serious thread is serious. I fell in love with a beautiful girl. Shes small submissive and domesticated. brown curly hair and hazel eyes. But you are probably going to guess what im gonna say next. Shes a jew. Im 30 6'1 swede
shes 23. I honestly am torn on it because i want nothing more than to breed a blonde aryan but i cant seem to find one and my little jew girl knows exactly how to pull on my biological strings. What do? Please serious rational replies.
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Serious thread is serious. I fell in love with a beautiful girl. Shes small submissive and domesticated...
She's been with 40 men.
Ask if she’ll convert. Then go from there. I dated a jew. Wouldn’t recommend it. Her family only wanted another jew for her. Romeo and Juliet stories suck in real life
no no she hasnt but thanks for chiming in
she doesnt practice at all. Took her free trip to israel and that was about it for the identity part of it.
From my experience with Jewish women, you're best bet is to treat her like a kleenex. Use her a couple times, then discard. Any more pix? I wanna see that schnoz.
At 23 yrs old, it's a bit risky to be investing that heavily into her don't you think?
In my experience the religious Jews are fine, it's the uber-liberal secular ones that cause trouble.
If she has any inclinations to believe in God or at least some kind of higher power of some kind then she's probably a decent person.
Does she like you too?
Hmm interesting you isn’t mention the family. Have you met them
That's what you think.
ive been with her since she was 21
if she was a femen whore or libtard i wouldnt bother. She knows what my beliefs on race etc
you fell in love with a hooker?
what makes you think that? Im honestly curious. Besides the fact all women are whores by nature and all that i get that, but why Such a high number?
Do what you want want retarded swedecucks our race is doomed anyways.
>tfw a swede kikes up his bloodline
>What do? Please serious rational replies
i have and they are secular libtards but decent enough. Dad isnt a jew but hes a hip boomer type
>personal blogposting
>is X white?
Are mods not working Mondays? Why are we getting spammed on a Monday?
I wouldn't trust a woman.
I wouldn't trust a jew.
Ok sooooo she’s not jewish.
im not asking if she is white, i know she isnt, shes a white jew mutt. And this is my problem i really need to figure out whether im going to ruin my genetics by breeding her
no her mom is which makes her half jewish, but to me she is a jew.
Jow Forums - relationship advice
Ew. Old fag ruined good woman.
>I’m 30
Old ass nigga lmao
My wife is Jewish, and I'm not. She doesn't practice but likes celebrating the Jewish holidays. Her family had no problem accepting me. We have beautiful twin boys. 10/10, would recommend.
They all lie.
Every single one lies
how long have you known her?
are her parents still together or split up?
does she hate her father?
what does she do?
does she want kids?
is she religious?
is she (relatively) emotionally stable?
does she offer to pay for dinner when you go out?
does she own a car?
does she have a profession/career/education?
answer these.
is she phenotypically jewish looking? Mine isnt besides the curly dark hair, no beak or anything
Yep, she looks Jewish. Dark hair (although it's very straight, not at all curly), dark eyes, pretty big nose.
you're fucked pewd
3 years known her
they are still together and happy
she does not hate her dad
she works at home
she wants three
no religon
relatively yeah
she does but not that often
yes car
yes career
You will be her first. Congrats on the white wedding. i hope the captcha fails
And for the record, I'm mostly German, with no Jewish background whatsoever.
Jow Forums should have a field day with that.
Move on. With jews you'll always lose. Don't say we never warned you.
ask her to accept jesus christ as her lord and savior
I thought Swedes only fucked blacks. You must be a Stormfag.
Nice ass.
You said they are secular. I don’t think you realize what a real Jewish family is like. They don’t sound Jewish at all. Definitely not culturally. So what’s the problem. Scared they are all smarter than you ? Ur making an issue out of nothing
>ruin my genetics by breeding her
Are you worried about genetic diseases related to Ashkenazi ancestry, or some kind of white supremacist baloney?
My wife and our boys were tested for a huge array of diseases carried through Jewish ancestry, and while my wife is a carrier for three of them, our boys are perfectly healthy.
>no her mom is which makes her half jewish, but to me she is a jew.
Well you're right, she is Jewish. Jews are matrilinial.
>Shes small submissive and domesticated
>Shes a jew
Nope. She really is neither. Jews are on average the best manipulators I know of as a group, and some of the individuals are actually incredibly cunning.
Ask yourself this:
1: is she smart enough that her current state of being "submissive and domesticated" is merely an act used to manipulate you? If yes, then she isn't sincere, she's merely pushing all the right.
