Quintessentially British mother shot dead with crossbow.
burgers will still claim we need guns
Quintessentially British mother shot dead with crossbow
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No I won't.
common sense crossbow control
when crossbows are outlawed, only outlaws will have crossbows
checked, she cute
i don't see why it matters that she's pregnant
isn't it just a clump of cells?
She changed her name to Sana, her husband was Muslim. She is probably a South Indian or a Sri Lankan
From RT:
Sana Muhammad with husband Imtiaz Muhammad © Facebook / Sana Muhammad
Muhammad was rushed to hospital but died three hours later. The crossbow bolt reportedly missed the unborn baby by several centimeters. After being delivered the baby was transferred to a critical care unit, where he remains.
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According to the Evening Standard, Sana Muhammad reportedly changed her name from Devi Unmathallegadoo upon marrying her husband Imtiaz Muhammad, six years ago.
Her husband told the paper that his wife was shot in front of her five children, aged one, four, 12, 15 and 17.
Speaking of the incident Mr Muhammad told the Standard of how he found the alleged murdered hiding in the shed. “I went to put a cardboard box in the shed. He was there with the crossbow loaded. He stared at me, he was going to shoot so I ran into the house. My wife was doing the washing up, I was shouting ‘run’ ‘run’ ‘run’.
“He shot her. I can’t help thinking she took my arrow. Maybe it should have hit me. The kids were all there, it was horrific.
“The arrow went up into her heart but did not touch the unborn baby. The baby was due in four weeks. They operated with the arrow still in because it would have been too dangerous to take out.”
>Mrs Muhammad, who was born in Mauritius, had been a Hindu but converted to Islam in order to wed builder Imtiaz, who is originally from Pakistan.
>The couple met and fell in love after her marriage to Mr Unmattallegadoo, who is also from Mauritius, fell apart.
>'Sana became a Muslim so she could marry Imtiaz. Their's was a love marriage,' a close family friend, who asked not to be named, told MailOnline.
she dead too. Fucking cunt gave birth to 5 kids. The child was also saved. All muslims. Fucking bitch deserved it for being a traitor.
I thought she was Sri Lankan with that last name. Mauritius it is. What a fucking dumb bitch. Why would anyone marry a Muslim?
>ban guns
>people kill with crossbows instead
yes guns are to blame abdullah
anythings better than a jew i guess
Because they fell in love. You’re not a bigot, are you user?
See She went for the Chad
ban assault minorities now
She's hindu, you absolute retard.
Indian women LOVE the BWC! I’m a Chad and have laid plenty of (married) Indian women.
A White man who is 6’+, blue eyed and Jow Forums is literally a golden god to Indian women.
>burgers will still claim we need guns
which includes guns
Her kids aren’t though.
She is a Hindu from Mauritius. The guy he married was Muslim. Check the article. She changed her name to Sana Muhammed. The guy who killed her is Imtiaz Muhammed from Pakistan.
Check this:
It's the law here that we have to have bows and are meant to practice. it's been passed as law several times
>All Men under the Age of sixty Years "shall have Bows and Arrows for shooting. Men-Children between Seven "Years and Seventeen shall have a Bow and 2 Shafts. Men about Seventeen "Years of Age shall keep a Bow and 4 Arrows-
aliens can't use them though so maybe they couldn't have used them for defence in this case. Don't think they are allowed to be used in London either
>. "Aliens shall not use "shooting in Long-bows;
I assume the children were converted when she got with her new husband. Islam isn't a race.
Or just flipping your retarded logic, there's no point in banning guns in the first place, so why're ya even bothering to try?
>was eight months pregnant but her baby survived after an emergency Caesarean section
>The baby is in a "stable condition" in hospital after the attack
leaf making a retarded post. Good job.
> aliens
fucking discriminatory assholes.
love is love. she fell in love with her muslim bull, just like my wife did.
practice has to be supervised by clergy too, it's clearly discrimination to keep them unarmed
>All English males over the age of 14 are to carry out two hours of longbow practice every week, supervised by the local clergy. This law dates from the middle ages when there was no army and is still in place today.
>comedy surname
>comedy death
checks out
They would usually do the practise after church, which was also mandatory.
and nothing of value was lost
imagine being that kid and having to come to terms with the fact that your dad killed your mom with a crossbow 4 weeks before you were due to be born.
Crossbow...what a country.
>wood + string
yeah good luck banning that
This entire incident just goes to PROVE
CRIMINALS will always find a way to kill
And you know what...?
They arent affraid to
BECAUSE THEY KNOW their victims are disarmed cucks
You don’t deserve them.
That kid is going to REALLY hate Hindus.
Clearly this was a high capacity crossbow. If this was a low capacity, the bolt wouldn't have killed
>wood + string
Notice they say "man" and refuse to mention skin colour or race, yet if an evil straight white male does it they'll mention his skin colour in every sentence
During the Islamic Conquest of India, Muslim emperors used to rape and then kill Hindu princesses if they didn't sleep with them. This is how Sati became popularized, Hindu women would rather jump into their husband's funeral pure than sleep with Muslim men.
