
>gen z isnt bas-

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what is worse is how many of them are over weight. There was 1 chubby dude and 1 chubby girl in my entire school.

The kikes are finished

Thats because you cant afford food justin

I don’t think millenials realize how different Gen Z is from them. It’s glorious.

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kek .. underrated.

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>On Twitter, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum in Poland responded to the controversy by directing the school district’s attention to its online lesson plans, which include resources on the consequences of normalizing symbols of hate.

School district BTFO

>can't carry on a conversation irl
pick one

explain. I'm neither

archive this shit. im out of (((free articles))) this month

You’re not between the age of 14-45?

wtf why are they all white?

People over 40 are neither. They are definitely gen x.


>wtf why are they all white?
Jow Forums doesn't realise how many white people are still out there.

90% white city if you read the article


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This is based. The Jews are finished.

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When you realise how white girls would vote and you're not white yourself.

>police are investigating

Wait wtf nigga

this makes me uncomfortable.. does this mean race relations are only going to get worse and more extreme?

Is this any different for any other generation?

Are you sure you go to school?

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Based white bois

overall white vote was 60% for white men for trump and for white women was around 55% so it is a major shift upwards.

gen z whites would racial block vote like all age group blacks today racial block vote for dems

Because le 56% meme is fake. USA still has pure race whites.

Wisconsinfag here

Baraboo was a 100 percent WHITE city.

Recently NIGGERS from Chicago have been coming to wisconsin and terrorizing our communities.

Baraboo White people said "FUKKK YOU NIGGERS!"


What are you gonna do about it?

Take your NIGGERS back or FUKKK OFF!

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In the last 3 years:
>race-mixing normie shared Hitler memes with me and a Hispanic kid in college
>hapa I know showed me and his very-liberal white brother that one of "When you're losing an argument with a black person online" (pic related)
>teenaged cousin shared a video from TikTok with Pepe in it and I'm assuming he's farther down the rabbit hole than he lets on

Basically they've grown up cynical of diversity culture and political correctedness (that was a millenial thing) because they grew up on the internet. The bleeding out of Jow Forums into places like Jow ForumsDankMemes has done a number on them. Most are still normies, but they seem far less concerned with doing stupid things on camera because they grew up on Snapchat.

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You don't deserve to participate.

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This shit became national news everywhere with every single synagogue, police department, news agency, and holocaust museum. Yet they deny that it's a conspiracy theory?

bet it sucks to know that town will be less white as time goes on

mostly in Minnesota who love Somalis. whites are naturally cucks

it sucks how they are in the areas that are already red but slowly turning blue. like Florida and texas. slowly we March on

Wisconsin is only 6% niggers. If we shipped them back to Chicago where they came from we'd have a utopia.

based zoomers

except you cant, and they are slowly taking over

gen z anywhere but small towns are advocates of open borders

Pretty much. Arm yourself up, senpai.

all i see are a bunch of fat fucks giggling over where to do it or stick a burger up their asses.
might as well hang yourselves.
you have no future.

your larp forgets to include a Chinese invasion in the wake of an American civil war. retard. military is 40 percent minorities

Salty shitskin

Do you honestly think millennials don't find humour in overly PC culture? Jow Forums and any subreddit will have as many millennials as zoomers. The college aged kids pull the same jokes as these high schoolers.

Millenials created PC culture.

No that was Gen X.

And the other portion of Millennials don't buy it, and sometimes share their sentiments on pol.
Just like one portion of Zoomers buy into PC culture and the other finds humour in it.

China suffers from too much internal division within itself. That's why they NEED to remain a one-party state. Their "takeover" is much more subtle and Jewish in nature, buying up properties and the like.

You mean Jews. The generation was just subjected to its indoctrination.


>I don’t think millenials realize how different Gen Z is from them.

>posting this on a website created by millennials that has a reputation for edgy humor and content.
kids always think they invented shit others have been doing for years

But we want a holocaust. I mean a real one this time. Eh guys

Okay, this is epic

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What is with all this "nazi" paranoia ?!?

The "nazis" don't exist anymore faggots.They lost the War & were dissolved in 1945.Most of the real authentic nazis either died in the war or of natural causes.

It's like believing Civil War reenactors are actually Souther or Yankee soldiers.
What is somebody LARPS as a soldier of Napoleon? Is he reincarnated as an actual soldier of the " Grande Armee" ?!?

One has to be DEMENTED to actually believe that by throwing up the Roman " nazi " salute you can actually become a nazi.

The kids were joking & clearly smiling in the picture

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The leftist worldview is infantile. It works to our advantage. If they think we are Nazis, then that is good. They evidently do not know what our intentions are, even though racism is part of it, but it is not the whole equation. Whereas we know what the leftist is, they do not know us. Our intentions are shadowy and murky, and they only see our hatred for the inferior races, like the tip of an iceberg.

