
Stop promoting nog butts. It's putrid.

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that's not even a great ass outside of being tight

We’ve been evolving for 2 million years. Waiting on you niggers to catch up

That shit would slop all over the place without the compression.

>I'm mean

ok niglet

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I'm mean

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>Waiting on you niggers to catch up

> ok niglet
Oops, I misunderstood the post...

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>I’m mean

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I love a big ass and tits. Take your anorexic fetish shit somewhere else.

> I love a big ass and tits. Take your anorexic fetish shit somewhere else.

Good goy!

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it's just a sloppy ass held in place by those pants.
it should be obvious, as there is no quad or hamstring development.
her ankles also suggest she is a couple years away from getting super duper sloppy, and she ought to be already but is probably extremely careful about her diet.
i have fucked a chick who used to go to my gym and her ass was like two big bags of curdled cheese when naked but was incredible in her gym attire. wasn't bad, though, i'm just saying don't fall for these pants

its amazing that millions of men struggled all their lives to create the world of today so that fat dumb niggers who just tagged along like cows and pigs and horses in the grand scheme of things, can sit back on their stoop like sambo and judge whats-what like they fucking matter in the totality of it all. nobody will every remember then nigger. 1000 years from now nobody will care about the nigger.

I think it's hilarious that white people are acting like nogs now.
You put up a repulsive cottage cheese gigantic baboon ass on screen and all of you have been jewed into subhuman screeching like apes.

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Take your nigger shit somewhere else.
Lithe for life.

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This, it's disgusting

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When you see girls showing off their butts, they are trying to attract African mates.

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>big ass = nigger
no you flat chested flat assed roastie
"pear shaped" is a thing that has been in white society for generations, well before being pozzed by multicult
"hourglass" being another
wide hips = fertile and attractive = larger plump ass

deal with it and start squatting

>wide hips = fertile and attractive = larger plump ass

You've been (((swindled))).

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Ook ook eek eek
Bet you like em bright red too

No, he's either a shitskin or has the brain of one

i watched a cuck video earlier and the "bbc" was 5 inches, tops.

those are ass implants equivalent to bad boob jobs of the 80s

you're missing your BLM flag

You're either a tranny trying to get people to reject voluptuous female figures that you will never achieve or just a zoomer that doesnt know shit. Pear shaped was the default in victorian times. Wide hips = less chance at having complications birthing the child. also plays into "curves" and larger secondary / primary sexual characteristics. You're a faggot.

t. tranny lover
You guys are jokes. Trying to suggest age old sexual features are actually the domain of niggers. Sure you're just not niggers that are trying to "claim" all sexy women? Fags.


her parents must be proud, what a fucking whore.


>I'm mean

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built for BBC

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Everyone in here talking about fat asses and titties being nigger shit is a permavirgin. You have a lot of anger and rage inside you because you feel inadequate.

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It's natural to be attracted to a bigger ass and breasts as they symbolize fertility and better genetics. You either have a weird fetish or yellow fever, which is retarded, because yellows don't have nice faces.


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You have nothing, heeb

god bless amuriga

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>It's natural to be attracted to a bigger ass

If you like sloppy and smelly, certainly.

Carry on, "assman." Le Merchant LOVES you.


white trash

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>not wanting girls to have asses
The fuck is wrong with you?

>white women have small asses
another American meme created by your favourite ethnic minority group.

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This is now a white girl with D thread!

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Anal is becoming popular among Whites.

>You have nothing, heeb

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It doesn't have to be sloppy and smelly. That's purely a matter of her personal hygiene. Females have more fat around their chests, legs, and butt. It's biological.








You wouldn't creampie her asshole though her though, faggot.

>Big tits, a plump ass and an hourglass figure? Hell no, what you want is basically a 12 year old boy ass and flat chest. Otherwise you're letting the jews win

Nice to see you're not even pretending to be "goyim" anymore

>reddit spacing
pick one

Um she's got a little bit of something on her leg.

Closely linked, for sure.

got dayum

>t. virgin who can't find a way to spread those ass cheeks first!

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My gf is white and has a gigantic ass. No tits though but I'm an ass guy so idgaf.

Fat ass and thighs and small tits is a really good combo, desu. Only time dfc is ever good.

She doesn't have an ass but she's sure bending her spine to make it look she does.

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>Big tits, a plump ass and an hourglass figure? Hell no, what you want is basically a 12 year old boy ass and flat chest. Otherwise you're letting the jews win
Lol, fucking this, hehehe. Kind of like this girl. I really need to leave Jow Forums for good. I've been redpilled, it's time to move on

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that's my jizz!
i came buckets!

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I dated a ballerina and I loved her tight and shaped ass.

That's not a negro ass

If you ain't first, you're last!

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>brother falls for the MUH ASS blaq wommin meme and knocks one up
>has a fat ass but tried to look as white as possible
>straight blonde hair wig, lighter brown face makeup, tried to tone down the flat nose
>the second she is pregnant all of this stops and she reverts into her boon form
>her real hairline stops at the top of her head for some fucking reason
>kids are hideous and have weird shaped skulls

If you fall for the black women meme you're impossibly retarded. This was a 10/10 boon, but even a 4/10 white girl is better becauase they don't have to put pounds of makeup and wigs on to be decent.

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What is the obsession with niggers on this website? I should just leave this place.

Want ....... To........ Lick...... It!

The world can be so cruel!
Picture related, you will never have a girl come home after tennis practice so you can sniff her drenched panties!

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would you?

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Is that Angie?


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Poor black women. Nobody wants to rape them. Must be a horrible life.

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Seriously Op, if you could persuade white girls to go back to having flat asses, 3/4s of your race- mixing problem would be solved.

doesn't look like her
probably though, better ask around

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Does Jow Forums think this ass is ugly? You're really telling me you wouldn't be kissing it every chance you get?

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Stop promoting whores full stop. Any decent woman isn’t going to be showing off her butt to the world.

You still fucked tho, amiright?

good tasste

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That would be a clue. She’s ours!

Tru dat, homie.

I have a refined taste, I've been on the internet since 1998! :)

10/10 would bang!

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>too stupid to even see the error

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It's really is weird.

Big butts are a trait of the poor.

But you were watching a cuck-video. Cuck.

where did you get that? citation needed

Git dat ass. Git it. Gitz it, yo!

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Big buts are great, but that girl in your pic is gross.

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Breast are superior!!!

That girl looks like a fuckin idiot.

Wow! she’s havin fun!

Ass is life

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nigger tier

Why can't this nigger spellcheck 1 fucking line of text?


Looks delicious to me. Lay her on her stomach and do push-ups, balls deep action

Hahahahahhahahaha he thinks he can leave

You sound like a sweaty, balding fat guy.