Special Books by Special Kids

What the fuck is the deal with this guy? Does he rape these vegetables? Is he a jew? Why is he exploiting those deformed children? How does he keep getting away with it? Does he not realize the pain these poor shits are in—what abject horror is displayed with such disingenuous theater? Life’s a roll of dice. Anyone of us could've ended up like these sad bastards, and this fucker is making light of them for YouTube gibs.

>b-but he just wants to make them feel loved user!
Too bad they "feel loved" for about five minutes. That's about as long as their retard brains can retain information.


Disney tier suspenders wearing motherfucker has every mutation cataloged on his channel. God, I hope reincarnation isn't real; having to exist as any of these genetic abominations would be a fate far worse than eternal nothingness. Leaked retard porn vids WHEN?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anyway, here’s the quick rundown on Chris Ulmer.
>autistic megachad
>used to go to a special school
>has an IQ of 85
>claims to praise Jesus as his savior
>literally a psychopath
>has the deadest eyes
>a sick fuck who enjoys the taste of tears and sadness
>married a qt roastie on the spectrum
>fucks every woman he ever wanted since the age of 8
>eventually get bored of the hottest chicks the world has to offer
>decides to fuck retards instead
>becomes a brainlet rapist
>endgame becomes the destruction and dominance of brainlet anuses
>uses literal brainlets for shekels on JewTube
>wants to create the fourth reich using an army of tards
>tracking the defects for a long term gas plan
>thinks Israel is our greatest ally

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Why have you been so obsessed with this guy?


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We need to discover his endgame, user.

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Why? He's just another dipshit on youtube. How is he any different than those screaming mongoloids who run Dude Perfect?

You tell me.
>what did he mean by this?

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Doing stupid shit for (you)s that turn in to cash?
>Our sponsor today is Shriner's Hospitals for Children
>Smash that like button!!!

The fathers are always completely absent in these videos, strangely.

This again.
I'll say what I said last time I saw this thread.
His eyes terrify me. They're soulless.

Fucking slide thread. Copy pasta everyday thread. Sage. Jannies get on it

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Except this.
>top fucking kek

I almost felt sympathy for the father until I realized he failed his duty as a man. If your wife chooses to give birth to a child like this knowing full well that it is going to ruin both of your lifes then it is your duty as a man to smother it in its crib in the first month and blame it on SIDS. The 12 years of hell he is being subjected to is his atonement for being a beta.

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This guy looks like an Ubermensch why did he create such a shit offspring?

This is the biggest problem with Jow Forums right now. People who screech about "slide threads." There's nothing to slide right now, nothing is going on, it's the middle of the night. You are confusing shit posts with slide threads. Case in point, on election night there were a shit ton of slide threads, but tonight, it's just shit posts because there's nothing going on that hasn't been beaten to death all day long.

Fuck off Chris shill.

What do you have to hide?

SBSK is a political figure and therefore relevant for discussion.

Who is paying the mods to cover up the truth?

>Inb4 lifetime Jow Forums ban for searching for answers

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Im actually offended by this.

Should abortion of the severely disabled and deformed be mandatory so nobody has to suffer a life like this?
>pro-tip: it should

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>Modern day 21st century PT Barnum
Showing off deformed freak shows to the masses for shekels, both hilarious and entertaining desu

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You can't stop him, anons.


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Its a sick mixture of virtue signaling and easy money on YouTube and I really dislike him for it.

Nobody does something like this in such a public manner unless the sole goal is getting attention.

What an asshole.

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I agree. I'd rather be dead then live like that and be a burden on my family from birth to death

Why do you hate disabled people Jow Forums?

All they want is to be loved and yet you tell them your bullshit about pure white race all the time.

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reincarnation is a fact, pic related.

happens to everyone. you have to be a serious POS to get rebirthed as one of those freak kids, or that equally freaky jew.

he probably makes those vids bc those kids are the only things that make him look like not a freak of nature.

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Poor baby, that's sad. He didn't have any say about how he was born.

