Hey Jow Forums. Wife and I are possibly moving to Chicagoland, she's getting a promotion. Coming from someone who grew up near Nola, I know there are definetly areas to avoid for certain reasons.
Advice for surviving Chicagoland
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Don't. This state is going broke and down the drain fast. All the smart money is moving out while it still can.
As for "safe areas", just take a look at how the city is segregated, and pick that way. From the loop going north is generally not too bad.
Are you moving into the city?
Don't really have a choice. I work in I.T. remotely from home, she's in Interior Design. I don't think we'd start out in a home. Probably an apartment.
You want to be sure and be sure fast. ONce you select one you will start figuring out how to study how you'll live or die.
fuck its that bad huh. I mean in nola its pretty much exclusively black on black crime, and then stealing from tourists. and we always had home security and knew our neighbors etc.
It’s a great place. You’re guaranteed to get shot , mugged and discriminated against.
Good luck
Well, no. I never been to Chicago but I suppose being from Atlanta I can relate. Point is there are spots of good and bad not too far away from each other and choosing a home/choosing an apartment can involve technique if you know what you're looking for. I've moved enough times to know there are certain things I'd look out for and not look out for.
I don't know what Chicago rates are but for example here in Atlanta average apartment (three bedroom) go for about 800-1000 for shitty ones and good ones (strict credit checks and shit) are not too much higher so if you have good credit go for that.
You will be fine user, there are some areas to avoid, these will quickly become apparent, but if you are just passing through you'll be fine. The loop in a nice place to work but it is tiresome. If you are black you are 1002% more likely to be a crime victim.
And I'm not really FROM ATL but I been here about 12 years now. I was raised in upstate New York.
This, with Pritzker getting elected is only going to get worse. Chicago is essentially a sanctuary city, and anyone living there will get taxed to death.
we will listen to you on the scanner you will be a real life user in a case of the /polfiles/ have fun being dead
Taxes are crazy high and new ones are getting invented every day, all the poor people are depopulating, real estate is still reasonable if you are looking to buy but a lot of places are starting to bubble as some neighborhoods gentrify. Mexican neighborhoods are safe, black neighborhoods are not. For every block south of 51st street you travel the odds of getting shot will increase by like 50%, if you are a pussy don't even bother going passed 31st.
Learn the neighborhoods and get an apartment by an "L" stop and you will be fine.
Don't come here. The Southside is expanding and the crime is spreading to all but a handful of northern districts.
The city is broke and the people are becoming browner and shittier.
You will never accidentally wander into a bad neighborhood in chicago. You have to actively seek them out. If you get shot its your fucking fault.
Thanks for the replies. I'd really like to avoid it if at all possible. Her other option is near Grand Rapids so... don't know much about that place either.
yup. they just got hit w/ a 9% entertainment tax on every thing.
t. Suburban Skokie retards who think anything below the loop is dangerous
White guy who lives in the south side here. Rent is ridiculously cheap and transit is amazing. You will only get shot if you wander outside after 11pm but honestly who does that that’s retarded.
As long as you have a car you’ll be fine
like I said, If you get shot, its probably your own fault. The city is segregated enough and spaced out enough that you're never going to turn an ally way into gang violence. You have to make a dedicated attempt to end up in those places
Some people just aren't cut out to live in a city.
entertainment tax lmao
I spit on you for supporting this nigger state with your taxes
This too. As long as you have common sense not to wander dark streets alone at night, you should be fine. Not saying crime doesnt happen, but usually anything beyond petty theft is confined to minority gang violence (which is definitely unfortunate, but as long as you arent a minority gang member, you're fine).
Just get ready to be fucked up the ass with taxes and other bullshit designed to pay off the real dangerous criminals in the state - our "politicians" and the beauracracy.
On a more positive note, we have wonderful architecture, large open spaces (for a city), and plenty to do and be a part of if you're willing to look and adventure. Politics aside, people here have that general midwestern warmth and charm so there's that.
just move somewhere near a whole foods. guaranteed to be in a gentrified area
Then you'll be overpaying for food and rent, those in the know move near a cermak fresh market.
yeah I mean I'm from nola, so not a complete dumbass. and wholefoods is a good general rule of thumb lol
Stay the fuck out of inglewood and south Chicago. Wrigleyville, north river, loop, printers row, are all nice but expensive. Dunno what your budget is but If I were you I’d make sure I stay a few weeks in a hotel before signing papers so I could investigate the neighborhood.
I lived here 10 years what you wanna know bruh
Commute in from the burbs.
Don't live in Cook County.
If you have to be in the city, move to the far northwest side (Edison Park, Norwood Park, Edgebrook). There are pockets of the south side that are fine, but the thing with moving there is that two blocks are fine and then the next two blocks are shit. If you're going to the suburbs anything north (Except Skokie and Evanston) and farther west is fine. Cop and firefighter neighborhoods are usually fine too.
