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When are they going to start killing leftists and feminists?

Can't shoot them all, need to put them in camps and not feed them.

brazil is so fucked I don't even blame the police, life has no value over there and the criminals have no problem shooting and killing anyone anyways

Attached: WhatsApp Image 2018-11-10 at 09_57_32.jpg (960x1280, 138K)

Was it BOPE? Those guys are badass. I'd be lying if I said Elite Squad 1/2 got me interested.

Nope, they are from the Northeast

Bank robbers great place to start...

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Why is the fat guy naked my macaco friend?

what the hell is going on here? was there a reason they just slaughtered people?

>life has no value over there
"Abortion in Canada is legal at all stages of pregnancy, and is governed by the Canada Health Act. While some non-legal obstacles exist, Canada is one of only a few nations with no legal restrictions on abortion."

So BOPE are used in different parts? I thought they were a unit, do different areas have diff police? Is the entire country not run by their Military Police?

Because they were sleeping and some people sleep naked

Attached: WhatsApp Image 2018-11-10 at 09_57_32 (1).jpg (864x1152, 106K)

>Victims are not as "dark" as I was hoping under this regime...

Attached: sheeeit.jpg (1024x1024, 266K)

Don't fall asleep leftards, it may be the last time you ever do

Gotta kill the drug dealers to criminals to make your country safe. Good job, lads. I will change my mind about Brazil and South America if this continues.

Uma delicia. Kill all the favelaniggers huebro

Will the American police EVER be this based and repilled?

Attached: fat-cop.jpg (695x412, 91K)

BOPE is from Rio, every state there is a special forces police. In SP the name is ROTA, in Paraná is RONE, in the Northeast they got their own name but I don't know the name

Not seeing many acutal bullet wounds

What kind of hump house was that?


How is that a RWDS?
Goddamn this board is fucking clickbait.

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Looks like they wasted a bunch of fags.

oh right, brazil is hot as fuck.

>sleeping with socks
They deserved it

>killing criminals outright until crime drops to an acceptable level
Worked for Europe. Good luck Brazil.

can we make sopa de macaco with their bodies, fren?

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Oy vey goyim, NOT THE BANKS!!

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What TF is this??
Is this fake news shit and really some post-gang-violence?

any Jow Forums fags can ID those rifles?

Kys fuck your molech sacrifice cult

5.56mm is tiny. It leave a very small entrance wound. Then it fragments and tumbles and creates a huge wound inside.

kys for wasting that get, fuckface

A woman's body, a woman's choice dude


Attached: 45AA5D62-C650-4EE4-981C-F85129BC098B.jpg (1242x1135, 725K)

Oh that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation, user. Stay safe, don't catch a stray round.

Why the fuck is everyone in their underwear? Did they shoot up a gay orgy?


Disregard kek at your own folly, he is not pleased and Jow Forums is losing his favor

why can't you read the OP?
is it too hard?

ebin XD 8====D

some people sleep naked, especially in the Northeast which is 40 degrees all year

Several dudes sleeping in their underwear together ... that’s not gay at all

My erection..... its running out of skin....getting to... tight......

Based Brasil

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>"lmao look at those south american sub-humans killing criminals like it was nothing"
>*proceeds to kill an unborn baby*

that's cold in freedom units

where's the fucking sauce

Attached: hm.jpg (678x960, 85K)

>11 bad hombres
>holed up in 3 room house
>welp guise Im getting sleepy
seems legit
>everyone starts stripping down

Attached: td.jpg (168x317, 8K)

No. Fortunately the American people wouldn’t tolerate this despicable 3rd world shit.

based huebros



this whole thing is a covert Ford advertisement

Looks like menorahs around their necks

I wish. Too many liberals/bleeding hearts. People would be crying and shit, you think people are all
>muh militarized police
>muh police brutality
now imagine letting them take the gloves off.

Pretty cute, desu. Looks like it could be in that new Pokémon movie.


Not quite. It's an Imbel IA2.

Attached: ia2-08.jpg (650x348, 70K)

do you think bank robbers in brazil use pijamas to sleep instead of their underwear?

If this was done by a death squad, it's probably just some house cleaning.

"Daddy was, a bank robber

but he never hurt nobody.

He just loved to live that way

And he loved, to steal your, money."

For real though, bank robbers are cool. They're not selling your children drugs, they're not robbing your neighbors, they're fucking over large banks, your money is insured anyway. Probably why all 11 of them are dead. You think the police would absolutely slaughter some dudes who stole your Toyota Tercel?

Reminder: Fuck the Police. They are not your friends. They are not the good guys. And their job descriptions are defined by billionaires, not you and me.

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There is a correlation between body mass,small dicks and crime, why don't we just remove fatso's with small dicks, crime rate will drop a couple of digits pretty sure

is that fucking... quintuples?


cleaning up of what? im asking what they were guilty of. or was it just random shenanigans?

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Obvious proof for 6 million murdered.

uhm can't you read? It's right at the OP

Please write some more cringe stuff, be a bigger teenturd!

To bad our new leftists government will rewards criminals

what a waste

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It's definitely a copy of the Bren. I'm surprised they haven't gotten sued but hey it's Brazil, and CZ is opening a plant there soon.

They are making some slut in a cut off shirt with a pair of nigger nuts between her legs cry in that picture. That is pretty redpilled if you ask me.


Nah senpai, you're probably a Chink or a Muslim anyway.

im a frog

oh shit im stupid. whoops. YEEEEEEEEEHAAAA

Holy shit wtf I love favelas now

police aren't good guys but neither are bank robbers. fuck criminals and fuck you for justifying theft.

You're certainly an uninformed naive fuck, I don't know about frog.

only if your a democrat , conservatives are allowed to die.

noice work lads

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then why does he have no pubic hair?

Wake up stupid.

LOL this is the face of your future user. The "American people" you're imagining are planned for demographic extinction. These folks will be the new Americans.

And the group found in the German army recently on top of this. This season of Earth is getting very interesting.

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I want to weep with joy.

There IS a country out there that understands that the life of criminals inherently has no value!

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>pubic hair
pick one

northeast, bro. 30 celsius means winter


even in reality it's the shittiest way to play the game of life

>And the group found in the German army recently on top of this.
They tried

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This and check


Shouldn't there be guns there near their bodies? It looks like they were massacred.

Women are property. It's not their body

You have no idea.
The governor of Rio wants to set up snipers on helicopters to kill on-sigh anyone holding out a rifle in a favela. He and one of Bolsonaro's sons were looking to buy armed drones for similar purposes.

a bit over the top

i can't imaging being this hung up about people sleeping in the nude and thinking it must be homosexual.
But then again I still have my foreskin and my parents didn't allow the hospital to inject me with 70+ vaccines

Based Cowboys