Zoomers are not Generation Zyklon, but I don't think they're not completely un-salvageable

Zoomers are not Generation Zyklon, but I don't think they're not completely un-salvageable.
From what I've seen most male zoomers are "libtard rekt compilation"-tier redpilled, especially white zoomers.
Female zoomers however are VERY cringe and bluepilled, they all think they're "woke" and "fighting the good fight" or some shit.
What do you think, Jow Forums?

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Holy fuck that triple negative wut
I think the guys that are 'with the memes' are redpilled pretty often if they're not art fags or commies or whatever. The girls idk man it's probably not so bad. I think the schools are so far into the brain washing and our economy and society is so fucked that it's easier for people to be redpilled.
At least this is what I'd like to believe
t. zoomer

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Oh I did put a triple negative in there, my brainlet ass is sorry
Most of the girls I've seen are super into stupid activism and LGBT shit that nobody cares about, maybe it's because I'm in a blue state but who knows.

I downloaded Tik Tok and was pleasantly surprised by the amount of seemingly red pilled humor that was floating around. I think memetics and the current counter culture is attracting the zoom zooms.

not necessarily redpilled, like they don't know about the JQ, but not bluepilled at least.

18 year old Zoomer here, dudes are pretty redpilled. On the other hand, most girls are just like the Millennial girls, bluepilled as fuck.

Right, most of them are civnats or lolbertarians, the kind of people who unironically like Ben Shapiro.
There's definitely a counter-culture but I think most zoomers are still drinking the kool-aid, whether they be apolitical or just doing retarded twitter activism.

I agree with you but hopefully that's mostly the girls on social media with IRLs rather than shit like youtube and tiktok. and yeah some places are better than others. I don't deny that girls are wayy more leftist than guys generally and it is a problem

I was once like those people. How do they get to the next step?

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Lead them into places where the JQ is not silenced and let them discover it themselves. If you just show your power level to them right off the bat then it'll turn them off.

females of every generation are all the same, wreckless whores with no virtues yet live for virtue signaling and riding brown dick because "that'll show dad", they all belong conscripted to landed males of good standing and kept in chains on their estate

true. one thing I am thinking is selling it as a "conspiracy theory", cause people are into that shit. but people are so quick to recoil once they here "de joos". so idk.
on a related note--I know some people here think Patrick Little was a plant but if we had someone like that make it to a high position we'd be doing pretty well right?

I guess that you should approach as that "Jews are behind libtard thinking" instead of " gas kikes 14/88"

>I know some people here think Patrick Little was a plant but if we had someone like that make it to a high position we'd be doing pretty well right?
No you beta cuck follower. They would just accuse that person of raping a kid and grab some poor kid out of a pizza cellar to testify against them.

Grow up, tumor. There are no celebrity heroes.

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If you just say they're behind the liberal mindset then they'll just see you as using the jews as a scapegoat.
Then again, they already think the jews are just a scapegoat so I'm not sure.

Zoomers are the most degenerate retards ever to exist in humanity and if you think otherwise you’re probably a retarded zoomer high on dunning-kruger

97 here; most girls my age don't seem particularly vocal about being "liberal." Like maybe some of them have a beto campaign or gay equals sign sticker on their laptop but you hardly have very many stereotypical bluehaired harpies.

I go to a really rich white college though so I can only go off of what I've seen.

that's shitty, I guess so. I'm too young for the blackpill though. how can we gain a collective awakening then

ive explained this ONE too many times
White Male zooms: based and redpilled
White female zooms: half are extremely based and redpilled other half extremely bluepilled
Other: undefined

"Libtard-rekt MAGA" tier is exactly what you want at their age. You know a good chunk of the "far-right" crowd started out as left-wingers, right? People change. The important thing is how gen Z changes, not what they believe right now.

Women adopt the values and opinions of the people who hold hegemony. Don't even factor them in, they don't matter.

