Did Jow Forums finally became pro-Israeli board??

i can see the support growing for us ..
can i post freely now without any meme flags??


Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Israel.svg.png (1280x931, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jow Forums has always been pro israel

fake jew kikes are shemites / semites
the torah was edited by their parents
lilith satan and gabriel. this is why
they edit wiklipedia to hide who they

in bereshit or genesis the renown
are killed by god in the flood.
shem or sem means renown
so, god killed the renown ie
shem, but allowed noahs son
shem, ie renown to live?

LOL. amalekites are stupid
and cannot create anything
but problems because they
are liars. not creators. see
the problem here with wikipedia?

Strong's Concordance
shem: a name
Original Word: ????

NASB Translation
byword (1), defamed* (1), defames* (1),
fame (8), famous (3), famous* (1), memorial
(1), Name (3), name (654), name's (11),
name* (4), named (7), named* (66), names
(80), renown (6), renowned (1), report (1),
repute (1), same names (1).

eat shit kike, vacate the holy land before
you are evicted.

Attached: covering my tracks 2.jpg (1920x1080, 597K)

welcome to post-election nu/pol/! trump is le epic 4d chess israel man xddd

Jow Forums always supported Israel you moron
Still have a bit the need to gass you though

>thank you user-kun for protecting my smile

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Nigha do you expect anybody to read that? You need an ashkanazi IQ to tolerate that infograph.

Know what they have done to the west...


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>Not Gold Star beer

I've always been pro-Israel, problem is, at the moment your only respectable person in government is Lieberman, I wish everyone was like him, but there's a bunch of retards in the parliament as well.

leave it to a kike to make the shittiest thread in existence

Eternal zionist board

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based and goldstarpilled

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no, that is a fake pic ya kike

Yes but short-lived supporters because they want to watch sports and porn.

imagine supporting third world sandniggers vs a modern inclusive state
>I can only hope you kill them all, but you wont because youre desperate for acceptance

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yours is fake, faggot kike

imagine the kike in the IDF retouching the piss stains in photoshop

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“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

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>Jow Forums PRO ISRAEL NOW !
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video

Attached: JIDF_articles.jpg (3666x3284, 1.17M)
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: JIDF paying shills.jpg (594x870, 128K)

I’ve seen a lot of this “black pilled” treads recently

I would support Godzilla were he laying siege to Israel. Fuck Jews, and only jews, we can live with spics and niggers, but jews are what really rot our society.

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we get it, youre a cuck

How do you deal with the constant thoughts in your head that jews are simultaneously scum of the earth and pure garbage but also rule society at the top, even more than you in all possible ways that you will never reach?

We can’t go one day without Jewish tricks. It’s sad.

Also, you should change ur flag. You obviously are not a white supremacist considering you'd rather kill all white jews and let all "spics and niggers" live.

Die in a hotel fire.

>white jews
gas yourself

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>white jews
These do not exist famalam

>rule society
A tapeworm doesn't "rule" its host, shlomo.

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Jow Forumsestina never existed


>hipster brew presentation
Is it any good?
Any secret ingredients?


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I can't wait to read that Ahed tamimi strapped a bomb on her chest and took 100 of you yids with her.

it's okay and they're improving with the new unfiltered and slow brew editions , it's nowhere near kraut-tier

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Jow Forums never existed.
Wheres your papers leftist D&C shill

Israelis are too stupid to realize they wouldn't have half the hate if they just put a leash on their diaspora mutts

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Gas yourself and gas all the kikes

t. 50 iq zio-mutt
israelis are just as bad

No it didn't.
Hope you die from the hamas rocket scum :)

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>all malt

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Donald Trump mega based for adding John "based and redpilled" Bolton as national security adviser.

Also trump is epic and triggerd leftists for giving his daughter to the chosen people and adding her husband, Jared "Lock her up based triggerd leftists" Kushner

MIGA 2020

Glory to Israel and Based and

redpilled trump

Go away shills

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protip: if they're 'reform' or 'conservative' they're not actually jewish , they're basically larping gentiles that do bar mitva for their dog and have female 'rabbi' .

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based israel, god's people.

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>Trump family is literally married to jews
>Jow Forums loves Trump because he triggers liberuls, canadians and europeans
go figure greates ally

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named after our national hero that zyklon mel wants to make a movie about not .

