Say it with me
Bisexual love trumps hate
Big progressive bisexual boobies = winners
Crying racist sexist drumpfshits = LOSERS!
You Republicans cheated in Florida in 2000
Well, what goes around, comes around
It's our time now
Sweet sweet revenge oh yeah
49 Dems in the Senate and Dem Governors in Florida and Georgia!
ummmm no sweetie
white boys have had their time on the teat for far too long
no more milkies for white boys
these milkies are only for girls (and boys of color)!
Uh no sweetie, what happened is that the DEMOCRATS tried to rig the votes in Florida, which they're trying again. Arizona will soon have it's vote nullified and then a Republican put in due to the Democrats forfeiting the election.
Any possible leaks of those mommy milkies? They have to be out there somewhere.
Congratulations on permanently engraining (white) Arizonans' ideas of female politicians as seedy pozzed skanks, faggot!
sure, thing sweetie
just like drumpf is gonna round up all the pedos and arrest all the clinton and bush and obama people and nuke israel and throw his own daughter and granddaughters in the oven any day now, amirite?
you'll be like the skeleton sitting on that park bench in that meme
they leak milk if you service Her orally well enough
ummm, no sweetie, MADAME SENATOR SINEMA is a liberal with progressive values
any successful insemination will be swiftly followed by a progressive ABORTION
No time for children
Being a full time Senator is hard work enough
Why should women have all the children?
Isn't it time men started bearing children?
cry more, frustrated drumpfshit
turns out your idol's famed 4D chess is nothing but a meme
what's wong, dwumpy-wumpies?
Madam "I hate Arizona citizens" Sinema
This is what happens when you run a #NeverTrumper as a GOP candidate. Sure, she tried to cover it up but the folks in Arizona knew better. The conservative governor won by 300,000 votes. The phony conservative got beat by 30,000. Why did we even waste one and time on McSally? She needs to just make the jump and switch parties.
Dems can't win without cheating
Not my senator
Arizona on track to become the next Minnesota... Enjoy your boatloads of Somalians!
Who cares
Ms. President Salmonella!
How can the vote be rigged?
Trump is proof its not possible
>russiagate was fake before but is now very very real intensifies
She is so fucking hot I'd creampie her all day
Yeah if you're into fish face and problem glasses
MILKIES pls!!!
Show your flag, matzonigger.
More like Semena! Amirite?
Fact. Frisians are the most powerful race on Earth.
>librarians with cum on their glasses dot com
what does that even mean
This is my flag
umm no sweetie
rude, lewd white boys like you are gonna be punished under SENATOR SINEMA
>sweetie posting
Sure thing kikemonkey, and I'm IDF.
Another total failure of boomer parenting - I blame them.
I hate staring into the eyes of women like this. They're literal monsters, doubly so as politicians. She has the "I'm going to ruin everyone's day if I don't have my way, and get away with it too" look in her eyes.
>eyes of women like this
They're too close together, generally i sign of some perverse degeneracy.
>boomer parenting - I blame them.
Show me on the doll, exactly where the boomer hurt you.
Trump is so weak and cucked he can't prevent fraud after 2 years in office.
Democrats will rightfully rig all elections in 2020 after discovering how weak and pathetic Trumpf is!
>eyes too close together
Another example
>exactly where the boomer hurt you
No values, ethics, or morals
Ummmmmmm no sweetie, selecting punishment only by race sounds like racism to me
Post more pictures of hot Sinema she makes my peepee hard
i could definitely see myself anally raping this woman
Oh, so your 'fee fees'? Funny, dolls don't have fee fee's.
Enjoy your syphilis.
We used to chimp out over this, but its not a zero sum game anymore.
I bet she just gnaws the clit.
but i dont plan on fucking your mother...
Too bad. You're missing out.
racism is about power
white males have all the power
so you can't be racist to them
it's not technically possible
That language and those sorts of sentiments are not appropriate regarding a Representrative and Senator-elect.
Report to SENATOR SINEMA's office at 5pm, where she will HAND out your punishment. This sort of behavior must be SQUEEZED out of our politics.
It's funny because that's a fake name.
i will punish her asshole with my rock hard 5 inches of white man meat
What the fuck is WRONG with AZ?
Fucking termite, still using a memeflag.
Cunt needs to be raped by a real man.