That's true, I started out with le skeptic™ community back when most people viewed feminists as an irrelevant fringe group.

Zoomer here. Can confirm the girls are bluepilled, but the guys are headed in the right direction. I’ve got my girlfriend on the Trump train and
her other boyfriend is equally redpilled as I am. Don’t give up on us yet.


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>how can we gain a collective awakening then
Infect the matrix with redpills and wait. And not faggot conservative/trad pills, but redpills

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commie → SJW-rekt → civnat → libertarian → ancap → jews are behind everything I oppose → 14/88
At least that’s the path for me. I’m not sure any step could be left out.

Zoomers embraced Instagram, snapchat, facebook and tinder. Grew up with feminist tv, movies and press.

MiIIeniaIs got Trump eIected and caused Brexit. Grew up with ArnoId, StaIIone and Jean CIaude Van Damme.

We are doomed.

>MiIIeniaIs got Trump eIected and caused Brexit. Grew up with ArnoId, StaIIone and Jean CIaude Van Damme.
That's Gen X.

Gen X is smaII as fuck and one of the groups who vote rarest. Often refered to as 'the forgotten generation'.

> other boyfriend
pls tell me you're joking fellow zoom zoom

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There are more steps user. Let me try to speed up the process. You read the bible, you realize that the reformation was the best thing for the 14 words ever. You realize that the Catholic church wanted us to live in inquisition times FOREVER, and that the only thing which stopped that was THE REFORMATION.

It goes deeper and deeper and deeper user, the Jews are just a people who are hostile to us, and they are helping along something that was ultimately created by Jesuits, and numerous movements which ALL TIE BACK INTO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (freemasons, knights malta, illuminati, papacy). Your gut reaction will be to call me a shill, but LOOK INTO IT. Think about it.... was the Catholic church a GOOD thing for the majority of history, or a BAD thing. The more honest you are able to be, the more likely you will reach the FINAL REDPILL.

Hegel and Marx were instructed by a Jesuit. The Catholic Monasteries were the intellectual roots of communism. Jesuits have controlled education since the 1800's.

JEWS DON"T DESERVE TO TAKE ALL THE BLAME. Want to know why they were thrown out of so many societies? Because they REFUSED to worship pagan gods, that's why.

I can't do it on my own Jow Forums, more of you need to wake up from this neo-nazi catholic psy-op. Jesuits are in total control of this country, and we are falling right into their trap.

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The main problem is that older generations knew how to separate internet fun and real life. Zoomers grew up with the internet and shitposting and as a result of this they're stuck in a perpetual state of pretending to be retarded and never being serious about anything, in real life. You can't count on people who have no hard convictions and are in it just for memes. This is how you end up with faggots who ironically pretend to be hardcore national socialists but at the same time have jew/shitskin friends or are shitskins themselves, or trannies, gays, drug addicts, porn addicts. So more often than not your "redpilled" people are just two bit degenerates

Niggerzoomer here, 21.

>live in liberal city, philadelphia
>more blacks than whites

For blacks it's a mixed bag. About 33% redpilled, 33% inbetween, questioning and 33% retarded bluepilled.

For whites it's generally:
White trash (zoomers that act like niggers) - Don't even vote or know how to get registered to vote
Normal whites: Republican and sometimes redpilled
Rich whites: Libtard bluepilled

Hispanics: Latinos are generally racist as fuck and redpilled as fuck. Latinas are the opposite.

This is spot on phillybro

Not saying it’s the end, but a Jesuit hegemony doesn’t sell well to people who think molymeme is some kind of a revolutionary.

>18 year old zoomer here
Can confirm. Most of my friends watch Ben Shapiro compilations and people like Steven Crowder. I started watching them and slowly but surely ended up to where I am today. They're definitely the gateway drug. I went through my "liked videos" list on YouTube and I will list the channels that first appeared in my the list as time passed, if that makes sense, so you can see my progression. I started watching politically related videos a couple days after god emperor's inauguration. I'm a new fag to Jow Forums as well; November will be my 6th month.

