, at which point you may as well just stick to habitable space stations. The only reason to put anything on Venus is to mine its resources, at which point you also realize that mining asteroids or moons is a magnitudes easier and more efficient choice.
Nice find, I like it.
Lol they just changed color filter from mars to Venus
It's you again.
>Terraform Venus
>Send all niggers there
Change the order around and it's the perfect plan
The reason to set up colonies on Venus, is that Venus has Nitrogen, which is going to be the element most in demand in space settlements, as every other element is freely available in space, but for nitrogen...
Dumb fuck here, could we use gravity to hurtle asteroids at it over a few hundred years to instigate a faster rotation?
It's as if Africa tried to copy the designs of a WW1 tank
Your plan seems to have an unnecessary step at the beginning.
Doesn't Venus have an atmosphere made of acid that's so thicc the pressure is like being in a submarine?
And like 600mph winds and kinda strong gravity?
It's like hell
The atmosphere is mot made of acid, but it is thick, so it needs to be cooled down so that the CO2 leaves the atmosphere by becoming liquid (CO2 liquids) or solid (snow/ice).
In theory yes, but the number of asteroids needed and the timeframe and the detrimental effects make it a futile proposal.
At 1 atmosphere there is no temperature at which CO2 becomes liquid according to your image tho
So if you reduce the atmospheric thiccness at some point it no longer works
Correct! People forget we need fertile soil... and not to mention we need an atmosphere that is 80% nitrogen...
Cloud cities are the obvious solution to creating a habitable Venusian colony. Earth air is a lifting gas, the upper atmosphere above the cloud layer is a comfortable temperature and earth pressure, solar energy is abundant, and the equatorial wind circles the planet once every four days letting free floating colonies have a day/night cycle. The only sticking point is the sulfuric acid present in the atmosphere but even that issue is solved with telfon coatings. You wouldn't even need to use balloons as helium impregnated carbon aerogels would provide sufficient lift to build entire colonies while also functioning as solar energy collection and insulation along with being able to be sourced entirely from the local atmosphere.
Look at the temperature. At 3 bar (lowest you can effectively get by temperature decrease through a sunshade) - 2 bar nitrogen, 1 bar CO2/CO etc., CO2 remains solid ice at around minus 65C. Or in other words, the CO2 poles need continued shading a temperatures that are cold.
Whites and Asians will eventually conceive, fund, and build these new colonies. Very quickly though immigration will be a problem just as it is now in the old paradises being destroyed on Earth today before our eyes. Have you not seen the movie Elysium?
you think that commies like you want to save the planet? Go live a day in China you actual waste of oxygen.
i get startled knowing a machine went out and touched something that we arent supposed to even know about
like that thing with the box with the records, with pictures and shit, to show aliens
that fucking thing was wrong
its too late now
it took pictures of neptune, asshole, jupiter, every other planet that was left untouched
i feel like humans are doing things that they arent supposed to be doing yet
its too far
It would take hundred of years to terraform something like Mars and thousands for Venus. Stick to the board games.
150yrs for Venus...
Mars? I don’t think that’s possible at all.
You don’t need to terraform Venus’ surface. There is a habitable zone in its upper atmosphere. You just need to create self sustaining floating cities.
We want solid ground. Otherwise we can just make a rotating space station.
These two chaps are talking sense
Bomb it with some sort of plant that can survive high CO2 levels and it will convert it into oxygen over time
Don't even need a pressure suit either to do exterior work. Comfy temperature and earth like air pressure.
All these worlds are yours except Europa. Attempt no landings there.
>100 years is a couple of magnitudes off
>Lets terraform mars
what bonds with sullphur at a highly reactive rate?
i think zinc or magnesium rods dropped from orbit could start a chain reaction tha reactions withthe sulphur rich atmosphere if we did it on a large enough scale we could maybe convert it to something inert
or maybe we should just fix the bullshit on Earth and stop contemplating the NASA terraforming meme
Sulfur reactives with all kinds of elements. On Venus, it’s mostly sulfur dioxide, but in total “just” 150ppm.
>200 years on Venus just to make it not kill anyone on landing
>you can actually start building stuff on Mars and the moon right NOW at this very moment
This board is retarded
>somehow remove all greenhouse gases locking the heat in
Well if we could do that then global warming on Earth would be easy to fix. Mars is more us, we know how to add CO2 into a system.
>can't even properly understand earth's climate
>terraforming planets
Retards believe this crap.
Mars is already mostly co2.
Also it has no magnetic field to deflect radiation from space or to keep gasses leeching out
>still thinks Earth can be fixed
None of these niggers in this thread even have any idea about the electric potential of Venus.
>space niggers
We know how to sequester CO2. The issue is it's not cost effective to do so.
All you larping spacekrautniggers need to understand that we CAN'T and we WON'T do JACK SHIT in space UNTIL and ONLY until aneutronic FUSION POWER becomes a reality
t. When the Jew is defeated/annihilated
Go on.
>fix earth
Why not both? Besides the inevitability of a meteor hitting earth and humanity having an insurance policy being reason enough, there are no nigs in space. Plenty of reason to go for that reason alone
>terraforming venus in 150 years
The state of Germany