First off all state your: education level, career, and race. Then you may continue. We need perspective user.
other anons pretty much answered my question. seems to be a lot like nola where you can be in a nice area and then 1 street over is niggerhell. i just want to stay away from the drugs and homelessness. inb4 whats the difference.
Getting ready for sugar tax, amusement park tax, cigarette tax, liquor tax and toll ways Iraqi type roads. Nigger and Spics everywhere. There isn't nearly any good places left to live. Your wife is going to get blacked lmao. Also $50k in Chicago is equivalent to $36k LMAO. Prepared to get a 250 dollar parking ticket if you don't pay it by a week goes for tolls too. Also prepare to city sticker, state sticker and county sticker on your car EMISSIONS LMAO. Prepare to give up your 4th and 2nd amendment LAMO. Oh btw cops don't answer to home invasion anymore LAMO. Chicago isn't a made up meme. In truth, its much much worst than anyone actual knows. IF you wish to live in a dystopia commie vintage experience, now your chance LMAO.
White it guy making 85k you want info or not
Try to get a place in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn, or Lombard. Commute via Metra
>t. Suburban Skokie
Yeah because Skokie is full of jews
It's nice to know who's in charge
Basically every neighborhood in Chicago is dangerous.
See the stats.
Blacks mostly kill each other but often rob and kill white just for fun.
this is a naperville teen that took the train downtown once, got lost, and got laughed at by the cab driver that had to take him home
Skokie is becoming like evanston. Blacks moving in everywhere. Becoming shit.
Naperville you get pulled over going under the speed limit. Nice try faggot, Born and raised in Oaklawn
Do normies really do this?
Follow there wife whenever her career decides they have to?
Just kys pathetic cuck
Nigger are everywhere now, its fucking awful. Fucking barbarians need to die. The spicks ivading as well.
I'm surprised your family had the gas money to drive so far north
Move to the absolute ghetto.
Buy mansion for 5k
Retire in 10 years as multi millionaires
Dont get shot
Good luck with property taxes if you buy a place.
You seem like the type who tells everyone you're from Chicago given first chance. You probably tell everyone all these wacky crazy stories yada yada yada. But in reality you're just a faggot from a protected subs. Hell you are probably even a tolerant faggot, that have no issues with diversity. I bet you love Chinatown and all the shitty Mexican areas.
lol nice deflection teen
I wouldn't buy property in Cook County, OP. there's an exit tax now so that you'll never sell it. We are becoming Detroit 2. It's still safe in the north burbs for the most part, and in the city north of the loop and east of the Kennedy expwy. If I were you I would move to Lake County and commute on the Dan Ryan. But desu I wouldn't move here.
Yo so I know they have a ton of gun laws. All my guns have been grandfathered in though. I don't have paperwork on anything. I'm sure they could care less but what if I kill a nigger breaking into my place?
depends on how much money you have donated to your alderman
You're gonna have a harder legal battle in Chicago than say, neighboring indiana. Just make sure you actually kill the guy so it's not you vs him. If he lives he WILL get a pro bono jew lawyer.
That reminds me OP, if only your wife needs to commute, move to Valparaiso Indiana on the border and make the bitch commute 2 hours to the north side.
avoid the southern half of downtown and the south and west sides. almost everywhere on the north side is fine except for a few pockets.
i lived in lakeview close to wrigley. fun place to be but most are in their late 20s/early 30s and that partying lifestyle can get old.
for the last 12 yrs i now live in northcenter, excellent neighborhood. very low crime, hardly any blacks. the last few blacks i've seen in the last few weeks were the girl that delivers my mail and the ups guy.
almost hate say it because i'm not racist. but, i am a realist however so here goes...the easiest way to find the safest neighborhoods in chicago are to look at the percentage of whites that live there as there's a positive correlation between blacks and crime. the libtards will naively argue that point but that will steer u right 95+% of the time. fortunately chicago is very segregated so u can find yourself a safe area here.
>Cook County
Exit tax? Go on please. I have family in Illonois but they all live in Fulton and some other place close by. Family in law enforcement has always told me to avoid chicago, my buddies compare it to moria, except the orcs/niggers are better armed.
I mean I did 6 years in the army. Always double tap. And triple tap. With a shotgun.
>cant leave your house after dark or else you might get shot
>dont worry, its safe
Buy a gun and pray to St. Bernard Goetz.
Even these NYPD gestapo seem sad at having to arrest him after he turned himself in like a law abiding citizen. One of his "victims" an heroed on the anniversary of the shooting another one of his "victims" was convicted for raping and robbing an 18 year old woman.
I realize that all happened in NYC and you are moving to Chicago, it is just that Chicago is a shithole and if you value your families safety you shouldn't let her move there even if it means a higher salary...if you have no choice but to move there, arm up before hand and perhaps invest in some ballistic protection. Most of the houses there are brick, which offers some degree of protection against gunfire.
