John Kasich welcomes migrant caravan immigrants to come to Ohio

Fucked BASED!

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Enemies within the gates.


Also, fuck off we’re full

>Brave man tells retarded trash to walk through 20 states to get to his and if they make it he'll be totally cool with it
only libs will believe this

is there a reason why leftists love immigrants so much, aside from free votes

holy fuck I hate this guy

>Will Run as Independent in 2020
>He will be presented as the more reasonable/conservative pick then Trump
>Will get go on every Latenight show, Kimmel, Fallon, Colbert, Real-Time, SNL
>He will Taunt Trump, Why don't he Debate me, MSM will Parrot this to mock Trump
>MSN will give you a million reasons not to like Trump
>they will give you a Million and 1 reason to vote 4 Kasich instead
>Kasich Leaches 10-15% of Trump's votes in Purple/Rust Belt states
>Hillary wins 2020
>We all end up in the Gulag, fun times ahead boys

>if brown people acted like white people no one would care
no shit

NeverTrumper to the end. Fuck this guy.

>aside from free votes

That's really all it is.

If illegals' citizen spawn voted Republican and were strongly anti-abortion, etc., the Left's rhetoric about them would be flipped 180°.

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How mad is he that his meal ticket campaign fell through?

Free votes is it.
Also fuck off jew.

free slave labor, over 150 years since the american civil war and the democrats still want brown people to pick crops for them.

The jewish element which is ultimately the controlling power of the left, wants out of sheer anti white hatred and the desire to see us lose our nations and culture. The minority element of the left wants it because it strengthens their "coalition of the acendant" and helps them tear down white america. The whites who actually buy into that shit are just utterly brainwashed NPC slaves and are largely beyond saving.

Well, time to make my bags, see you soon neighbours.

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Just the omitted truth that those Darkies won't be coming near his white neighborhood or school district unless they are there to clean the toilets and do the yard work. (Rub every white progressives' face in the fact that they are living more like slave masters than allies of POC's. Remember that YOUR neighborhood will be forced to integrate, not theirs.)

>be ohio
>be a swing state
>import illegal immigrants who depend on gibs
>lose America forever

Kasich is such a piece of shit

You are a complete faggot and ohio hates you

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He's gonna let the fuckers in, then theyll leave Ohio and enter their fucking enclave in west Indy. Fuck this bastard

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>slave labor
Implying all these shitskins won't just hop on the welfare rolls and live the free and easy life committing petty crimes and breeding litters of more sub-human parasites.

This meme that importing mud races for "cheap labor" has to die. It is Jew deception hiding the real motives (Cloward Piven Strategy then ultimately white genocide)

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He is such a revolting cuck. I'd love to punch his fat stupid face

Into his house? What a nice man!

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Stop right there criminal scum

And my family wonders why I left Columbus. Even Kasich is too conservative for those short north loving faggots

I am latino, what the FUCK is wrong with your white people, seriously, I can count with one fucking hand the amount of latinos that are able to form a coherent thought, the ones that usually come are NOT professionals, well educated, etc. They are the low tier shit stains of humanity, some are hard workers but that is about it!? why in GODS name, would anyone think that they would make this place more diverse??

Have you EVER seen a large amount of latinos integrate? Or do you see latino AREAS, with people that can barely speak english and form ghettos?
What is that you define as diversity that makes you think: " you know what? lets bring all these fucking people from all over, lowest tier please and they will make our land more vibrant with all their....theirrr.....theeeeiirrrr.......TACOS!

Fucking imbeciles!! There is NOTHING other than cheap labor that would make this country diverse bringing people like this.
Immigration law exist, I came legally and am now a citizen, but god if every time I see a low tier goblina I thank my hard work to be able to live in a white area. I LEFT because I did NOT want to be surrounded by shit people, and now you IDIOTS are bringing them here...

FUUUUUUCCKKK..... now i need to move to greenland or something to escape this fucking soon to be shithole...

stupid motherfuckers I tell ya.

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A true conservative hero!

That's very true, they would become anti immigrant pretty quickly.