That's not the point, my Dacian friend. What's scaring the shit out of the Jews is that these kids are throwing up salutes, and this might make them investigate further into NSDAP Germany and realize that Hitler was right. Not that this reincarnates them as members of the NSDAP or something.

Silly user, do you actually believe what the kikes say about normalizing it will cause another shoah?

Thats not what this is about. You see, normalizing it and turning the holocaust into something from long ago that doesnt matter anymore and can be joked about removes the POWER kikes have over whites. You see when we normalize it an laugh about aspects of something so long ago then we will no longer care to support the jews and isreal at every turn because of the evil holocaust. We also wont roll over and allow shitkins to invade our nations and genocide us anymore guilt about evil nazis means whites no longer rolling over trying to make up for the alleged crimes.

The holocaust museaum and all these fucks are throwing a fit because if this is allowed, and these kids are not made examples of, then whites will no longer be under their thumb. Sick fucks is what they are.

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Also this. Based leaf.

gen xer here
i think we ae still lost.

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I just hope these kids have the stones to take a stand. At this point they are already fucked. The ((((left)))) takes no prisoners and doesnt mind destroying teen lives (esp white gentile men) for a silly joke that goes against their religion and the benefit of israel/jews like i described. Sure they will want apologies and push for them but even once they have them they will try to destroy these kids lives. At this point the best course of action is to stay strong and eloquently try to normalize this as a joke and make the left look insane. The pain and violence from the left will be the same regardless.

based leaf

It's overwhelmingly White there, but I would give my left nut to have Poland's type of demographics throughout the whole country.

>leaf cuck posting stupid shit like the immature faggot he is

You're gonna be boomers soon. What the fuck are you faggots doing? Don't be pathetic just because boomers bullied you.

PC culture started in the 80s you fucking retard , it went from Universities

Yes, but they're losing power, that's why (((they)))'re becoming unhinged and losing control of the (((narratives))). Just gotta stay strong, keep your center, and never correct your (((enemy)))'s mistakes.

Based and redpilled

So doing the nazi salute makes you based why?

I thought nazis were socialists? But socialism is bad right? Pick an argument.

>PC culture started in the 80s
Nope. Way older, you just noticed it in the 80s.

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Wisconsin baby

(((Marxian))) socialism is bad, yes.

I'm 18 years old ask me whatever about kids my age and I could probably help you

mfw I see a good leaf post for once

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nobody take this weak bait

middle of gen z here (21) and I don't think I have a friend who isn't racist as fuck.

watch tik tok on youtube, it's literally just zoomers memeing on millennial and outcasts their age.

early and often. ask anything you want if you want

socialusm can work in homogenous higher-iq countries wherein each individual feels a sense of duty to their community and brotherhood with their neighbors, which culls the freeloading element. western countries now have too many shitskins

but infantry is 80% white and special forces are 95% white. Niggers are POG welfare queens

i did but only to educate the newfags and lurkers. i know it's just a leaf flaggot

the minorities are in the admin and other lazy ass jobs

This. Most of us reject (((socialism))) and not socialism as an idea. Also, in the last century, socialism wasn't considered quite the dirty word among the working classes in the States, but that's also because the left at that time wasn't anti-White like it is now.

white gen z is racist, problem is they are near minority status and facing a hoard of jew-led niggers and spics. As whites realize we are a minority we will finally start to show in group preference

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Its all about jewish demoralization of whites, not about fears of any shoahs (the original one is mostly bs anyway - at least their official pulled out of their Bolshevik ass narrative)

when i was in middle/HS everyone called each other jew or kike or perpetuated the jewish stereotypes.
i'm the only one who unironically thinks that way.
its just kids being kids.
they'll grow up into good goyim

it's fucking good to see, a true whitepill. if a stupid island can take the world with so few, a hoard can be defeated.

it's in women too. their knee jerk is to feed into the opinion machine, but it is definitely different behind closed doors. My girl friend outta no where asked if I thought there was an ethical issue in having mixed kids.

it'll be hard, but we're gonna make it

>Its all about jewish demoralization of whites

shill and faggot pill. they might've thought it but you never had the fucking nards to act, instead spazed out and didn't help your friends see

>16 yo kids do some edgy things
>"omg so based"

the absolute state of you nazis

Lol that's like the reverse of feminists saying their kids asked why movie characters are committing violence against women


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The thing that's different is that this information is much more widely available. When I was in middle school, things like dial-up were still mostly used and people were slowly transitioning into using cable modems and broadband, and cell phones were primitive Nokia flip phones.

Time to bring back the Hitler youth, let's get this shit started now is the time

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nice quads but feminists live in their imaginations where their kids are exactly how they want. In reality their kids probably pick on the spic kid

lol theyre all ugly as fuck