
>Dalai Lama
How did asians become the based kind?

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Shamefur dispray

Because you scandinavian chink niggers are all the same

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Because they are another kind of kike?

Probably because Jews decided that whites are so weak they didn't really need keep some Asian races strong as a potential opposition to whites, and thus started backstabbing Asians from behind the scenes. They have deflated the yen since the 80's (when whites became complacent with mass non-white immigration), and are now attacking the Southeast Asians now that they have near totalitarian control over white Americans (blatant election theft)

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Myanmar's seen what the arab's did to Bharat

... you mean Turks, right?

I can believe it, honestly the more I see posted about the three sons of Noah the more I do see the three main races. Fact is east asians are a competitor to the jews, who wish the world to be as it was before the flood, and chose the lesser of the three brothers to rule over.

Persians, Turks, Arabs.

Burmese are based as shit. Went there and the people are friendly, really interested in westerners and despite the poor state of it it felt pretty safe. Only annoyance were packs of kids chasing you down to sell things and the food is bad.

HAHAHA! What does Bono have to say about this??

Fuck you Swede. You have no right to lump Duterte with those chimps.

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No one gave a flying fuck when the muslims were butchering bhuddists for years and years.

Its not like dirty oil money influences our "values" right....

why San Suu Kyi is a chimp?
redpill us please.

Everyone in the world who has ever lived among or near Muslims hates them. But it's everybody else that's the problem. Given the chance, Muslims always want to spread Jihad to everyone else. The only reason Muslims ever stopped waging war on Europe was because Europeans had become the Big Boys of the world. Spain defeated the Umayyad Caliphate then became a colonial Empire, the Russian Empire was formed and took the fight to the Ottomans. People always forget that Muslims never left us alone until we beat them.

Attached: Russo_turkish War.jpg (1280x960, 253K)

lmao no. Don't ever praise shitskins

That's just the finns, and they aren't scandi
you are trying too hard, John Paco Ubungo

>Dirty fucking mudshits all caught on camera going into a mosque and coming out later starting a riot
>burning down buddhist houses, attacking people in the street, throwing rocks everywhere
>soldiers get called into contain the situation
>cry to the media, kikes take advantage and try to spin the story innocent muslims, get caught on camera setting their own houses on fire and being instructed by foreign journalist
>try to get to india, they get denied straight away after video of mudshit attacking buddhist being leaked

>stripped of citation awarded to those dedicated wholly to demon-tier submissive cuckoldry

oh no, the horror of not being labeled a cocksucking jew ass licker by an infernal organization rooted into the pits of hell itself.

It's been a lot of fun watching lefties who've held these people up as idols scratch their heads in confusion as they behave other than the left expects them.

look at sven suckin all that immigrant dick. sven likes muslim dick in black annd yellow. saged.

pretty much this

The Jews are simply preparing Asia to be their next host. Not quite there yet but close.