Info wars
Project veritas
The white house
Sargon of akkad
Mark dice
Ben shapiro
Paul joseph watson
Steven crowder
Hunter avallone
No bullshit
Rebel media
Stefan molyneux
Anthony brian logan
The thinkery
James allsup
Ashton birdie
Jesse lee Peterson
The rubin report
Lauren southern
Brittany pettibone
Jordan peterson
Owen benjamin
Lauren chen/roaming millennial
Tommy Robinson
Martin sellner
Count dankula
Millennial millie
Lindsay shepherd
Black pilled
Brandon tatum
Wild smile
Red pill philosophy
American renaissance
Red ice tv
Tim pool
Mister metokur
Faith goldy
Deanna lorraine
Identity europa
The red elephants
Mark collett
The alternative hypothesis
Murdoch Murdoch
Millennial woes
Way of the world
Black pigeon speaks
Europe is falling
Lfg livestreams
Sinatra says
Aaron kasparov
Andy warski
America first
On the offensive
The iconoclast

u sure bout dat

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If they don't know the JQ, then they don't know anything. They're just playing ball for the controlled right.

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Men don't eat up propaganda like women. The constant progressive shit pushed at me my whole life is what eventually turned me from a bernie-bro to a Blackpilled poltard

It's the same shit that has always been.
Men are always going to skew conservative unless appealing to female sensibilities to get laid.

The women are the ones that fuck us over, they race mix and have zero loyalty to their own people, they will just take the path of least resistance every time. Women will always be blue pilled, they can't stand being the bad guy and having to make a tough decision or god forbid show some restraint.

Push TGSNT harder. It seems like people have started to forget about that one. It's not perfect, but it serves its purpose

I'm pretty sure the Amazing Atheist of all people is who inevitably brought me here years back

>What do you think, Jow Forums?
>Good Zoomers. Keep laughing at the silly frog. Laugh at the silly Pepe and Wojack comics
They're useful idiots, but at least they're our useful idiots. I'm usually against extra and unnecessary chess pieces on the table, but they can really prove their worth sometimes.
The problem I have is that a good portion of them are lemmings just bandwagonning, because we still somehow retain the "Final Boss of the Internet" and "Internet Hate Machine" reputations, and they want to be edgy memesters too, blindly following whatever eceleb sneaks their way into our "association", like Sargon and Milo. Sometimes they lurk long enough to understand Chan culture, and other times they act fucking idiots, exposing their power levels like , and risk destroying their entire livelihoods and futures.
Another issue is that they take this site too seriously, putting this cesspool on a pedestal, as if it's a badge of honor, but it's also fun to fuck with them- having them wound up tight for no reason

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you need a shitload of chess pieces to win an election dude

>a good portion of them are lemmings just bandwagonning
"Flag waving yahoos" was a good phrase for such types. Their problem is they're the type to blame "the mooslims" when the actual issue is Israel and wars for Israel.

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We've reached a point where being redpilled is only a box to check before being ready to act. Many are red pilled by memes but don't understand that their rights are being violated or that there is value in defending them

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Zoomer, came here from this app ifunny believe it or not, age range on there is like 13-18 and you would be surprised how many white nationalists and nazis are on there, I got bored of it eventually and decided to come here, almost all of the white males in generation z are low level redpilled, feminist rekt complimation type shit. I know a few who have gone far-right though I feel like there could be more it's just no one ever wants to admit shit for obvious reasons.

The simple knowledge that a places like Jow Forums or the daily stormer exist is a fourth of the battle right there. Presenting a viable alternative that is absolutely reviled by those who have nothing but hatred for who you are will get people moving by osmosis alone. Of course, osmosis alone won’t be enough.

You're right, but too many pawns can get in the way, especially for decisive moments
ecelebs are to blame for this. They always blame the symptons rather than the causes

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As soon as ecelebs start blaming the causes they will get stormered or ignored. Few people know about the symptoms in the first place.

