The highest IQ's
The best cyber warfare program

We love Israel.

אני יהודי

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yossi Cohen is going to die
Ron Dermer is going to die
Netanyahu is going to die
Avigdor LIeberman is going to die
Naftali Bennett is going to die
Aylet Shaked is going to die
Danny Danon is going to die
The heads of Aman and Shin Bet are going to die
Every IDF general is going to die.



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Remember when they found that terrorist training camp in New Mexico?

>The highest IQ's
Only ashkenzis and if we had one more hitler they'd be non existent.

>The best cyber warfare program

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>אני יהודי
You don't have to say that. We all already know.
שמתי על זה זין

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lmao your country is artificial. propped up by usury. not blood. your blood is weak. die.


>your blood is weak
Fuck off, Chang. The kikes beat off the sand niggers three times even when they were heavily outnumbered.

my ass is spread for all comers
my only purpose in life is to relieve the sons of ham

Singapore has the highest average IQ
If Israel were all Ashkenazi they'd have the highest IQ but Ashkenazim are a minority in Israel

>what is technology
>what is pre-emptive attack
kill yourself burger nose

semite vs semite, shall be fun to watch for
about a day.

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WTF is this spam?

How can one be so delicionel.
Without the gibs from USA we are nothing.

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Baruch Hashem

>implying the kikes had anything better than smuggled ex-czechoslovak and nazi small arms in 1948
>implying the british didn't supply the arabs with equipment and officers in 1948
>implying that the arabs weren't already preparing for war in 1967
>implying that israelis in 1973 had significantly better equipment like IR sights for tanks (they didn't) that the arabs didn't (they did).
You sure are fucking stupid, even for a leaf.

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good thing you own the usa

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fuck off mutt

You are not fully asians.
You are mutts.
But you have asians genes, so that is why.

nah bro the billionaire whos been bailed out by jews, whos entire line of kids minus the autistic teen, are all dating / married to jews is totally our fucking guy dude
>the scourge of anti semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it can not be allowed to continue. it must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. we must stand with our jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti semitism and vanquish the forces of hate. through the centuries the jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. we've all read it studied it, theyve gone through a lot. and those seeking their destruction;we will seek their destruction

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israel was vastly superior to every enemy we ever faced in the beginning of every war

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Singapore practices eugenics, uses lots of migrant slave labor from southeast asian shitholes, has extremely selective immigration policies, and is full of chinks to boot. No western country, not even ethnocentric ones like Israel, can get away with the same kinds of policies Singapore has in place.


Bulshit fantasy.
>Crown of bulshit stories.
>Master of cunning an deciet.
So total bulshit then.
>MURICA give israel new weapons...

>israel was vastly superior
by quality of its soldiers only. Arabs are too dumb to fight and get BTFOed by any real opposition. Libya got defeated by bunch of chadian niggers in pickup trucks, Iraq couldn't beat Iran's rabble of child soldiers, and Egypt got fucked up when it tried to intervene in Sudan.

Eat more bombs fag

Israel gets all the foreign tax payers to fight an pay for their warz. They can do NOTHING alone.

Now they asking for arab allies.
So fucking laughable.

Like the smallest kid in the park...that robs from his mum money an offers his stolen money sweets to other kids to cuase mayhem around thee estate...,lol.

John Faggot Glubb was a dumb bong who fought on the western front and later commanded the Arab Legion, who were trained by the British. They tried to destroy the kike dirt farmers in 1948 and failed. It's not a bullshit fantasy, you butthurt piece of shit.

This user gets it.

When do you practice what you preach, AKA multiculturalism?

Highest IQ

Yeah, sure, if you split Jews, which are only 2% of the world population into sub-groups, and only give specific people within this sub-group an I.Q. test. But if you do that, you might be a Jew.

Kinda like how China has a rising IQ as well. They just won't tell you it's because they don't test all the retards and manual laborers. Those people don't even get an education.

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The kikes already do. They have a bunch of sand niggers who get bribed with welfare and citizenship to not blow themselves up.

yeah, that's not actual societal multiculti. Israeli segregation is between nations is the absolute opposite of what they preach for us western nations. We should open borders, nothing bad could happen.

gas all jews

>highest iq

Years of persecution from every other group caused natural selection for scheming, maths and business. We literally created this monster.

>implying european society is actually multicultural
Sand niggers in Israel don't live much different from the ones in Eurabia. They stay in ethnic ghettoes away from the normal people and live off of government handouts, and occasionally blow themselves up.


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>buy noga tool
>see it's made in israel
>order 4 more for my personal use/business
>find out noga is a place in israel
>find out noga means light of dawn

with jews you win

Fuck Debbie Wasserman Schultz running those two brown guys as spies was so smart.

Cameron Kasky's father being a child trafficker that got exposed over Jow Forums and twitter to point he had to make his account private?


I love Israel. Visited in 07 and converted to Judaism in 09. Am Yisrael Chai.

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>highest IQs
>fly two planes into three towers

>highest IQ’s
Israeli jews have a lower average IQ than American goyim. If you include the nearly 1/4 Arab population in the mix as you should since they’re citizens, the average is even lower.

Israeli jews are mixed with mizrahi jews from Yemen along with other Arab jews from all over the Middle East. A few decades ago they even kidnapped a lot of the Yemen and mizrahi jew babies at doctor’s appointments, told the parents their baby had died during their routine checkup and they couldn’t see them, and gave them to ashkenazi parents with Tay Sachs and other genetic disorders as part of some weird Israeli eugenics program. They “apologized” for this a couple years ago. But anyways the genetic admixture damage has been done. Israel jews are low IQ

>The highest IQ's
>The best cyber warfare program
>We love Israel.
lets get it straight indeed

All Fields

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