Let me break down how the Democrats are gonna completely clutch the US 100%. It started today with 2 simultaneous things >Odeja already starting candidacy at the earliest point possible >Clinton Hints at starting candidacy but waits while she can to get donations until closer to the democratic primary
This is important. While you think the democrats haven't learned from 2016, this move is literally a complete inversion of the things that helped them lose the centrist and rust belt support that was crucial in 2016. And I'll explain. Odeja is: >Hispanic but Castizo (has Spanish last name on ballot and the most appealing kind of hispanic to all demographics) >Grandson of an Illegal Mexican >Has been supporting Legal Weed since day one. >Has a macho-straight shooter military man look >Supported BERNIE in the primary (this is important) >A Veteran with a number of accolades to his name and a creator of numerous local outreach non-profits >Very mild-mannered, military in demeanor and rhetoric What is happening here is they are creating the person who will be the ultimate underdog in image to win the democratic primary to completely remove any notion of internal corruption that is felt from 2016, and have an individual who was will be untouchable to trump and win favor in a number of Trump's/Republican demographics
The was this is gonna run out is simple >Clinton is conveyed to be the Corporate elite boogeyman looking to take the DNC again >Beto comes in as a good candidate but lack the power to take center stage (he will be set up to be the VP on the ticket) >Ojeda gets smeared in the media and looks like everyone is against him a la Bernie and Ron Paul >Ojeda comes out in a surprise superdelegate majority to win as the underdog of the DNC, saving it and looking to bring unity to the party and nation from a REAL american hero >Goes up against trump's bombastic style and completely edges it is calm demeanor while falling back on his niche status of things to pull heartstrings on both the left and right
>Centrists afraid of Trump's personality are won >All hispanics are won >Military/Neocons are won >Berniebros are won BACK >Good cut of libertarians are won
The entire thing is a niche picture perfect exploitive candidate to win back the US for the DNC by all demographics to remove all negative notions and actions of the last 3 years from Antifa all the way to Bernie getting screwed over and Kavanaugh by having a messiah immigrant vet win it all "against all odds" despite this obviously being set up from today onward
This actually makes a lot of sense. $20 the media is just gonna recycle these names nonstop like this while completely downplaying any positives from the trade war, trade deals, tax cuts, or even Korean peace.
Trump's only move to outflank this is to legalize weed federally.
Angel Butler
It doesn't matter how many people vote republican. Democrats count the votes, democrats choose the future.
It's over.
Cooper Clark
That didn't stop them from losing in 2016, but bernie and the rust belt did. Now they are completely covering all weak spots and making new strong demographics. This will invigorate what little hispanics actually vote and pull middle america back into the dems favor
This can work in their favor. If Odeja comes off as being contrary to the general democratic party's anti-gun rhetoric it will make him seem more like an outsider and underdog winning like trump did. Also his military status makes his dialouge on arms more genuine in the publics eyes.
Nathaniel Nguyen
Well considering that the Left hates everything about the military they will not vote for the Veteran. Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. Also there is big talk of Trump making marijuana Federally Legal so that would be a huge win. But what he really needs to do is abolish the ATF and have it all handled at the state level.
Kayden Moore
>they've already lost and don't even see it. Just like they lost midterms, right?
Alexander Ward
>meme flag Fraud.
Kayden Baker
Beto is more likely to run than Ojeda. Ojeda is being shilled here because he has no real base of support.
This is the way it is going to be. He will prove strong than Beto, he will overcome hillary, he will have a lot of momentum going into the race, and his niche combination of Castizo-vet-Anchor child-democrat-Berniebro-pro weed- center left will be the perfect antithetical combination for everything that has ruined the left since 2016 and be untouchable by trump.
Zachary Green
not surprising, they have already been doing this in state level elections against limp-dick weak republican candidates and it has been working well.
Why do you doubt that this is them perfectly planning to cover up their weak spots
Running Hillary doesn't make any sense for anything other than having a big Boogeyman to knock down. She obviously will get a kickback from being their fallguy to job to Beto/Odeja, but she'll come out without anyone the wiser about all her actions in the past and a fat wallet. Odds are she has a long term "redemption Arc" lined up.
Xavier Moore
Bump for interest.
Levi Phillips
Ojeda is exactly who the Dems need to run. He is a strong contrast to trump and would be appealing to both the center, right of center and left of center voters. The far left would just have to take their lumps and they would vote him to get trump out. I think even diehard trump voters could be swayed by the guy. They’d be hypocritical to shit on him.
Christopher Garcia
>This can work in their favor. No it can't. Chasing gun control is a losing man's game.