Judge Amy Totenberg rules in favor of Stacey Abrams's lawsuit

>A federal judge on Monday ordered election officials to review thousands of provisional ballots that haven’t been counted in Georgia’s close election for governor.

>U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg’s order calls for a hotline for voters to check if their provisional ballots were counted, a review of voter registrations, and updated reports from the state government about why many voters were required to use provisional ballots.

>The court decision comes as votes are still being counted in the race for governor between Democrat Stacey Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp. Abrams trails Kemp and would need to gain more than 20,000 additional votes to force a runoff election.


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>Amy Totenberg

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I wonder who Abrams sister is.

She's really hoping for those 14k votes to roll in her favor so she can push for a runoff. Its not like 2k of the 6k were already accounted for were for the 3rd party guy apparently. The longer she pushes this out the more retarded she looks and only further secures that no one will take her party seriously in Georgia ever again.

what the fuck why isn't this at the top of the page?
there is no fucking way. the kikes and niggers are committing fraud on a level never seen before and we're just sitting here?

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Kemp has a counter-suit already going in to lock the machines up and be put under review during the "Recount". He's a shit, but the dirty fuck knows his tricks as well as her overlords do

never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake

Everyday is more proof that democracy is a farce.


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It's a republic, you big dummy

I fucking hope so. This is ridiculous. I can't believe this shit keeps happening and the cucked faggot republicans are letting it.

>the kikes and niggers are committing fraud on a level never seen before and we're just sitting here?
Not true. They committed much worse fraud in 2000 in Florida.

It's okay, it's mathematically impossible for her to win. Unless they cheat.

And nobody seems to care. Yeah, Trump made a comment, so fucking what.
It's like they literally don't care.

God I fucking hate kikes, judge women should be forbidden.

Republicans are digging their own grave with passive distress. I don't think they will ever fight fire with fie. Lame

They are attempting to cheat,but this judges ruling will prevent this sheboon from claiming later that she got cheated out of having ALL the votes reviewed! Nigglet will not win!

Do we need any more proof Obungo teamed up with (((them))) to destroy the USA?

Yep, but Americans are too fucking pussy and cowardly to do anything about it. If it wasn't for Trump all of us would already be gone


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Whats the number? I'm going to call and make sure my provisional ballot for kemp was counted. I'm sure they'll be very helpful, i'll post results

this shit is going to put me in the hospital.

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You go out and protest then cuck

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I don't know where to even protest and I can't drive

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My friends and I sent our ballots in yesterday. It took us all day to fill out the 4800 ballots. These should put Abrams over the top.

>counting every vote = fraud

Gonna put myself out there as a pro-Israeli since I already called out the fat black cunt's judge being appointed by anti-Israel Obummer and already the neo-nazis are pouring in.

It's gettin to be where you can hardly even rig an election against a black woman to make money for rich people.

my god. what is this country comin to.

how can you be sad when eating sushi?

I don't understand what the fuck abrams is trying to do. theres not enough outstanding votes for her to bring kemp below the 50% mark even if every single one of them was for her (which im sure they are). they should have forged more, but its too late now. They can't do like in florida and "find" another box of ballots somewhere.

is she just trying to stay in the news to remain relevant and stay in the news to have a bigger name when time comes for the next election? or will they actually try blatant fraud by finding new boxes of ballots in a trunk somewhere and suing so that they are counted? if she does that there will be a war in the streets. people are furious at her already. she can't possibly think thats a good idea.

for republicans to have any future we're going to have to start playing the same game the democrats are. abrams a few years ago set up a "get out the vote" non-profit and bussed people into heavily democrat urban areas to go door to door and register people to vote. republicans don't do any of that shit and its starting to cost us. Thats why cobb went from heavy republican to overwhelming democrat in just 10 years. they signed up all the mexican trash in west cobb.

maybe some Jow Forumssters should set up a non profit and get this shit going- though i guess conservatives don't need to be told how to sign up to vote and do it on their own, so who knows.

and another thing, so that judge yesterday said provisional ballots must be counted even if there are "arbitrary" errors such as incorrect birthdays, or filed in the wrong county.

how the fuck does someone get their own birthday and county wrong? so either these are being filled out by different people than they claim to be, or these idiots honestly trying to cast a ballot are too stupid to be able to fill one out. if thats the case they shouldn't be allowed to vote anyways. its madness to allow sub 70 iq persons to have a "voice" in our government and our future. thats just a recipe for self destruction. we need a system where only taxpayers or people who own property can vote... we'd stop having a political class voting for whoever promises the most gibs and it would incentivize people to better themselves so they can actually participate in the direction this country goes. our government would be one we could actually be proud of, instead of barely functional retards like elijah cummings and maxine waters... no one would even know those names.

>Obama appointee
We need to pull out the big guns for this one.

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Don't fret. GA will take care of this hamburgler

>if she does that there will be a war in the streets

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>counting magical voted a week later at a 90% Democrat ratio in Republican areas
Really makes you think

This looks like a lefty meme. Brevity is the soul of wit, you pretentious faggot.

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>the dems have really shown everyone their true colors now!!!

Please fuck off back to plebbit you mongrel retard

Despite all their guns and snake flags, the American right a pussies.
They will never fight for their beliefs. They will never oppose corruption.
They will die quietly while their children are brainwashed into being fags and loving the brown cock.

>theres not enough outstanding votes

CA counties had over 110% voter turnout in 2016.

Georgia will do the same.

Nothing will happen, no one will drag that fat nigger bitch behind a truck until she's a pile of red meat before stringing her up in the middle of town.


“Found” votes. %99 Dem nigger votes.

No, this is competely legimate.

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so the new ops are failing hard and they will go down