Reminder that 4 incumbent Democrats lost Senate seats to Republicans and the Senate will be 53-47
They may have gotten smaller...
She better stay fit
Reminder that soon none of this will matter
We need more politicians with big tits.
>my guy won Wisconsin because, while he was behind in precincts with paper ballots, he was ahead in precincts with paperless ballots
>this proves nobody can steal an election
Oh, you poor deluded fool.
>She better stay fit
A homosexual who cuts her tits off is a sure sign of mental stability
In donkeyposter's case, it's pretty clearly that it's fetishism, not racism.
Florida and Georgia governors arent even being contested dipshit
dude's gross
She needs to be anally raped by a nigger.
Cheated. Republican governor wins by 15% of the vote but McSally loses by 1.5??? No way. Statistical improbability. Dems cheated. Civil War incoming. DOTR inbound boys, get your ammo!
>the year is 2021
>the vote ballots for Sinema finally stop being discovered
>there are a total of 7534321345 ballots
>the ballots are used as blankets and housing for the massive homeless and migrant population of az
>in 2023 millions more Sinema ballots are discovered leading to the construction of “ballot cities”
Ok its ironic, dear god i am retarded
Goddamn. So goddamn thirsty right now.
If the Democrats are just going to just cheat to win, you're better off saving gas and not going out to vote. Even better boycott the 2020 election!
Its over for the republicans. I'm a conservative but honestly our party is weak. Elections are over demon rats refuse to admit defeat- 6 days later they finally dig up enough fake votes to push the dems into the lead- what does the repub bitch do? Gladly steps aside and admits defeat. Soon I'm going to stop even rooting for the right. Fuck it. Go full communist. We all know the left are true untouchables?
So when white males no longer have “the power” do we get to claim victim status for gibs?
Ummmmmmmm, no, sweetie - the milk of America is only for wymmyn and people of color now.
The only thing you naughty white boys will be drinking is any fluids you might secrete while I HAND out your punishments.
she have lewds?
Now time for six years of her larping as a Blue Dog and pissing off Demoshits so she can have a hope of getting re-elected. She's going to be their Flake. Hahahahahaha
>no mmommmy pplss
Us white boys get are cocks locked up in chastity. We will gladly take this woman’s strap on
Arizona has chosen to defy Trump over the next 6 year.
I hope they get the enrichment they deserve.
no mane... the get larger and smaller during the month...
Studies show that in heterosexual relationships the male penetrates the female in nearly 100% of couple, while the female penetrates the male in less than 1% of those relationships.
This HUGE imbalance needs to be redressed. We must pursue and strive for equality in all areas. Men must learn what it's like to feel the indignity of being penetrated, something which all woman thoughout history have had to deal with all their lives on a nightly basis.
Shes as rough as a badgers arse.
>Say it with me...
Donald Trump will be president for another 6 years. Enjoy your SJW senator while that happens.
Why does that fella have a hole in his head?
Why is this cunt hound shooped so much in her pictures? Worse than a fucking playboy cover.
He loses to anyone that has viable healthcare reform.
Why is it that left leaning people seem to always have Fish-mouth Syndrome? They all look the same lmao
We'll be tarnished with having "the power" centuries after we're extinct unless enough of us wake up, recognise that their goal is our exctinction and react accordingly. Voting won't achieve that
1984 level deconstruction of language.
Kill yourself. Or better yet dont, I'd prefer to hang you myself.
mouth breathing, nasally voices, jewish.
Ash Wednesday, you heathen.
the hand of the law is going to GRIP you until you COME to the ultimate conclusion that the future being female is the ULTIMATE THRILL
I want to rape her
I want to fuck her raw and fill her with my seed multiple times so bad, holy SHIT.
Oh, this another one of those "Vote for me because I'm a woman" candidates?
America is doomed.
Intersectionalists will gut your culture, economy and civil society, in that order.
If you know anyone who is enrolled in a Gender Studies programme, just cut them off.
Seriously, don't piss on them if they're on fire, don't call 911 if you hear them being raped and dismembered in the flat above, and if you see them panhandling in the street, throw them a button.
>fake blonde
>fat and stupid
yeah great pick
Good too see more women in Congress. We’re finally getting a political body that represent the country.
no sweeties, MADAME SENATOR SINEMA only has sex with wymmyn and men of color.
wytebois have watch from the sidelines while locked in chastity.
She has the name and look of a washed up pornstar. SAD!