Meet girl

>meet girl
>beautiful petite white virgin that was raised well and is sheltered
>a few cons, has a small tattoo on her left shoulder, and she’s deaf, super normalfag but very open minded, very blank slate, ripe for redpills. that’s about all I can see so far from talkin to her
wondering if I should bone and dump or if she’s procreation material. cucks dems and sois need not reply

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This is probably your only chance you faux Spanish ibero nigger

>small tattoo on left shoulder
Into the dumpster she goes.

tattoos will go out of style when women stop behaving impulsively


go for it user. Women that aren't damaged whores are hard to find. I fuck a girl a week here in seattle when im horny. They're all fucked dude. I haven't met one that is even remotely dateable and im looking.

>out all I can see so far from talkin to her

First things first have her remove that tattoo. If she doesn't then you know without a doubt that she is garbage.

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>I fuck a girl a week here in seattle when im horny.

Your day will come profligate

>Women that aren't damaged whores are hard to find.
>I fuck a girl a week here in seattle when im horny.


>virgin, sheltered

So, she'll dump you once she finds herself.

If theres a tat, someones probably taped dat.

She's deaf. Maybe nobody told her.

Im kinda in the same boat OP
>Meet sheltered cute virgin
>Date for while
>It ends
>a few months later She comes back wanting to try again
>Not sure if I want to

Shes super sweet
We get along well
Kinda not political so I can probably redpill her longterm
Very attached to me
Says all niggers look the same

Has a tattoo and wants more
Wants to die her hair purple
Has a flaming faggot friend
Got mad at me for calling trannies Mentally ill
Got mad when I called someone a Negro

I dont know what to do. I told her I'd be willing to try again and just date for a while but I dont know if I made the right call. I miss her everyday but then i think of everything else.

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>and she’s deaf
is it hereditary? would she taint your aryan seed?

I'm a filthy whore, its true.
I can grow a good beard and get QT 19-20 year olds on tinder, and if they're willing to come home with me on the first date and fuck me I'll let them. I never call back when they do this, and 95% do.
I've dated one girl, for 6 years. She didn't fuck me for the first two months we were going out.
Whores will be whores and ill get my dick wet, for give me god, I am a sinner


Speaking of baggage.

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whoremongers on Jow Forums have the biggest case of being self-deluded.

they fuck sluts and whores left and right and complain that they can't find a virginal maiden. it's hilarious they think they deserve such a woman to begin with.

the pure deserve the pure. the filthy deserve only the filthy.

this. It's in their nature.
Women will stop getting tattoos when either:
>other women shame them for it
>chads shame them for it

>>meet girl
>>beautiful petite white virgin
>so brainwashed by muh anime the OP is a picture of a gook

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I don't disagree, but i'll find one because im attractive and good at talking to women.
Do I deserve one?

Yes ask Jow Forums for dating advice. Every second thread here is some incel retard trying to twist his hatred for women into a political issue, even you.