Zoomer here, just turned 18 two months ago, ask away.

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Zyklon Ben at it again

They all completely know the symptons and causes. Trust me, these fuckers lurk this site, particularly this board every day. All those YouTube camwhores always come here for the first scoop and even have a secret club on how to spread this information to maximize their channel exposure. These faggots are why I want the "skeptic" community to die off.
You have these "professional" streamers pussyfooting about the redpill for years, and some content creator/gamer like JonTron who just laid it out on a single debate(albeit recklessly). It really shows how much these ecelebs would rather want to milk our system rather than spread Redpill awareness.

Fuck the jews fuck you. Jesuits love kikes, they work together all the time

Many e-celebs receive a lotta funding either directly from Jews or from the MAGA/MIGA wave. Many have become slaves to their own MAGA audience who love to donate shekels so long as MIGA emperor is not insulted. I posted William Luther Pierce in this thread. Everyone should know his arguments & George Lincoln Rockwell's arguments as to why the Jews and Judaism itself is a supremacist religion and how Jews did communism. Because the old me would've never believed this me.

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That filename should read Lazar, not "Lamar". Fuckin' spellchecker.

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Good for you for going back to college at 97. It's never too late to get an education

>dont eat propaganda
>become a Jow Forumstard

2018 exit polls were worrysome. Demographic timebomb is ticking and there's no room for this.

Can't say we weren't warned

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>other boyfriend
confirmed fucking cuck, gas yourself.

If you guys could get the zoomers on gab sharing merchant memes then I think gab would do the rest.

Yeah that’s about all he is good for is zoomer infotainment. He needs to stay in his lane and keep infotaining the zoomers.

Jews honestly aren’t the biggest problem. The biggest problem is blue pilled people and the fake news media. Regardless of who is responsible for that.

Patrick Little is good for infotainment and that helps culturally. But crypto nazis like tucker Carlson are the only ones capable of seizing political power.

Always refuse black pills they are jew inventions. Don’t apologize for it either.

We just have to keep doing what we can. Internalize the message of white solidarity and shitskin predation and then just seek power and influence. That’s all you can do.

This would be true except that they let the cunts vote. They unfortunately do matter or else we would be electing Donald trump for president for life.

I agree. They won’t wake up though, we are doomed to fall into WW3.

I didn't care much about the liberal/commie stuff in media till I found out (((who))) was behind it, and surprise, it was the same people that were behind war and (((The Fed))).

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Yeah we're probably fucked actually

Hey nigger why didn’t you say how redpilled the “white trash” is? I bet they are redpilled as fuck whether they know how to vote or not.

Somebody is butt mad at white trash. Also you aren’t allowed to use the term white tradh unless you wanna be called a nigger, nigger.

Yeah bullshit. ITS JUDAISM (not ALL Jews though many Jews put on an "atheist" face). Its a supremacist religion. Talmud covered in this video:

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This guy gets it.

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We are absolutely fucked. Pick a lane and enjoy the ride.

William Pierce said it best in the turner diaries: the only thing that could save the USA is a massive nuclear attack from Russia in the midst of a civil war.

A civil war is the only way we can save ourselves, and we can’t win without foreign intervention.

We are absolutely fucked.

Jews are bastards for sure. But the fake news media is what controls everyone. We are absolutely fucked. Everyone is too comfortable to care.

>her other boyfriend

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Well played I laughed.

seems about right.

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it's all about jews for you kikes. fuck. i am 1/8th jew and i come from a line of free masons but can't be a part of it cuz muh atheism. there is no conspiracy, telling you from both sides (from what i have seen). we just keep families together and make money, you should do the same and preserve your nations you goddamn autists

Personally I think you deserve a railroad spike in the dickhole for that triple negative

ok incel

you guys do realize most zoomers are not white and vote democratic right?