>ruthless free marketer
>at Lehman Brothers during collapse
>reinvents himself as dopey dad
this dude sucks so bad

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>bating migrants to cross the border now that the military is defending it

go back to your country then if you dislike it so much

Literally CRINGE

>"vibrant diversity"
Yes, as we all know countries full of spics are wonderful paradises, we totally want more of them in America

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The white people you are talking about are dancing monkeys, they perform tricks for praise and that's it. I'm latino too and I go to school with these types of whites, when trump won they sent me messages on fb saying they were sorry and how sad they were for my people. It was bizarre because I was part of YAF at the time lol.

Go to Africa if you love BBC so much

Oh fuck off dumbassr, I am probably more of a citizen than you with the time I've lived here.
I love this country, I despise morons like you and shit tier people that demorats try to flood it with.
Now go play with something that will probably hurt you, like a book or facts, you know...

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those are city dwellers, millenials with shit parents, the whites i live around are informed, hard working people with ZERO retardation or SJW mentality.
City whites are mostly cucks, but you can red pill them if you take the time and effort

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I think he ran just to get free food.

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I literally hope he offs himself

You think you're frustrated, try living in a border state and watching this shit happen every day of every year of your fucking life and not be able to say anything without being called a racist.

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He's going to Ross Perot Trump in 2020. Screencap this.

powerful and brave

People use that word thinking it means something that it doesn't. If anything it would be xenophobe, not racist.
But hey, who the fuck cares, I would keep on saying it, fuck those hive mind morons and their slow simpleton brains.
If i lived there I would probably plant IED's and watch them fly around...

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Fuck these fucking mid west nigger cucks. They have like 3 Mexicans, they don't know the horror.

ohio does have one of the largest relative illegal immigrant populations, hes probably why.

Ohio is fucking normie central. People love this idiot here. The state is swarming with Somalians and Nepalese already. This might be an improvement.

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>This might be an improvement.
I got bad news for you.
T. Houstonfag

They do tend to be anti abortion. They vote dems for gibs

The idiot masses that dance to the tune of the big corporations think they're being passionate caring individuals, their actual masters just want more cheap borderline slave-tier labor and the free votes so that they can continue holding on to the power of their literally evil shadow governments.

This, just avoid Chimpinnatti, Coonveland, Coloredledo, Niggerlumbus, Apekron, Jigabooburg and Nigrayton.


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There is also virtue signaling which is amplified by the cancer that is social media.

republitards be like

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It's just like Trump said, Mexico is not sending their best and brightest, it's the poor and uneducated trash that makes its way over.

I absolutely hate “compassionate conservatives”. They are the ultimate good goys who can’t think two steps ahead to realize that the invaders they let in don’t give a fuck about them and they are just another globohomo pawn.

On a personal level, not a whole lot no.
They're effectively mindless NPCs who believe whatever the person on the TV is telling them to believe, but *those* people hate the USA and the west in general which is why they want it.

They also like the cheaper wages because way more people, much greater pressure on resources (so they sell more stuff) and housing so it costs more. The last one is the biggest in Sweden where all the politicians own lots of houses and they want to rocket the price up, fuck me that place is god damn evil.

He's just lashing out like the little lame duck kuk hold he is

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Dems are not breeding enough to replace themselves. Republicans are not much better but they are breaking even which is a world of difference.

Essentially since they have pissed off the white working class Dems have a choice, figure out how to fix it or import enough shitskins every single year to get ahead in votes.

that son of a bitch

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We should create a flyer quoting him with a map leading to the Governor's Mansion

Ahhh, some of the best signs are simple

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So is anything going to happen to this tool for his literal sedition

People realized he's a cunt who pissed off Trump to the point of making himself invisible.

is clearly shopped, though the lawyers advertised by the billboard actually do like when people get injured because it's more money for them

there are three pillars to the left. the jew overlords. the democrats, and the npc masses
the npc masses want immigrants for virtue signaling
the democrats want them for votes
and the jew overlords want them for their credit based ponzi scheme that the entire country's economy is propped up on.

jeez oh man

Fuck You Kasich. All these elected fucking assholes doing exactly the opposite of what people want. Lefties like it because it pisses us off until their town becomes overrun and they fucking hate it too. Fuck Kasich. I have had it with this arrogance.