Arizona is now a blue state

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based spics

Good to see they got away with throwing away and doccing Ballots. Florida is next.

Der ewige Spic

That's what happens when you import niggers

Oh salty salt.

voter fraud does that

Based. Texas is next, afterwards, it’s over for conservatives for a very long time.

Oh faggy fag.

Shall we recap then?
>Colorado GONE
>Arizona GONE
>Nevada GONE
>New Mexico KEK
>Oregon GONE
>Washington GONE
That's it guys. The awakening still isn't here and it's already too fucking late. There is nothing left to save anymore. It's all under 50 ft of Califag TRASH now.

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You'll die by the hands of your own people, too, spic.

>what is mail
The absolute state of conservatives nationwide.

more damning for society than the democrat """victory""" is that they're all women

Its over.

Where's good to live that isn't a boring rural shithole, then?

This must be what Canada or Sweden feels like when a bunch of cucks/females are elected.

>Arizona fills up with even more Mexicans
>the state goes blue
The only people shocked by this are the cuckservatives in the GOP who bought into the "le spics are natural conservatives" meme. Everyone else saw this coming, including the Dems

You cannot trust elections so long as democrats exist. They believe equality is giving to the poor by taking from the rich. i.e COMMUNISM

We have to put our foot fown on this guys. They are corrupt. They’ve infiltrated our schools, justice department, fbi and cia. Enough. I say we rally our base. In each state we need to protest the capitals.

Communism must never prevail.

They already had two Democrat senators (McCain and flake)

Also, White House has been urging McSally to contest it, but she is indifferent.

> literally a bunch of wamen
You guys are fucked. That third one looks like a teenager.

Fake ballots

I'd also like to know this

The Awakening will come only after it is too late to undo the consequences.

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Hitler quads confirms.

you mean it's a milf state

>John McCain
it’s been blue for quite some time now


im not surprised, this is the same state that elected John McCain and Jeff Flake

>boring rural shithole
do you people ACTUALLY enjoy urban life? living in cramped, noisy spaces with next to no rights at all because the city has to deal with a savage majority of poor retards? How could you possibly enjoy city life? Rural/Suburban is the only way to live in the 21st Century. Small town cities are all gone.

Build wall at Utah border


the biggest concern is secretary of state, they get to make the boundaries for the congressional districts

>ballot stuffing
>cock sucking
Yep it's OP alright

Spics are so similar to a disease that it's sometimes hard to tell them apart.

All rightful original Spanish and by extension Mexican clay, you're getting what you deserve for the Spanish American War your jewry caused you fucking gringos.

Its election fraud you stupid fucking morons.

any vote for libfags is a fake vote. No one in the right mind will vote for libfags

The only fraud is how republicans got so many votes.

You faggots still don't get it. Lawsuits have already been filed. Its going to the supreme court which will rule for the republicans. Sorry fag.

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You will never be a Spaniard you mestizo shitskin.

>do you people ACTUALLY enjoy urban life?
No. Hence the "retire to the country" goal that every urbanite who makes any real money sets for himself.

>You can't want different things at different stages in life

Lol noice my Spanish bro

I know it feels like forever since McCain died, but this won't be any different.

Funny how these last minute mail ballots never help Republicans. Aint it?

This is the state that has voted John McCain for 20 years or so.
It is the state that voted for Jeff Flake.

Arizona has not been "red" for a few decades now.

jew state

After having almost record high voter turnout the dems flipped Arizona by the crack of their ass. It's not a lost cause like you're claiming OP

This. It has to hit critical mass first. Right now, this shit can be reversed, hence some hope, once that last hope dies the rage takes over and the unholy war machine gets released.

It's best to have it happen sooner than later so we can kick this off.

just live in a suburban town occupied by real human beings with souls that is roughly an hour away from downtown. You can take trains in and out or drive if you want.

>>You can't want different things at different stages in life
The only people who are happy to be in cities are in the ages of 22-26. Everyone else is miserable.

Just wait until the votes are recounted in Georgia and Florida that cause both governors and the senator to go blue. We've already won, you just don't know it yet.

Well it doesn't matter what you want at a later stage in your life, because thanks to Democrats you'ree going to be having the same global city bullshit stuffed down you throats for the rest of our lives.
>muh tacos
Well enjoy eating nothing but tacos forever you short-sighted millenial faggots.

What did you think 50 years of diversity and illegal immigration would do? They were to be used against you and create division to be defeated ....

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Fake news.
There are still 220k votes to be counted.


Too many californians coming over!!!

Yes, in Maricopa County. AKA New Sacramento

The cuckservatives need to be gassed first. They destroyed our country. I except liberals and communists to do it because that’s what they do, but cuckservatives sold out their children and their country because they were afraid of being called racist.

We'll sell you the Democratic parts of California.

Fake news

lol, you convientally left out the governors race and other races

votes that were never time-stamped as having arrived before the cutoff.

Fucking hell everyone I voted for lost.

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Which Trump won in 2016 shill-kun

The state of your salty little peepee tugging.

All this proves is all these women's equality bitches are wrong. She won only, purely, because she's slightly better looking. Not because she has any credentials whatsoever.

So, women can bitch all they want about being objectified until it works to their advantage then you don't hear a peep

Umm yeah dude, the blackpill is real no matter how much you mother fucks try to ignore it.

not my senator, 2 can play this game.

At this point it is only a matter of time. This is the future we allowed. Thanks Reagan and Kennedy and Bush and Obama.

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LMAO McCain was a democrat, its always been a blue state. more moral victory propaganda.

USA soon to be a one party Democrat State.

UK soon to be the same.

Yep, I feel you brother, I'm waiting for the nukes first though. I have a generator that will probably run NES and CRT that I can live on for a few months then after the fallout I'll start planting Kekistan flags. Since crypto is immune to real world happenings I'll probably cash out my ETH portfolio

We're in good hands guys, just make sure to keep voting red! MAGA!

They got to her.

Republicucks BTFO. HAHAHA oh my G-d we can literally steal their country in front of their faces while they do nothing lol no wonder why their women love foreigners

time to initiate our own southwest samson option
mass evacuate any and all military assets and nuke the san andreas fault to cause a split

a jewish teenager