Beware paid shills all over mainstream sites like Jow Forums

>Shills are everywhere. Paid groups trying to brainwash you exist. Beware. 90 percent of trap posts, gay posts, black on white posts, and so on - are posted by paid shill groups.
>Jow Forums is a government psyop.
>Reddit also.
>Google is an NSA front.
>Mainstream media is also in on it.

Break free. Wake up.

Attached: 123.png (1019x857, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>been here for years and still do it for free
What’s become of me

remember that shills actually do it for free

I do it for free. I do it for Israel.

I have seen the light. The wh*Teoid race has to be exterminated. The master race is the Jewish race. I shall marry a Jewess and have Jewish children. Fuck wh*Tes.

>upvote / downvote what the Jew wants
>Get my 10 Shekels
>Change my upvote to downvote

Based indibro. JIDF sends our regards!

Why 9-3 Israeli time? Obvious Juden op to fuck over the Goyim.

Attached: Jewdar.gif (300x300, 185K)

>Israeli time
It really is the jews.

>JIDF sends our regards!
mail him some kazar milk stations
>Proof of Jow Forums psyop threads.
>Image too big to see here.
>SAVE image from imgur and ZOOM in.

Wake up.

>Seems that Jow Forums is being used to spread a pro gay liberal agenda.

We know

Fake News, nothing to see here my MAGApedes.

Attached: 11C6A9F3476545CD989DC751C6F48997.jpg (670x591, 102K)

>Screencap of a quarter of the image.

Attached: tt1.jpg (1854x710, 370K)

roughly 70% of all threads here are shill threads

Yes the rabbit hole goes deep.

Wait til you understand all the media is run by fake ass jews, evolution and globe Earth are bullshit, and everything you know is a big lie.
>Jesus and god also are not real.

We are slaves that get controlled, nothing more.
We think we are free and rebels, but they control us at all times.

No surprise their. All nations now have an internet operations to spread propoganda and influence the views of the powerful western nations. Helps extract resources, get preferred political outcomes etc.

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Hahahahahahaha How the fuck is JIDF posting Real Hahahaha Goy just stop them from posting Like disable his hand Haha

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over the next year, the redpill mobile is going into overdrive. we're going to attack them on every single informational front. they will resort to heavy-handed political brinkmanship, /our/guy in the WH will lay waste to them.

be of sound mind and great courage, the battle now begins in earnest.

their control is slipping and we've breached containment.

>NASA in Hebrew, means 'to deceive'.

Attached: c83d11daee3196a1bc2f24ec0bd07b68--illuminati-symbols-hollow-earth.jpg (474x499, 45K)

Beware controlled opposition.

just remember, those who are paid to fight
wars tend to lose them.

The "shill" narrative is itself a subtle like to conceal that the Chans themselves and the mods are and always have been part of the agenda , not external posters.

Act-Il is way better than those faggots

>Jesus and God are also not real
Spot the disinfo agent

>every known planet in our solar system is a sphere but the earth is flat
[tipping intensifies]

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Wait. Wait. Wait.

Are you saying there are people being paid to come here and fuck with us? Since when? I've never noticed them! It's not like that has been my everyday experience here since time immemorial.

How does one become a paid shill? Asking for a fren of course.

OP is a flat earther but not Christian... Aka a Gnostic shill with the explicit goal of pushing hyperreality/reality denial to introduce the NWO simulation/ "sentient world" mindset

You're an idiot.

Attached: mars2.jpg (287x395, 45K)

NASA lies , and the earth may or may not be flat, but anyone who denies Jesus is the Christ is Antichrist.

You realize everything you know about flat Earth is bogus right?

No real flat Earther is religious - we are SCIENTISTS!

Attached: 22046974_759745370891866_39571722990005751_n.jpg (960x740, 75K)

Earth isn't a planet. Look at the sphere you're talking about. they are nothing like earth.

Don't get your info from Vsauce buddy.

All your knowledge is vain if you reject Christ.

You are an idiot.

Attached: atheismmakessense.jpg (450x450, 37K)

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Your posting doesn't even make sense.

YOU are the one who said "Jesus and God are not real"

Jesus and god are not real.

