Respect your president dude.
Trump is afraid
>No, You!
Fucking Jewish NPC gollems
No. I’m a vet and he doesn’t respect us, so I don’t respect him. Add to that the fact that he’s dumb as fuck and undeservedly arrogant.
Go fuck yourself, you are what’s wrong with the world. You’re nothing more than a useful idiot being used to keep the masses feeling afraid and alone with the rod of political correctness. Trump pisses people like you off and that’s a good thing. You just end up SEETHING.
>he doesn’t respect us
But the helicopter, it can't fly in the rain.....
I’m not handing out (Yous) to subversive foreign faggots. I will not respond to foreign flags and memeflags because your opinions amount to shit in this discussion. If you’re not American, I don’t give a FUCK what you think about us or Trump.
And Arlington?
I have vet friends that are almost homeless because of pic related. Why does Trump hate vets so much?
You know jews arnt American right? They are akin to a leech or a parasitic tic bleeding the life from its host nation until they are violently removed.
>afraid of rain