Brit/pol/ - IQ edition (all are welcome)

If you're

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Other urls found in this thread:

>BREXIT BOMBSHELL: Confident Theresa May REVEALS first location for ‘Brexit trade mission’

>Northern California's Camp Fire becomes deadliest in the state as the death toll climbs to 42

>Apple iPhone sales fears rock Wall Street

>Election scandal has US in revolt

>End of Theresa May? PM faces just 48 HOURS to 'judgement day' over Brexit

>Homebase has been voted the worst online retailer of 2018 by UK shoppers

>Windrush: Home Office may revise up number of people affected by scandal

>Peak-hour congestion following crash and breakdown

>Death toll in California wildfire jumps to 42

>Scruton Defeats Socialism Again

>Jihadists claim responsiblility for Mali bombing that allegedly targeted Canadian Forces

Fuck IQ editions

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I hate it when roasties join in the men's boxing class. The women's class is an hour before, they should go to that.
Also all pakis try to box like they're Prince Naseem. It's hilarious.

>I am enslaved by machines. But, like most slaves, I know deep down that I chose my fate. I calculated long ago that I preferred a life with mobile phones and computers to one without them. The price is high. It includes the loss of privacy, the unceasing availability to outsiders, the time wasted on the internet, the books unread, the conversations which never happened, the views from train windows that I completely missed as I checked my Twitter feed. I am sorry, but I am not that sorry.

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>50. The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

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Why do you insist on posting this in every thread?

Sad thing about this graph is irl I've found it to be true HOWEVER northerners are the only ones who aren't cowards and susceptible to tv brainwashing. It's like a 1984 situation where the middle class are fully controlled and crushed and the proles are relatively free and hard to control. But each without the other can't do anything.


Someone make a new thread that isn't an IQ edition. I'll post in it instead of this

I second this

Call it the brainlet edition

I'll even take a Ted edition over this crap.

I don't. I posted it last thread to disprove the desperate and outrageous lies being told by a certain tripfaggot cretin, and I'm posting it now for the very same reason.


jermy kyle contestants are from the midlands

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What did you get for this one? I put Juice though I'm not 100% sure.

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Best britpol thread

Stop trying to undercut me, you brainlet scum

I put milkshake since that's a mixture and the others aren't.

milk, the rest are mixed

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I thought of that too, but I thought Juice because you don't know the ingredients of juice whereas you know at least one for the rest.

good luck drinking dilute

e.g. juice is too general whereas the rest are more specific

Sounds like there's a gap in the market. They already have some shit form of a pasty.

Greggs international™

Mixed juice user?

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Also this.

How does Dawkins' cock taste like faggot?

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I've got a cut and a massive bruise on my arm from last night and I have no idea how I did it, I'm a fucking mess send help.

>Remember when Dawkins wasn't an idiot

to make milkshake you mix milk
to make whisky you mix grains
to make gin you mix botanicals
to make juice you mix juice sugar water

for milk?

you milk a cow

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Were you doing anything strenuous? Adrenaline can block out minor pain.

He was furious when we voted to leave the EU. He knows where all his delicious, free science gibs come from.

>vs juice, pic related.

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128. My dad is around 145... I don't know what the fuck happened to my brain :(

Maybe a better way to look at it is: the rest are human-made whereas milk isn't.

you will get heart burn if you don't add water and it will be tart if you don't have sugar

you are not drinking pure juice even if you make it

Adding sugar to fruit juice... just why?

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No I was pissed

Actually, looking at the definition of juice, I think you can discern at least one quality found in all juices. I prefer this answer:

Gutted you thread splitting faggots.

What's for dinner this evening laddies?

Yeah I can get behind this one - level of processing.

Turns out gin and whiskey have an acidic pH too. So that's my other argument out of the window.

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roast camembert

going to make ale stew but takes 6-7 hr in slow cooker

I baked some bread so I was mostly just going to eat that.

I prefer black-haired women to blondes Blondes are so overrated.

And milk is not only consumed by humans.

JBP's Norf tour is going well

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Didn't even try, this test is bullshit

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Looks like jew media got on very well in your head.

Why? White skin looks better when contrasted with dark hair. Brunettes look better too

Just buy a waifu pillow and suffocate yourself with it




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We're not Nordic. What's with the blonde-hair fetish?

