Why do conservatives always play the victim card?

Why do conservatives always play the victim card?

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equality feels like persecution to the privileged

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libs are the epitome of victims, wtf you talking about

enjoy getting saged faggot

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the stormweenie cries out in pain as he strikes you

They learned it from their jewish masters, just like SJWs.

Because the victim card is the only currency the left accepts.

Irony is wasted on the stupid.

>Equality feels like persecution for the mentally retarded.

>Equality feels like persecution when you lie about your humanity. When youre an unevolved ape.

Kek, based

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Except us whites have earned this “privilege”

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gr8 b8 m8

Another thread where the left accuses the right of the things they are guilty of. It's like when the left started using safespace as an insult even though they created the modern idea of safe spaces. Same with snowflake and the npc meme. All the left does is go "no u" at this point lol.

>What is "Intersectional Stack"
>The left literally gives people's opinions priority based on "victim points"
>Not the actual content of their ideas

You make everything you touch dirty, and do not create, but destroy that which others have built.

Cut all welfare programs.
Close all borders.
Hang all gender Studies faculty.
Kill Antifa and put them all in a mass-grave.

This is how you fix The West.

>projection: the post.

>no family
>no church
>no guns
>no vote

We are the victims desu.


These types of threads have common characteristics. If you spot any of these, be sure to take a closer look before replying.

1. Post asks a question that implies either false or misleading assumptions
>why are liberals so much smarter than conservatives?

2. Any variation of "blacked" posting, usually spamming porn

3. Copy pasta posts
>as a former trump voter.....

4. Twitter screen shot reaction threads. Easily recognizable, usually accompanied by bait text
>well pol she's got a point.
>pol btfo
>prove him wrong. Pro tip: you can't

5. Any other obvious (you) bait. The shills aren't very clever, their bait is normally quite transparent, don't take the bait.
>wow wtf racist?
>muh Bill nye, muh nu science

6. Meme flag. Need I say more?

If you find one of these threads, do your part. Sage, report, and hide it. Do not post an image as this will always bump the thread.

Why is it that only democrat overlords in academia, finance, media, and law are not complete failures in life? It seems like the voter base is made up of dysfunctional communities and emerge from broken families. It’s almost like the democrats gather and entice people to fail at life, encouraging mediocrity at best, and at worst, envy and resentment. It always puzzled me why the voters seem to be made up of people who can’t but make excuses for why they aren’t contributing members of society and always have their hands out.

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>. All the left does is go "no u" at this point lol.
Funny as that is the surest proof of the npc meme

Don't bump it retard

>Why do conservatives always play the victim card?

Why do leftists try to steal what the right says about them?

Because Cuckservatives are stupid and they think that virtue signalling will mean anything to anyone.

I know it's b8 and the left projects like crazy, but fuck, they really can't meme...


Lol, how ironic that a member of the left is claiming republicans play the victim

Because liberals lack
1. Forensic insight
2. Historical truth
3. Cause and effect judgment
4. Social stability

>1 post by this ID
Why haven't you necked yourself yet?

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Underrated comment.

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jealous subhumans detected kek sage

Why are bumping dummy

You are retarded.

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persecution complex is one of the most basic tenets for fundamentalist christians

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