Tick... tock...
Won’t be much longer now.
The walls are closing in.
Tick... tock...
Won’t be much longer now.
The walls are closing in.
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Clock's been ticking for almost 3 years at this point. Sure you aren't hearing things?
Which one of those says president trump? Oh right nothing to do with the Russia claim
I hope he does. If Trump doesn't do something about it then we have lost.
> tick tock!!!1!1!1!
> clock ticking drumpfkins!!!
> republitards btfo!!!1!1!1!1
please kill yourself and everyone carrying your genes
Mueller is taking his time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Orange Nero will have his day soon, don’t you worry.
>inb4 a nothing slap on the wrist and dems cheer victory
It's that tinnitus
They’re afraid.
say it's full blown collusion and even the Senate is behind impeachment?
they are. they see how shit it's going for them this election and they are worried he's gonna get booted before they can do more dumb shit
This, and yet they have nothing on Trump and no collusion with muh Russia. They’ve been going after Roger stone since the beginning and still can’t find anything. Sad.
Guys, what if...what if Trump and Kushner were responsible for the anthrax attacks back in 2001? And they've been getting away with until now, but Mueller's finally going to nail them for it? And it all comes full circle? He finally overcomes the greatest failure of his career and solves the anthrax case at last.
What the fuck are you doing?
You new here?
Lol! Great fanfiction there. Then Trump and Mueller learn about mutual masturbation.
his son?
Bullshit, the walls are closing in on Comey Rosenstein and hopefully McCabe Page Clinton Sweatnick creepy porn lawyer stormy daniels...jesus it's gonna be a fucking massacre like little big horn or the mountain meadow in utah...fuck.
The dems have America by the balls, they just rigged elections in plan view.
This is EXCELLENT to see, this shows how Weak Trump is, Trump is a big man on Twitter but a weakling as a President.
- Never fired Comey on Day #1 as President, Comey then wrote a book and made $Millions
- never fired Mueller, Mueller instead has spent every day going after Trump, his family, and Trump's campaign staff
- Never fired Sessions during 2017, when Sessions was asleep for months at a time
- Has yet to fire Rosenstein, who backstabs Trump daily
- took Trump almost a year to fire Lisa Page and McCabe
- absolutely no investigation with merit into FISA abuse
- absolutely no investigation yet into Hillary's proven crimes
- never built the Wall yet
- has only deported a handful of people, Millions of Illegals still here and voting
- no FBI investigation into the Nationwide Terror group ANTIFA, who is funding them
- it even took Trump about 18 months to throw CNN's Jim Acosta out of the White House
Where have I heard that before?
Oh yeah.
You know there is a delay between committing a crime and being prosecuted, even if you're caught in the act. It's simple don't seat the cheats, the senate most certainly doesn't have to.
>hasnt declassified FISA fraud
>US military openly defies him
>US public assaulted daily by government shills
There is no peaceful solution
Don't talk shit agains't the system and have an opinion.
This shit's fucked.
Basically, you'll get gulag'd if you point out how fucked up everything is.
Have a (you).
This bait is too stupid to not ignore.
Get the fuck out of hear with your weak assed reductive tripe. You retards barf out the same bullshit ad infinitum ad nauseum on Jow Forums every day. Pretty sad you faggots can't create original thought without crowdsourcing a brain first.
If it isn't today, they'll lose all credibility.
Yes there is. The wheels of justice turn slowly. Why do you think the democrats are threatening everybody? They can subpoena and they can investigate but it's takes the senate to impeach. Also the democrats have to consider a day when Trump IS gone and the damage their bullshit is going to cause them. Everything they do will be done to them eventually.
They already have, they think winning a few house seats puts them in the drivers seat. After watching Trump for two years I'n dying to see what he has cooked up...
Tell Mueller to shit or get off the pot.
Going to indict Putin, Merkel and Chef from South Park too?
YEA, we mean it this time.....any minute now......
any minute and drumpfhgsewqrtasuyg is finished!!!
Gotta make sure it runs off into the next election dumbo
>No collusion
>no Russia
No fucking charges for the people that made the peepee gate dozier?
No charges for the party or people that illegally used campaign funds to pay fusion GPS for the fake report?
No criminal charges for the FBI agents that set up the conspired to take down the president with faked evidence?
Wonderful draining of the swamp there.
Q Mueller is our guy
They 'charged' 13 ish Russian trolls in Russia, without consequences
Mueller is a joke
They charged 13 that they thought wouldn't show up in court. Then they showed up in court and Mueller couldn't provide any evidence.
It was a fucking joke.
Now all he has is people making mistakes on their taxes and people unable to be 100% accurate on past accounts.
Nothing will happen, check these.
when was the last time they threatened a relative of a sitting president with legal action?
KIKE bait nr 1987984759384985039485
just kill yourself
No need for tears and fear friends. It’ll all be over soon. Orange Nero will be strung up on a noose like Mussolini when it’s all said and done.
Hasn't he been issuing hundreds of indictments everyday for 2 years?
Yeah it's too late. They can't end the investigation now. They need to keep it going and keep it ambiguous till 2020.
When are leftists going to start getting impatient?
Q will vanish once Corsi is in prison, screengrab this
Has out new acting ag delivered discovery yet? Did the charges get dropped? They have a constitutional right to a speedy trial.
Drumpf BTFO
Robert Swan Mueller III was at one point (still is?) a card-carrying Republican.
Mueller volunteered for service in the Vietnam War after his friend died. He did not need to do this.
Mueller was injured in the line of duty, protecting his troops.
Mueller was the FBI director for 10 years. Thanks to Hoover, FBI directors are term-limited (10 years). Obama and the Congress at the time passed special legislation to extend Mueller's term by 2 years. It was passed with unanimous bipartisan consent.
Under Mueller's leadership, the FBI was ushered into the new era. Might surprise you to learn this, but Mueller has always been a computer guy too.
Mueller took on the mob. Mueller took on the big corporations.
Mueller won every single time.
Make no mistake. Mueller has been an American hero for a very long time. He has been an American patriot.
And after Mueller completes his investigation, and the subsequent trials and convictions(which he has already done a lot of), his service to all Americans will forever be cemented in the history books.
Many children and teenagers see the President* today and some of them are modelling his behavior and attitude.
However, one day, it will be Mueller that kids look up to.
Do I risk mythologizing Mueller? Sure.
I don't give a fuck. The facts will speak for themselves.
For everything that has gone wrong in this timeline, the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III will be our saving grace.
But he can't do it alone. The Swan can fly, but we need to make sure the runway is secure for lift-off.
Fucking. Vote. Democrat. All. The. Way.
Something extraordinary is going to happen in the next few weeks, other than of course Democrats winning the house.
>im from Jow Forums
screenmolest this post so user can't get away with it