

Attached: 78FB5254-A303-4716-AAD6-9E964FCCA4E2.jpg (1125x1271, 601K)

Why doesn't she just retire? Isn't she a millionaire? Like move to New Zealand and build your dream house or something Lmao

because she's only a puppet
they will get as much use out of it as they can and it will quietly disappear when they are done never to be heard from again

she has to many promises to keep since she collected millions on bribes

You'd need way more than a million dollars to vote a replica of the White House in New Zealand.

no rest for the wicked

the moment a clinton isn't in power, or isn't threatening to work toward being in power, is the moment they are vulnerable
as long as they keep mentioning it, nobody is going to have enough balls to fuck with them legally, because there's always that chance they can get back in and exact punishment


holy shit 4.0? What happened to body double models 2 and 3?

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Dems are done with her. Kamila Harris will get it over her.

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She needs to stay ahead of the coming indictments.

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You people still don’t get it. How can she drink blood and fuck children by just being a regular person?

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She must be extra mad about it too because unlike most presidential hopefuls, she has actually lived in the White House but as the First Lady.

>Hilary 4.0

lmao this will be the branding they'll use for 2020

God I hope it happens

This Mexican knows

Too many videos of Hillary eating childrens

forever lol at the US incest oligarchy pretending to be anything except a criminally corrupt oligarchy being blackmailed by Israel. 320 million people and not a single fresh, capable face.

>Why doesn't she just retire?

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Do it.

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2020 would what theyre counting as 4.0

what was 1.0? just her existing next to a rapist her whole life or what?

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Looks like Hillary 4.0 is a great idea

She most likely owes some very powerful people something

It was pretty fun the first time around. Thing is, no movie is better 2.0 except Die Hard which is pretty coincedentally funny. I say go for it. I predict Bill dying for the cause

Poor Bill, the first negro in the White House... They will sacrifice him for the free screen time and a few thousand pity votes.

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The same house where Bill got a blowjob at the desk she wants to sit at.

If all the potential Dem candidates want to see a future for their their party then they need to team up and take her down now.

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She wants ultimate power.
Hillary four-point-NO.

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Those models malfunctioned and had to be destroyed

>Dems are done with her. Kamila Harris will get it over her.

that's my prediction too

She's Hillary Clinton and America owes it to her to elect her president for some undefined reason

2020 trump vs hillary round 2 baby

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We need to push for Hillary to run, it would be the easiest win ever.

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HAHAHA shes gonna ruin it for you liberals

desu this
bankers and ayys are in control

Harder to prosecute/indict a political opponent. duh.

Which Hillbot was the one that called niggers super predators? I think version 2, version 3 was 2016 and version 4 is 2020 version. Hard to keep up with the NPC firmware upgrades.


she will run anyway because running for president is the best insurance she can get that she will not be sent to prison because it would look bad for the current president to lock up his opponent
the only question is will the rest of the democrats really go along with this shit again

Bernie vs Hillary electric bugaloo

She said all male niggers look the same a few weeks ago. Something about this notion that she can reset her retarded brain doesn't seem plausible for some reason.

oh shit! is the Left learning? surely not

honestly i cant wait for the debates. kinda bummed some faggot like flake or kasich wont run just so trump can pummel them.

Guys, sign yourself up as democrat, vote Hillary in the prelims and Trump gets an easy 2020...

>It is the year 2314
>Mankind has long left the Earth in search of hospitable planets to call home
>Space is a dark and unforgiving place
>And now, for a 156th time, Hillary Clinton is running for Chancellor of the spaceship Tiberius IIV
>Only on HBO

Fucking lol

she wants the presidency

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because the only thing people like her (liberals) want is power they just want to control other people. they lust for it.

Because she's a greedy, entitled witch with an inferiority complex.
No, she's not going to jail.

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She was supposed to shatter the glass ceiling. She was a household name, the most accomplished woman in American politics and she lost to some misogynist asshole that decided to join for kicks. I just never believed HIllary would ever live it down. She put in years under the token nigger, waiting for her turn, and it became her worst nightmare. Even Obama can't let it go.

How is she going to run again when she can't even stand up?

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She speaks for ME!

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To be fair, she probably slipped on some poo on those stairs in India.

yes, we are all well aware.

you cannot possibly be that stupid.

happens to everyone

>Like move to New Zealand and build your dream house or something Lmao

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Does...does that have a TONGUE!?!?

Hillary will win 2020, but only if she puts weiner to head online outreach.

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