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no it is not, and never will be
israel is a fictive state and has limited time to exist
everything is already planned for the "people" there

Catch that knife in your belly slow, Christkiller.

No kike. Just because you have 3 bots auto post some mild support (cant be too obvious) doesn't mean anyone else is buying it. We hate you're people like cancer. I sincerely want to see dead jew children pictures on here once the real rockets start flying. I want Syrian scuds at BEN GUIRION airport. You semites are leeches who ruin anything white and good in this world.

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Israel is doomed

Whoop whoop go isreal. Go Jews !!! I love you !! Let's keep up the Jew love posts!!!

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I support Israel in the battle to eradicate Islam HOWEVER I wouldn't hesitate to throw it asses in the chamber.

Top Kek Hans

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God that's so fucking true. I had to avoid Jow Forums during the primaries/election because of how obnoxiously pro-Israel they are. They'd always spout the typical cuckservative talking points too.
>Israel is right wing and nationalist!
>Only democracy in the middle east!
>Jews are allies of Christians! We must protect them from the muslims!

We will WIN and we will keep on WINNING

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Better stop posting now and admit defeat mutt, your board is ours.

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You should all be posting openly regardless. Pic very much related, look at the flag

The shills and paid invaders work around the clock to keep this place from functioning as it should. If everyone and everything were allowed to be thrown into the fire again, this place would naturally burn away bullshit at a rate that's apparently not alright with the powers that be. Unfettered truth becomes something like MRSA, in a way.

>Who is anti Israel?
Hasidim protest Israel openly, too. Kinda confusing. Don't understand that entirely yet.

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what's wrong fake jew kike amalekites?
how come you don't bomb syria anymore?
are you frauds? can't retake the lands?
fake jew kike amalekites, you need to
come clean, or get gang raped by Ishmael.

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Nope. We'll enjoy the bombing streams but otherwise most just view you as something infesting the holy land.

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As soon as we redpill the horde of boomers and redditors you sent here they will come to hate you. And there is nothing you can do about it. tick tock.

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Please notice me senpai kike

Try moar

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This explains a lot about kike logic they believe they are chosen and white identity is inferior and needs to be destroyed.

trump was elected to give the holy land back to the jews, god's chosen people, and he delivered on his promise.

Neo-nazis without any evidence will continue to post conspiracy theories, but people who care more about facts than artbitrarity, scapegoats, and feelings do quite like Israel on this board.

Israel funds terrorism.

Boycott Israel!

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>Athiestic American Jews are leftists
>Religious Israeli Jews are right-wing, support the U.S., Hungary, and Brazil, and hate Soros, Bill Clinton tried to have Netanyahu ousted but failed
>You blame the religious Jews in Isreal that have nothing to do with the pro-Palestinian Jews in the United States

Okay you're just fucking stupid


Blame Lincoln, Ulysses S Grant had General Order 11, expelling jews from his sectors, which would have taken off and spread, but Lincoln reversed the order and now here we are.

Yes. Muslims aren't people. Israel is right-wing nationalist.

Wrong rabbi.

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>Israel doesn't give money to Gaza
>Nazis on pol
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but muh pelshtein electricery dey b liv in helhol cauz isrel nuh giv sheklz
>Israel reneges and decides to help out
>Nazis on pol
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but izrehell giff $ 2 da terriztz

Israel could literally, intentionally destroy itself to perform your wet dream of destroying Judaism and you would still bitch about it over something spectacularly stupid.

fuck off kike, israel is done soon for the bombing of palestine, fuck palis also, i wish yall would nuke eachother desu

kys muzzy

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>without any evidence

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What is a good krautbeer I can get in Burgerland?

see besides, the saudis are working with israel, which is why the iraqis are so butthurt at the saudis.

Lmao yeah keep telling yourself that

fuck off kike rat

Israel is an international hub of prostitution and slavery.

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Ahh yes, the grand evidence of neckbeard conspiracy theories. Very convincing!

Not even going to read your retarded response. Israel funds its own opposition.

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You're welcome. Here's your free hat. Welcome to Jow Forums.

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Hello Kikepol and Jewmods, jiff in Hell kthxbye

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We don’t want you dead but stop ripping people off please. The phrase “I got jewed” didn’t come from no where.