Glad to see Britain (Nova Indica) is going on the same path.
*Funeral pyre
Stop preaching Bullshit you fuckin poo.
t. Muslim
They made an entire movie about this
She looks cute, would dilute my genes for her
poojet, sanjay, stop posting here and focus on your hygiene.
Would that be considered a multi-kill or a killing spree?
I'm not Muslim you fuckin faggot.
Johar is one kind of sati, wasn't limited to Muslims.
Fuck. Off
It does get the noggin joggin some what though, if enough people buy or craft their own long bows or crossbows and started targeting shit skins how would cucked left wing governments clamp down?
How can they save the life of a baby that isn't alive?
did not the british rape too ??
i am sure you rape some people when you colonized others
are you trying to suck up whiteys dick again poo?
Good, at least they'll have that
Paki guy doesn't want to be in-bred like other Pakis so he finds a wife that he wants to mate with. He figures that Hindus are even more loyal to their family than Muslims and thus that she won't stay converted forever. Maybe she had already talked about leaving. If I was a gambling man I'd say this guy has some connections to either organized crime and/or the intelligence agencies. doing shit like this makes him a celebrity in UK among other muslim extremists and thus he gets better access and is a better asset/agent.
Then she deserved it
its basically like a premature baby. i honestly don't know the details of it, like how long the mother can be dead for them to delivery/revive the baby. Maybe Ahmed knew he could not do the c-section himself so he called an ambulance before he shot her in the heart. I'm guessing here but to me it is pretty obvious. They don't trust converts will stay once the convert starts to express doubt.
Save a hoe, bin that bow
>be refugee
>flee to UK
>get impaled by crossbow arrow
so it wasn't a wise decision to flee afterall
This is an imitation problem, not a weapons one.
>refugees from Pakistan and Mauritius
>The arrow went up into her heart but did not touch the unborn baby. The baby was due in four weeks. They operated with the arrow still in because it would have been too dangerous to take out.”
This just in: poo with gun kills crossbow wielding husband.
Remind me never to go to London.
I know this is a troll post, but it reminds me of a story from high school. I once had to attend a Kony 2012 seminar in the auditorium during my senior year. The speaker was this cute British Indian girl. The way she spoke, if it wasn't for her appearance I would have thought she was just an ordinary Englishwoman.
If they act British and don't cause trouble for anyone, I don't see why you guys would have a problem with them. Same to people in this country who have a problem with immigrants who properly assimilate.
>don't cause trouble
they do cause trouble. We are a tiny island and England has a population density higher than India. We have become foreigners in our own land. We are being ethnically and culturally replaced. We are allowed to exist as a people.
she came from a wealthy family and if she was promoting Kony 2012 overseas, either she was an idealistic person mixed up in a deep state operation or she was somewhat aware of the situation and basically she's a glow in the dark nigger now, most likely. most big international NGOs work with the intelligence industry fyi.
>Quintessentially British
She's a poo.
Oh right, of course, quintessential British post 1947
if not a glow in the dark nigger she works for the UK foreign office, or she is expecting to run for office, etc etc
Do you know the Mouse Utopia experiment?
If you dont, that's what's happening right now in the UK.
burgers need guns. it's easy for you to say guns aren't needed when england is the size of alabama, except surround by the sea. you see, USA is the richest country in the world. it has the biggest military, yet, it cannot protect its border from illegal immigrants and international drug trafficking. you have your moped gangs there terrorizing london's population with knives and forks. imagine if you were connected to beaner lands, nigga, guns would flow like crazy and the victims would be law abbiding citizens
Ban purchases of string to anyone without a license and require a 90 day waiting period for buying wood.
>be bong
>get shot by crossbow
I do and agree. Apparently you have the lowest fertility rate in the world so you are having some of the same problems perhaps without the craziness that we have here
Bet you 10 bob there will be more crossbow stories in (((the media))) over the next year and they will try to ban them. I'm calling it now. They did the same shit with air rifles in Scotland. You actually have to get a license for an air rifle now! Crossbows are way deadlier, it's only a matter of time. Better stock up for the race war now lads.
>so you are having some of the same problems
No it's fine here nothing like the UK.
I would have a full arsenal if I lived over there and it's becoming desirable that we should have them here
good call, surprised we are still able to buy them desu
>Better stock up for the race war now lads.
If they ban cross-bows it works retro-actively you moron.
So if you get caught with it you go to prison.
based and redpilled. Imtiaz really showed that thot, fuckin whore. Hopefully British men follow suit.
be with a miya (Hindi slang for Muslim),
pay the jizya
Fucking South Indians and their names
Nossens. Assauwt cwossbose arway kil at grate spee
toll paid
>gun crimes rising
brazil 2.0 soon
You can't use a crossbow to attack a tank or jet.
She deserved to die. Marrying a mudslime and having 5 kids with one on the way is stupid.
Even niggers aren't this stupid.