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>your retard wife made you keep the kid
>mfw now have pet mutant
>2 a.m.
>pitch black
>hear scurrying in room
>turn on light
>see this

Wat do Jow Forums?

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Fuck you, you sick monster! How dare you not grant that human being life!
>muh bible

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I've seen the video before, btw. What was the disorder? I'd lean towards abortion but all babies look pretty fucked up right after they are born. Might be something that can be easily fixed.

The fuck going on here?

fuck, that was harder to watch than cartel, favela and ISIS snuff vids; combined!

It's a jump scare every fucking day in that house.

How does this make you feel, Jow Forums?


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>What the fuck is the deal with this guy?

he hopes that if he surrounds himself with freaks that they'll distract people from his lazy eye

harlequin ichtheosis

Good times in store for that kid. Definitely makes sense to keep it alive.

i unironically don't get Jow Forums's problem with this, what's wrong with humanizing people with horrible disabilities?


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hey guys I have an idea
why don't we get one poltard to go around visiting all different poltards, who dress up like brainlets?

they're cynical about his intentions

This is a good Google. Very rewarding.


>implying retards are kids/humans and not god's rejected disfigured creatures
Unironically kill yourself.

>T-t-they're special user!
When will we stop calling them this? Special is being able to skip a grade in primary school, not being an abortion reject and future drain on society

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How can you see that and not get an irresistible urge to stomp on it?

esh that's tough. is that from a burn? sad sad sad..

well done

>I unironically don't get Jow Forums's problem with this
that's because the positions purported in these posts is manufactured, we're being raided by faggots

My OCD makes me want to go at the poor bastard with a pair of tweezers
Are its nerve endings fucked or is it in the worst pain a human could endure

i remember the first time I saw him i immediately thought "4 chan's gonna be onto him" - whether there is anything there or not. and really, i think he's just having a nice time. some people are nice to people with disabilities myself included. the true test is whether he donates his youtube gibbs to those suffereing in the vids or pockets it

his end game is to make disabled asmr masquerading ad advocacy for youtube ad revenue, i wish i had thought of this idea ages ago. his good looks halo his malicious intentions & contrast with the sheer repulsiveness of the abominations he's exploiting so it balances out and makes the video's watchable

as advocacy*

I want to see this exact concept but with Karl Pilkington instead

Either make abortions mandatory in this case or make the shitheads that want these things to exist receive no gov gibs for those potatoes at all.

I never knew I wanted this until now. What would the show be called?

>hey everybody names AN0N and i'm outside Jow ForumsTard #1's house today. Let's take a look

>oh my
>wow I was not expecting that stench
H- hi PolTard wow some setup what rig u got there?
>Intel I7 .. blah blah ... geforce .. nvidia blah...
sweet dude, sweet, what food u got in this place?
>I normally eat out at McDonads
>oh ok alright cool cool that's nice props you got any light in here?
>only darkness my old friend

Who is that loli?

Why does this thread keep getting posted?

He's clearly a psychopath. That fake smile is clearly trained (badly) and he enjoys the misery of others. Now we have to deal with misery celebrities ffs

low iq asmr... goldmine

Is this what a kid looks like after a failed abortion attempt and a house fire?

>Nazi flag
checks out

Worst pain to a point that he is consumed by it.
There is a reason why children react hysterically to even the tiniest feelings of pain, they have not experienced it as much and don't understand what the fuck is going on and additionally their nerve endings are actually hyper sensitive.
This baby probably feels so much pain he is completely disoriented.

are we this predictable

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These things shouldn’t have been born.
We have the tech to detect defective fetuses and quickly remove these.
These things aren’t human, most can’t sustain themselves at all and they are a fucking huge burden on the relatives and caretakers of theirs.

t. ex-sysadmin in a retard integration place.

kek. I just wanted the sauce for research purposes on progeria.

He always works from the puns so..
Doctor Shrugged

There are actually rumours this guy has snuff orgies with deformed people in the deep web.

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baka you're just as handicapped as them but mentally, in the loli part of your brain.

yeah that you spread. let this guy live faggot

Why do these threads keep being spammed? Seems like bait/recurrent slide thread.