Flat Earth has ZERO to do with religion.
Do not listen to google media that claims stupid shit about flat earth.
>US government shills are trying to spread the information that all flat earthers are morons and believe in gods.

Truth is, no REAL flat earth supporter is religious - we are all science minded skeptics.

Stay away from flat earth society - it is a MOCK group. Not real.

walking over the edge

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Ice surrounds earth - keeping the waters in.
You can not fall off.

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>90 percent of trap posts
this one is extremely obvious in 4chins:
the percentage of traps and those who claim to like them is magnitudes lower than the percentage of trap posts in the porn boards

and there's always a post about it no matter the day



Flat Earth has everything to do with religion .

The only reason the system would lie about the reality of creation is to deceive people away from realizing God is real. Even your own memes about atheism reveal that.

You're subtly revealing some truths to steer people into a trap by mixing it with the biggest lie of all time (that Jesus isn't God)

Attached: wall 2.gif (480x321, 87K)

>Nice try shill.
Jesus is not real - a stolen story from Horus.
Move on.


So you see through the lies of NASA but believe everything the Zeitgeist Documentary told you word for word

Fact is, flat earth has zero to do with religion - no real flat earther believes in a god or a jesus, or so on.

US government sponsored media - that you read on reddit and shit - claims all flat earthers are religious and so on - to keep you people away.

They feed you bullshit - and you believe bullshit easily.

Truth is - if you want to know about flat Earth - speak to a REAL flat earther - not some faggot posing as one on some filthy liberal religious site.

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You're a Gnostic pushing the idea that the goal is to ESCAPE from flat Earth , go past the ice wall etc.

It's just another way to promote rebellion against the creator

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>The only legitimate FE site.

Take note how the forum clearly states religious belief is not welcome, and you will be upset if you come here with a religious mindset.

Wake up.

Yet you believe Jesus is Horus, which in itself is a religious belief.

You're no better than the atheists

Fuck off you dopey Americunt faggot shill.
Get a new job - you suck.

>what is north and south
>why is it called pole

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>Erik Dubay

This dude's a spook. He's "Rik Clay" who disappeared in 2012, given a new shill identity.

His goal is to steer truth seekers in circles and away from Christ

Exactly what the Bible says, yet you're so dense you don't see it


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>What is education?

Do you idiots even research shit or do you just go around believing silly stuff all day without question?

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>Shill still crapping on about Jesus.
Fuck off you fool.

Hiding all shill threads is impossible there are so many duplicates. There are only a few threads like ptg and sg krautpol etc. But those are filled with raiders and shills. This board is bad off.


>NASA have never been to the moon or over 100 miles up.

They convinced stupid people the rocket flies sideways to get a slingshot effect to be able to leave Earth's orbit.

Reality is the rockets fly sideways into restricted waters , are recovered, and NASA gives you cartoons as proof they went to space.
You people then believe it as you are simple.

Wake up.

Physics proves and demonstrates to us that NOTHING can go further than 100 miles up.
>Every single rocket to have tried has either stopped dead, or blown up. Only NASA cartoon rockets go higher.

"It aint rocket science you know".

Attached: NASA sideways to space.png (752x768, 447K)

i don't trust research
just magic

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>9-3 israeli time


In what twisted mind is promoting the Truth of Jesus being a shill?

And NASA was founded by occultists and Satanists. Ignoring the spiritual dimension behind it is a big mistakr

Try find a real image of a satellite on the net.
Won't find one.
All you'll find is cartoons.

Only place you'll see a satellite is in a museum~

Attached: satellite-bs.jpg (978x596, 201K)

>Everything on Earth is done via ground based repeater towers, or high altitude balloons or craft.

Satellites are bullshit, as is space travel.
>Physics says so.

Attached: thinking.jpg (736x736, 166K)

It's because earth's rotation dumbass

How can you ignore that "alien abductions" are identical to the demonic attacks of the past? You're telling half the truth but hiding the most important half - spiritual warfare

> Real stars.

Notice how the sun is not a star, but is the sun.
Stars are similar to planets.
Balls of light, nothing more.
Not landable terra firma.

Planets as you know them - are not real.
>Bonus tip: Aliens are also not real, as planets do not exist as you think. They are energy balls of some kind - not rocks n shit.

This cocksucker capcha is pissing me off!