Every experience I've had with Jews has been negative in my personal life. They're all cunning and deceitful or they're mentally disturbed. For instance the only trannies I know of are all Jewish, all 3 of them. I'm not saying don't move forward, I'm saying that you should be trusting your gut, whatever that is, and go with it. If you are capable and willing to push her away, test her first. See how far you can push her and see if it is at all an act.
dude just get the jew puss..
If that's what you're feeling then go for it.
i wish I could have someone, even if it was a jew, but I feel like this place has ruined me mentally. I'm thankful for God showing me kind people who I grew to abhor. I guess I'm just waiting for my life to straighten out.
This naivete is why Sweden is going to be a third world country Soon
Even if this was true, who fucking cares? I think Sarah Silverman is hot as fuck, why would I care what her background/politics are? Don't let a stupid fucking Jow Forums board sway you on how you feel about someone. If you let that get between you then you deserve to be alone and unhappy.
Fell in love like to marry her?
Ask her if she wants her children to be jews
With jews you lose, it's as simple as that. You will have to put up with her neurotic jew tendencies for as long as you're with her, and you're kids might have them too. Stay away, stay far, far away. You have been warned.
Her kike family will insist your satanic offspring be raised joo. Abort mission.
If you circumcise any sons you have you'll go Hell, she's on her way there for being a kike but as long as you don't be one yourself you should be in the clear
JIDF detected
Yeah rarely get happy endings like in the play.
So glad I will never reach this level of patheticness. You meet this one Jewish vagina and immediately throw aside your personal values. She is going to smell that and resent you for it because you've already demonstrated that you have no spine, that you're willing to cuck under the weight of her pussy.
You know what the right thing to do is. It's just amazing to me knowing that half the people on this board would retract everything they believe and bow down in worship if some pussy presents itself.
I was talking to a cute girl for 2 weeks, we had a lot in common, seemed pretty traditional and devout conservative. She then let it slip that she kissed a black guy in high school and I left right then and there. I will never settle, I'd rather die alone with my honor intact. But at least in my situation, I wouldn't have been contributing to the genocide of my people by staying with her.
It's not even about the girl at this point, OP. It's the fact that you are already placing this woman above your values. It's what this situation represents in principal. Get out now or she's going to fuck you up since she already has this much emotional power over you.
Came here to post this.
Why the fuck would anyone think that getting advice from overweight wizards and neckbeards, the 99.9% of Jow Forums.
i told her straight up that if we have children there would be no instilling any jewish identity in them.
If you get married you can use it as an inroad to start lambasting the Swedish Jewish community for pushing for Muslim immigration.
Typical npc response. I'm just a person who knows what being unhappy is like, and you're attempting to make other people unhappy like us.
>I'd rather die alone with my honor intact.
I expect your plan will work very well.
Will your kids be happy with your decision? That's the main question.
Imagine making this post unironically and not even noticing how retarded you sound.
this guy is right
OP I would suggest you listen to some shit by Sandman who speaks to a lot of MGTOW.
I am not advocating that it is the way to go and to abandon searching for women the way they have. I am encouraging you to listen to some of the stories that Sandman speaks of so that you can compare and contrast your experiences and look out for red flags. Women today are not the ladies of yesterday.
You do not realize the power a woman can have over you until it is too late. Do not make the wrong move.
It’s love user. Do you.
/thread your love life is not politics and could give a shit if this is bait or not.
remember, no kikes.
That's hot but replaceable.
NPCs can't detect the JIDF, fellow white man
After dating that long, I'd probably go for it. Or break up earlier. Make sure your values are aligned.
kek now this is a delusional beta
stay away. shes attracted to you because they like the Aryan tall blonde type but they have mental problems. its genetic
Jewish girls prode themselves on giving blowjobs, guaranteed she's left those out of her 'real' number
So she's not good fearing? Enjoy subservience, user, because you'll be domesticated quickly
Go ahead and bone the bitch and marry her if you want. But as a penance, you must donate (or sell i don't care which) to a sperm bank as many times as you can to offset your sins.
So she knows that you think she's a subhuman and that you would prefer procreating with a blonde hair, blue eyed girl.
