Explain this

Why are Asian women who marry or date outside of their race considered to be traditional and non-traitorous while white women who marry or date outside of their race are considered to be untraditional and traitorous? are you guys just too scared to admit that you're choosing a fetish over your race?

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You know why

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Because these faggots have an Asian fetish but claim they also want to save the white race.

Anyone dating outside of their race is wrong.


because japanese are honorary white, obviously chinks can fuck off

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the man on the right is with a human being. the woman on the left is with a monkey.


So, you see no difference?

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That's not an argument.

did i say there is no difference?

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No, but you must think there isn't if you think whites and Asians mixing is ok.

white men want a companion
niggers want a ho

considering that the woman on the left has human level cognitive abilities and the negro on the right is just a bit over retarded, yes it is an argument and declaring it not doesn't mean a fucking thing.

So, you don't think there is a single black man in the world who just wants to get married and settle down?

its less bad because asians are better people, not that hard to understand

So, if black people had the same average iq of Asian people you'd think it's okay for whites and blacks to mix?

"less bad" doesn't mean that it's okay and that it should be defended.

regression toward the mean. even if a black had a higher IQ their mean IQ is low and the offspring created will gravitate towards that. that's exactly why coal burning is so harmful to the overall health of the race. Asians know this and whites used to but through years of jewish social engineering we've forgotten.

what does it really matter though? society doesn't give a shit about. I'll never accept it nor have anything to do with a coal burner but who cares.

Why have I never seena good looking BMWF couple? It's always fat ass women

So, do you believe that IQ is the only thing that matters when it comes to race mixing?

If a women with to have sex with a bigger she might as well have sex with a dog. It's litterally seen as the same.

He talks generally, statistically more white men want a companion while more black men want a hoe.
Why do lefties always use this shit argument of "you don't think there is a single X in the world that does Y?"

Dude, you ask a lot of questions. Read a fucking book or go back to school.

Because these guys are scared if becoming cucks. They can’t hang and get left over hand me downs that Jamal finished. Hell even Asian women go for darker skin guys. Except for FOBS though

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the asian woman with the white guy is upgrading and thinking ahead into the future to improve her lot in life

The coal burner is downgrading and is actively destroying her own future.

So, then you are ok with a black man marrying a white woman so long as he doesn't want a "hoe"?

So? why do you care if I ask questions?

even whores have to be paid significantly more to sleep with black men for two reasons:
1) costs more to suppress disgust response on camera
2) it alienates and disgusts about half of their fans
go look at any backpage type site for easy sex, whats the #1 thing all the girls say? no blacks. the websites even started banning these phrases in profiles so they came up with coded language that means the same thing, stuff like "no rice, no curry, no dark meat"

seems like its more about IQ than culture to you guys.


I spotted the race-mixer, and its flag doesn't surprise me at all

it's an important factor but not the only one. let's say you have mulatto children. those kids will never be white, never no matter how much they identify with their white mother they will never be viewed as white because they aren't. people will just see black.
the mulatto being rejected for not being white just becomes an angry and destructive force within society. putting a child through that is cruel but coal burners don't care.
however the product of a white/asian union is more likely to be accepted in society.

3)supply demand

More niggers in country took the jew pill, thinking whites are easy as seen in Hollywood and pornhub. Only realise only fat whales are easy. So desperate horny immigrants go to whores and Jack their prices up because they think with their dick

black men are the epitome of masculinity

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It's just jews pushing the race mixing agenda in a different way, one that is more subtle

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I never said it was ideal. obviously staying within the race is best but OP's question was why is it ok for white/asian but not white/black. race mixing isn't desirable at all but considering the state of modern white women, Asian is the only real alternative if you're going that route.

I don't know why you guys really care so much about this. only white woman who go for non whites are genetic trash,
it's actually a good thing - they cut themselves from European gene pool and nothing of value gets lost

Can a man with fertility issues help the white race?
Can an incel that has no chance of breeding?
You're just asspained that white men are able to champion their own culture as supreme whilst also fucking whoever they want.

Oh look, another kike race-mixing thread.

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East Asians have more matching DNA with Europeans in them than sub-Saharan Africans do.

If you're a “one drop rule” person; they're both traitors.
If you're not, then the one on the left is less damaging to the offspring than the right image.