Use Google to search the image, faggot.

like in 300?

But lolis are kawaii desu nii?

jesus this is hot

Thirty-forty year old pear-shaped retard that screeches “PEEPEE” or “POOPOO” from time to time is NOT human and should have been put out of its misery before it was born.

see that's the retard part of your brain acting up

Jesus fucking christ...

Is the fetus going to leave with the best mans number?

guaranteed these threads are part of a long con that will result in articles being written about how Jow Forums is sociopathic

Yeah, but much earlier.

What bothers me is when people tell me not to be bothered by these disabled people. It's like "what's YOUR hang up dude? They're just living their lives, stop STARING man!" Like what the fuck, I have a right to be disturbed by this shit - it is by definition disturbing.

If you're NOT, you have no soul and cannot find any form of sympathy for other humans. I feel so bad for them, I know there's literally nothing we can do to help them. Plus they are visually disturbing, there's no denying that.

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there is no we
there is just you
you and your inexplicable asspain over some random and the fact retards exist

There is no god. All of you will be nothing when you die.

HOLY SHIT. I think I just found the niggest nigger.

"Anthony survived an hour without oxygen as an infant. Now twelve years old, he is considered by his family to be a smiling miracle.

Since Anthony communicates in a way that is not typical, his parents are left hoping that others see their son as a human with emotions, thoughts and the desire to connect."
>kept alive for welfare

What's with nigger women and their obsessions with smiles? I think your nigger abomination's smile doesn't matter when it's fucking suffering while contributing nothing to society. Fucking ratchet smelly ass low IQ monkies.

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This cannot be fixed. In most cases the child dies hours after birth. There are a few cases where the patient has lived into late teens and early twenties. They are born without the ability to shed skin cells. So they crack and blister which is why you can see the red of the underlying skin layers. Really sad stuff.

That's a ridiculous strawman and you know it. You don't think there's anything odd with it at all? Do you also believe in magic? You're naive, I don't know what to tell you. You can get a job caring for the disabled, but this guy travels around with a camera to visit, that's his "working" with disabled. You're all being swindled and you can't see it because it's uncomfortable to think about I guess. Freaks like this go through torture and endless disappointments and hurt because these fucking idiot parents can't take the sane decision. This fucking jew capitalizes off it.

You can not change the human natures repelling instincts at seeing freaks like these. Do you think they are popular at school, have a nice time out and about, will ever get laid? What the fuck are you going to do about it? Join this cretin and form a mighty host of goodie two shoes to go door to door worldwide and change opinions that lie hard coded in our fucking genome? Go around picketing for tolerance? YOU’RE PART OF FUCKING PROBLEM!

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what is wrong with these people? they're lying to themselves. taking care of that thing would be living hell. there's nothing good or beautiful about that thing.

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A lot of the moms are decent. You reckon he rails them all?

This guy is a sick pedophile.

I know it away from the norm, but I think its just a dude who loves kids and has a ton of empathy and was trying to make the world a better place and found the only way he could to do that.

think about it he's a chad looking dude show up to hang out with these kids and make friends with frankly on their best day are social rejects. and kids that would get left to the wilds not 60 years ago. fuck. I'm an average white dude living in California and I would be proud to have him as a friend.

the people with that condition have normal intelligence. And there are plenty of living things that are every simple and basic at the mental level, why shouldn't a profoundly retarded person be allowed to live?

>go through torture and endless disappointments and hurt
Most can’t even comprehend these.
Least fucked are the most unfortunate as they have the ability to understand that they are fucked.

top bait

Why did you write so much over a comment that highlighted that the guy is asspained over nothing?
>They are ugly
no shit
Does that mean they dont deserve compassion? You're a freak

The guy in the videos or me? Unclear as to what you're saying here

>I feel so bad for them
then why would you stare? you're only thinking of them as their form, you realise they're a consciousness like you? I bet you don't care this much about the ugliness thats inside of others, or all the manifold ways even perfectly healthy people suffer.

top fucking kek

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