It's really poor and in rough shape. It could do a lot better under American rule. Puerto Rico does really well compared to the rest of the Caribbean. Just make it Haiti a commonwealth member.
Should the US annex Haiti?
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No fucking thanks
Gee, that sounds like it would be expensive and have no tangible benefits for the average American.
Why not just let them sit in the shit 'til they figure out how to build a civilization?
And if they don't, their population will stabilize at sustainable levels again naturally, after a period of dieback reduces their numbers to the point where a hunter-gatherer lifestyle is sustainable.
annexing poor countries is pretty much the most stupid thing to do, except you are aiming for full fledged genocide and have the will to go through with it.
Otherwise you've just admitted millions of uneducated third-world subhumans into your country. Congratulations. Rising crime rates, drugs, and a strong left-wing government are your prize.
We should send blacks here to Haiti. The mulattoes will rise to power and a new race war will start up like it did 200 years ago.
You should really start being concerned about your own nation's welfare these days burger.
Why would we ever want that festering pool of niggers? We'd spend more money on them in the first year than California could possibly cost us in a hundred years.
Speak for yourself OP fucking niggers anuses is pretty nice tbqh
They already annexed Florida so why not?
Of course. As long as they vote Republican they're all welcome here.
We already have the USVI. We have to pay for all those lazy niggers already, dont need another baboon island
Move there then big guy
Conan proved that everything is fine in Haiti. No need to annex them.
>MUH DICK mongrel post
Fuck off.
Yes, take it and become a 50% creatura
>says the kekistani civcuck
No, civilising and helping the non-white world is a mistake, except perhaps for Orientals. Browns are ungrateful and hate whites, so why bother? Leave them alone and kick them and Muslims out.
No, we should sink it.
Yes, yes we should. America should annex the entire caribbean, all the way to Grenada, and annex Canada as well.
No, they fought their war for independence, they should enjoy their mudcookies.
>Should the US annex Haiti?
Should America spend a lot of money to get a shit ton of debt-ridden landscape?
who that black bitch i want to see more
Why the fuck would we willingly introduce more niggers into the US?
Nah nah nah nah wait till I get my Haiti right
Oh oh oh oh oh
11% aids, all niggers, pedo export hub. not until its been cleansed with fire.
id take jew moter transexual
Just what we need - MORE nogs to take care of...
Honestly lads? I'm going all in on the fuck niggers political platform. Nuke Haiti.
No, but a Haitian nigger who moved to Venezuela would live like a King there thanks to hyperinflation.
America should annex any country that has people running away from it to the us. Dont import immigrants export america.
Should the US annex all the dog shit that's collecting in my yard?
The Dominican Republic should take over the rest of the island now that Haiti is weak. Start by sending in death squads to kill HIV carriers and degenerates and then breed with their Haitian women.
They are ready to get bleached.
so i was going to move to dc... but i think i;; reconsider. Holy damn
Haiti already had white people to maintain their first world civilization but they killed and ate them. I have no reason to suspect future people who would try to civilize those primitives would fare no better.
Every time the DR even deports Haitians the NGOs and internation elites start getting pissy.
Haiti sucks and all, but let's not pretend being a slave in Haiti was a good deal.
That's where Colombia hides the cocaine it sends into the US senpai.
We already have a puerto rico. We don't need two.
No. Eat shit and die, motherfucker.
Source please
The Dominicans have better tastes than that.
We should make it a territory and only allow free movement for them between PR, let equilibrium handle the rest for the those two islands
America can hardly keep Brooklyn safe and you want to take over Haiti? Good fucking luck.
>wasting time and money babysitting developing nations instead of fixing your own country
Cultivating your manpower before importing it seems a wise choice over mass migration
Fuck no but I'll trade you Puerto Rico for Cuba.
I would get behind that, make hemingway great again
[urge to colonize intensifies]
Short answer : no
Long answer : Still no but the reason being because it would put a lot of financial shit onto America, meaning it would hurt our economy too. Essentially we get nothing in return for annexing.
Just nuke them, we had enough of them already
Let them rot
We did a ONU military mission over there. Let me tell you, I dont have any faith on Haiti or Haitianos.
All they want are gibs, and are completely incapable/unwilling to help themselves. You'll never get them to be productive without holding a gun to their backs. It's not worth it. Fuck em.
I have only spoken with one hatian. He was here on a work visa (I hope). Said he thought food should be free and he deserved reparations.
I said thats a great idea, who should we get to grow the food for free?
He didn't mind the idea of white slavery.
I want to lick the sand off her butt.