Outsider here, how many Chicagos are there in the US? what the fuck? Is it in New York? Where is it the most infamous Chicago that we hear here on Jow Forums? The niggiest. Serious question. There are too many Chicagos in the US in different states.
It's just a tax on selling property in the county. Combined with our dropping population, it means fewer people looking because they know that they're gonna lose 10% of it if they sell.
Go to Lake County, OP. it's an hour and a half commute but it's got lower taxes.
Holy fuck Chicago is depressing. It is the apotheosis of bourgeois materialism.
It’s almost as if there’s more crime when the population is higher or something...
hopefully you aren't planning on changing your job to security guard
Being transferred to Chicago is not a promotion.
Pretty much. It's my home though, I've never felt home anywhere else. We're named for a variety of wild onion that can be only found around here. This state has its own species of rare freshwater sawfish. Our state fossil is the fucking Tully monster. You walk around the loop and all the art deco architecture has fasces and shit on it. We have an ancient Roman pillar donated by benito mussolini. We could have been the Rome of America, but we're not. Chicago is wasted potential. It's in decline now and it breaks my heart. The Hispanic areas are pretty safe for the most part. This is the future for whites in the US. We've always been a litmus test for the country at large.
How fucking new are you man?
Do you still not realize that blacks, genetically speaking are prehistoric creatures that are extremely predisposed to violence as any semi wild animal would be?
Are you not aware that blacks are genetically isolated from every other group of homo sapien and that they utterly inferior in every way to whites in terms of living in an industrial civilization?
Niggers are about 50,000 years behind in development to say, whites.
See, that's what worries me, you have everyplace getting like that now. People flee where the jobs are and if they have kids places with decient folk. In CO, our state is ruined now, waiting for our taxes to go up. You know how this goes, people raise taxes, the single people leave and the people with kids and jobs get stuck with the tab. they bitch, eventually leave and well, the place turns into detroit.
The family I have there and Iowa are telling me IT companies are moving in because of the low taxes. Iowa city, hell even the quad cities are having the cookie cutter 300-400k houses pop up, it's for the IT people. God damn it I hate it, every damn time decient folk build something decient lib shits move in with their bastard spawn and ruin it.
Yeah not even all the southside is bad. The deep southside is honestly a white man's haven. Same with near Southside- areas like canaryville and bridgeport.
Chicago is the most segregated major city in the world. You'll quickly find that out.
My game plan is move north, parts of wisconson, michigan and maine are so damn remote and cold good luck developing it. Alaska is the best bet though. That may be the future for a lot of white people though, while they last. Low birth rates, suicide, women breeding us out, it's sad. I can't help but wonder once the niggers and 3rd world shit people turn the USA into a 3rd world shit hole if someone like China and Russia won't invade, at that point I doubt the remaning white people up north will care considering we've been not only sold out by the gov't, we've been sold out by our own kind.
Yeah, it sucks. I dint know how we save it. They're doing it to Indianapolis too. Shitlib Chicagoans. Also pajeet h1bs. My parents moved there a few years ago. It was farms in their town, now it all developed. My mom says the Indians will say shit like "how come there is so many churches around here?"
I don't think there is much you can do. The patriarch of my family died a few months ago, german stock that's been in the midwest forever, we fled here during the 30 years war and fought the brits. His grandkids are entitled shitlords so yeah, the bloodline is done. What pisses me off is you talk about shit like that and men who are married brush it off yet drink away their misery, bitching about how their wives do nothing except demand more. Pajeets and asians atleast have family unity, hell even when pale faces marry into their bloodline they're taken care of, something went wrong with our kind, we have no unity anymore.
Balkanization is the best hope we have at this point, next economic crash we get will make that a good option. The bailouts the feds gave the banks hurt the dollar big time, whites are already pissed off over the gibs, breaking apart would atleast save what we have. I'd imagine if the midwest broke off one of the first thing they'd do is ethnically clense chicango. I know my cop buddies and family would turn RRDS quick.
approximately 3 chicagos
You will get taxed to death. Also predatory nickel and time type businesses will be squeezing you dry until you're broke. As for violence... only in black neighborhoods at night. That's it. They're like vampires. They only come out at night. They only shoot each other in their own neighborhoods at night. If you aren't in a black neighborhood at night you are 100% safe.
>I know there are definitely areas to avoid for certain reasons
>certain reasons
Just say "niggers", user. Be honest about the reasons you're feeling apprehensive.
meh just stay north of i-55 and you're in the clear
you mean i-290
>Basically every neighborhood in Chicago is dangerous.
The only people who say this are pussies who have never set foot in Chicago. Most of the north side is generally fine. Shootings are down by over a hundred since last year too. That's an insane improvement. Niggers have been leaving Chicago since the 80s and that trend is going to continue.