Trump is afraid

> afraid of rain
> afraid of stairs
> afraid of germs
> afraid of exercise
> afraid of people preparing his food
> afraid of Mueller
> afraid of rejection
> afraid of his sexual inadequacy
> afraid of prison
> afraid of journalists
> afraid of tough questions
> afraid of the truth

Has there ever been a bigger pussy in the Oval Office than this? Inb4 “muh Obama”.

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Good for him. We aren’t. We’re free to speak our minds. Fucking kys.

Also beaners. Don't forget beaners next time you post this

WTF I hate Trump now

this is going in my slide post compilation. you retard.

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Stay in your lane, Tommy. Let Americans talk about American things. We don’t need foreigners pretending they have our best interests at heart when they well and truly don’t. Any foreigner that pretends he’s one of us and applauds Trump is just providing more evidence that supporting Trump is the wrong path. You want us to be divided and to rip ourselves apart. Stay in your lane, Tommy.


What scares you Jew boy?


First, I’m not a kike, second, accusing everyone of being a Jew is so fucking tired, and C, this is the last (You) I’m going to give a subversive foreigner like yourself, who is trying to negatively influence American thought. When the fuck will Jow Forums wake up and realize that (You) and people like you are trying to destroy American power, not enhance it?

Respect your president dude.

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>No, You!

Fucking Jewish NPC gollems

No. I’m a vet and he doesn’t respect us, so I don’t respect him. Add to that the fact that he’s dumb as fuck and undeservedly arrogant.

Go fuck yourself, you are what’s wrong with the world. You’re nothing more than a useful idiot being used to keep the masses feeling afraid and alone with the rod of political correctness. Trump pisses people like you off and that’s a good thing. You just end up SEETHING.

>he doesn’t respect us
But the helicopter, it can't fly in the rain.....

I’m not handing out (Yous) to subversive foreign faggots. I will not respond to foreign flags and memeflags because your opinions amount to shit in this discussion. If you’re not American, I don’t give a FUCK what you think about us or Trump.

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And Arlington?

I have vet friends that are almost homeless because of pic related. Why does Trump hate vets so much?

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You know jews arnt American right? They are akin to a leech or a parasitic tic bleeding the life from its host nation until they are violently removed.

>afraid of rain

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probably #resist faggots fucking shit up

> come in out of the rain
Means to “do the obvious thing”
> come in out of the cold
Means to defect back to the West after spying for the Soviets

The thing that surprises me is that they always find a way.

Yeah yeah. Quit using stolen valour to try and turn vets against trump you cocksucker. I bet you’re a fucking tranny.

Says the user who has never been in a VA hospital or talked to people at the VA. They’re so pro-military it would be impossible to infiltrate and fuck shit up to this degree. The VA is fucked and Trump is doing nothing to fix it, but if it were Obummer, this would be on FoxNews 24/7.

> afraid of exercise

The body has a finite amount of energy and he's just saving his so he can run into schools when there's a shooter inside.

>Has there ever been a bigger pussy in the Oval Office than this?

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Sure is quiet around here when you ignore foreign instigators. It’s been breddy quiet since the midterms, actually. Why don’t you foreign agents fire up your VPNs and try to make us believe most Americans actually like Trump still? No one in their right mind has liked him since he took office and proved himself to be incapable of effectively implementing the plans he supposedly had for this country. He’s an ineffective (and now lame-duck) President. We need a better candidate in 2020!

>Reddit: the post

You should go back

He would for sure. He’s a god emperor in war hammer cosplay faggot armor.

Man, I'd be ascared of my pubes getting caught in those teeth.

Reddit shill.

Do you realise this is why people hate jews? The constant lying, cheating and stealing. No one will care will the time come to kill every last one of you.

Must be so easy to constantly disregard all criticism of Trump as the work of (((them))), or Shariablue, or plebbit users. Is it completely unimaginable to you that regular people that browse Jow Forums are just fucking sick of Trump and his ineffective administration? Come to terms with that reality, dude.

Look at the foreign instigator wail and thrash about.

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Go back to The_Donald where you can pretend you’re American.

Tik tok on the Jewish clock

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They were all offered emergency loans so if they are almost homeless because of it it's because they are retarded goblin niggers.

> afraid of facts


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Holy fuck you just described me.

Hello, Mr. President.

It would be a lot cooler if I were. He’s doing a fantastic job all things considering.


That’s your right. 90% of Republicans are satisfied.
>of course Bill Kristol’s crew is still assblasted but fuck em