Bit unprovoked desu

I had to rush through most of it I'm on launch break
I remember being 131 when I did it with an actual profession at a job I had some ten years ago and the tests were way harder and weirder specially the shapes part
uh well

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Nope. As ash blonde as possible for men and women, blue or green eyes. Peak beauty for me. It's ethereal and seems intelligent, as you move across the spectrum to black it's just more animalistic.

Celts and picts have some of the highest blonde hair rates of any nation.

A crossbow

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Yeah, relative to non-white countries but not white ones

You too

When I say blonde I mean yellow. Diluted blonde is fine, I agree.

>SSRIs accelerate balding
>SNRIs accelerate balding
>beta blockers accelerate balding
>benzos just make matters worse
how the fuck are doctors going to help you sort yourself out, again?

About 23% in ireland. That's second only to the nordic nations.

>>SSRIs accelerate balding
I did not know this, thank God I ditched them

Life accelerates balding. Stop worrying and take meds that will stop you killing yourself first.

Nah mate, we're Bri'ish, land of brunettes

Get a prescription for hair growth pills duur

if some SSRI turns me into a fat baldie with a broken dick i'd certainly kill myself. good looks are the only asset i have.

you never know whether antidepressants are going to turn your life around or open pandora's box and fuck you up the arse forever

>just give yourself gyno and erectile dysfunction while taking god knows what antidepressant as well

Yeah and we should be aspiring to move away from muttdom and into pure whiteness.

Tell me this pic doesn't look like a dying light. It's not the colour that matters but it's a clear indicator of europeanness.

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24 iq here lmao we wuz king

I've never been on them but i know they just cause delayed ejaculation. Depression will kill your dick more than any drug ever could.

A proportion of Brits are light-haired, but that doesn't make it the ideal to strive for.

well get some viagra and testorone pills to balance it out

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sweet, i like your thinking

I think it does, personally i think it's much more aesthetic but that's not the main draw. It's that it's associated with higher intelligence and lower violence, it's a clear unique sign of the european strain. Minus a few aborigine mutants who were probably bleached for a nat geo propaganda issue.

Do you actually take time to cook food?

Man I can't remember the last time I ate a meal which wasn't readymade and took more than 30 minutes to cook in the oven.

start killing dark haired people

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thanks doc! you truly are my best ally

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state of this thread

You think non-blonde Brits are mistaken for non-Europeans? Everyone knows we're European, and the best indicator of low crime rates is low crime rates, not hair colour.

> It's that it's associated with higher intelligence and lower violence,
>lower violence,


>David Lammy pissed himself


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I don't mean to sound like a crazed nordicist. But when you think that over half of mummies found in north africa had light hair, the libya/egypt region used to produce people like king alexander and tutankhamun was quite european genetically - it becomes clear there's been a long defeat.

Everyone thinks "ill survive a multiethnic world intact because ill get my kids to choose white partners" but then they get with someone who is marginally arab and so on and so forth. We need to start aspiring to explicitly white features.

Haha what a little faggot

Yeah the latter isn't good in today's situation but when we don't have wolves in the flock it makes for an advanced society.

What does "two cabinets" mean? Is it a typo?

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what a fucking mong

>b-b-but da polis da SCAWY

thats the whole fucking point. maybe if the police were more threatening to little niggers like lammy when he was twelve they all wouldnt be so quick to run around being fucking scumbags

I imagine if there was the fine data you'd see blonde haired brits have less of a record than dark haired. However i admit that's trivial and not really my main point. The blonde hair is just a proxy for guaranteed european genes.

yes,those are both my lazy meals for winter though

you just roast the cheese, slow cooker you just throw it all in and dinner is ready for the next 2-4 depends on if you are single

some good ready meals in aldi though, I don't usually eat ready meals because they used to give me a migraine and the shits but everywhere is upping their game

but try the beef hash at aldi, they also have beef dripping yorkshire puddings frozen

protip: I add water to them since they seem super concentrated on the gravy, you will get more gravy and it won't be over salty and meat more tender

>but then they get with someone who is marginally arab and so on and so forth.
this is true with the ammount of quadroons floating around council states around london

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Quintessentially british