Attached: rea.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

You fuckwit.
>Thinks he lives upside down on a spinning space potato whizzing around the infinite universe without a single proof. DUUUURP.

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All these lies are to hide that creation is special because there's a creator, yet you still can't believe there's a creator. So your truth seeking is vain

>'This dopey cunt's still at it.
Get fired you freak - you suck at shilling.

They're angels , but you can't even comprehend the truth

>im the fuckwit

Where do you even get your morality from if you reject God? Yourself? Then you're no better than the people lying about the shape of the earth.

only a flat earther could be thi...

.. s stupid. Of course. It's like clockwork.

>stars are energy balls of some kind

Well you are not wrong

God , jesus, the great hojo, and the man up the mountain are not real.

What is real is that earth is level.
Science proves this daily.

Pseudoscience will have you believe you live on a ball.

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>he thinks sun is this close to ground

Attached: lol.jpg (719x540, 88K)

A common trend among flat earthers is the desperate attempts to feel like their not as insignificant as they think.
Imagine facing reality, we're a sphere floating in an endless space with other spheres out of our reach, there's no reason to think there's any greater purpose to us or that we're the center of the universe, yet flat earthers are desperate to be "a part of something more".

Do you share that same view?

Haha detected

>Flat Earth truths for those new to the movement.
Ignore shit you read on google .

1. Nobody believes in the dome above - it's a theory.

2. Nobody believes in an accurate flat Earth map - as it is unable to be mapped as most areas are off limits.

3. Flat Earth is NOT a disc located in space, rising up at 6mph.

4. You cannot fall off the edge.

5. Everything on google/mainstream internet about flat Earth - every video on youtube - is bullshit basically.

6. Best flat Earth channel "Beyond the imaginary curve" is on youtube.

7. REAL flat Earthers are at war with religious shills claiming to believe in flat Earth. Do not confuse a religious idiot with a real science based flat earther.

8. Religious people think earth is flat as the bible says so. No other reason.

9. Real flat Earthers understand the bible is bullshit and a mashup of stolen religious beliefs, and that Earth is level due to all evidence available in the science world.

All REAL evidence.

A real flat Earther is a skeptic, not a moron.
A moron is someone who believes something blindly without question - like you people who were trained at age 5 that you live upside down on a spinning space testicle, and you think nothing is wrong with that eventhough you experience a flat motionless earth every single fucking day of your lives.

>Look, water doesn't stick to spinning balls.

Attached: Look.gif (535x242, 3.15M)

Attached: You see it.jpg (490x427, 30K)

These are the types of people who spent 10 hours in Kerbal Space Program trying to launch straight up and wondering why they fail

based poo

Do you realize how much fuel you'd need to slingshot around earth to go to space, for one...

Kek. NASA relies on people being dumb to fool them.

>Do you realize how much fuel you'd need to slingshot around earth to go to space, for one...
How much?

That font makes me suspicious. It is common in fake/edited news articles but very rarely used on actual message boards.

>I do it for free. I do it for Israel.
Same. I do it for Israeli anime pussy.

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>Real science is testable, measurable, scaleable, repeatable.

The globe is none of this shit.

There has never been a demonstration in the past 500 years in any lab setting ever - that water can stick to a spinning ball.

Real science is scaleable - never happened ever. They can not make this happen in any lab - as it does NOT happen.

Water does what water does - and it does NOT stick to spinning balls, or balls, or take the exterior shape of objects.

Common sense.

Earth is level.

Attached: water-level-flat-earth.jpg (1000x700, 110K)

>"water is always level at rest, and always seeking to be level when disturbed".

Glass of water is level, sink of water is level, bathtub level, swimming pool level, lakes level, all oceans on earth are DEMONSTRABLY LEVEL.
>At what stage and scale does something which is totally level become able to stick and curve around a space potato?

>Inb4 waves n shit.

Just coz everyone thinks they live on a ball, doesnt mean it's true. Think for yourself.

Attached: level.jpg (960x720, 44K)

Flat Earth is real science.
Do not let google dissuade you.

Research everything.

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>Blue balls.

Attached: Blue Balls.jpg (960x742, 188K)

>Theory: Alternate flat Earth map - infinite plane.

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