Confirmed fake & gay
Post more pics of her ass OP so we can more properly evaluate her
>not a jew
but jewish genes are best for producing high IQ children (average IQ of ashatic jews is 115). Make sure she's one of the smart ones
>beautiful girl
>She's a jew
This is literally impossible. Jewish women look like rats. They are rats. Nice LARP thread OP very original.
a little picky and choosy but do u man lol i could deal with a confessed kiss. i wouldnt like it. but at this point every fucking girl is roast. and if u wanna die without passing your family name and genes along then thats fine but ill have to settle eventually. ill take the roastie who kissed a black guy once over letting my name die out of pride you idiot lol
Episcopal/Anglican is like 113. There are other white groups that are within a standard deviation of that on average,most in fact. And due to the crude system of Talmudic eugenics that created that IQ advantage, they are mostly superior in verbal IQ (not something that whites struggle with) and suffer horribly in spatial IQ (which whites do very well in, it gives us a creative/innovative prowess on average, especially for upper end outliers). Literally all of this is genetic. It's just not worth it for OP desu.
You shouldn't marry any women unless you can tell her exactly what to do, about anything, and she is mildly turned on by it.
depends on what kinda jew. the "attractive" ones are the ashkenazi jews that are mixed with polish and german blood, and unfortunately they are literaly the sexiest women iv ever seen. its one part sex appeal, 2 parts intelligent or atleast aptly feigned intelligence. i fall for the hot psychiatrist and desk jews every fucking time. they always fuck like animals. iv only had experience with jew cougars tho cuz im a fucking 22 yr old degenerate
Saved, pls share more.
Also if you love her it should be no question what to do next. Dont let a bunch of neckbeards on a basket weaving forum ruin your chance at happiness.
why do goyim always obsess over our women? leave her alone. we dont need the goy genes polluting our chosen pool. there's plenty of tall blonde shiksas out there for you. thank you for taking an interest though. now fuck off.
Baste and redpilled. You know your shit. Also, Jews, partcularly Ashkenazi suffer from a ton of horrible genetic diseases because of previous widespread inbreeding. It's also part of the reason they look all fucked up. Breeding with a Jewish woman is akin to selling your soul to the devil. Don't do it unless you want to end up like Juden Peterstein.
Kek thanks for posting that brosephine.
Pollack here. We helped you out alot. Can I have a jewess? Tbqh your women are hot. I wouldnt mind one myself. We could scheme together and have double the holidays to celebrate with our kids.
>Jews are the sexiest women iv ever seen
Your fetish is literally worse than having a fecal fetish. I feel sorry for you. You are into evil rat beings who are not even human.
Racially Jews are either just Arabs or are Khazars who really are just double-slavs. What slavs are to us, they are to the slavs. So as long as you have a double-slav and she accepts Jesus Christ as her lord and savior ,and rejects the upbringing that caused her to reject God's grace, you're good.
Drive home the fact that Jesus had human witnesses who personally wrote of him, and who in some cases died for standing by him. The closest thing we have to that in any other religion is Mormonism, and that's a stretch. Note that she needn't reject the Old Testament, which Jesus affirmed as valid.
If she won't convert, find another girl. There are lots of quality women out there and you don't necessarily need a pretty one. Find one with a good heart and a solid character, and who is in exceptionally good health, and your attraction to her will grow, then you will begin to find her beautiful, just as a woman you initially see as such can become ugly if you learn she is garbage inside.
>inb4 thread pruned
I'm actually going to backpedal a little here. If she doesn't give a shit about Judaism and is an atheist or agnostic, but is devoted and trustworthy and set on being a traditional wife and top tier mother, it might be worth giving her a chance. Finding a good girlfriend is one thing. Finding a quality mother for your kids is another thing entirely.
>Reddit spacing
Your god is a Jew. Kill yourself.
That's not what reddit spacing is, you retard.
>t. faggot who would bow down in worship should a pussy present itself
You'll learn the hard way that I'm right.
romeo and jewliet
Yes it is. Your religion is Jewish your god is a circumcised shitskin you worship Jewish things. Back to the Plebbit you go. Stay on Jow ForumsJesus faggot
user I agree about the symptoms and cause, but you shouldn't rule out their capacity to solve problems (at least of their own existentially-related variety). While they do have those genetic defects and their strange historical social systems are the cause, at least some of those diseases among Ashkenazi have been nearly eradicated. Genetic counseling (which is a very useful tool for anyone that can afford it) is fairly mandatory for them now when their marriages are in-group, to my understanding, as much as plastic surgery is and both have become like a ritualized thing. Nose jobs and the general manipulation of physiognomy are remarkably standard,
I'm not an atheist. I'm a pagan. The only true religion for white men.
Listen to this man right here.
>Shes a jew.
find another girl then moron