Its happened

>Brexit deal now signed

What will the outcome be?

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A house divided against itself can not stand

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Honestly doubt its gonna happen, good luck to the brits hope we can follow soon.

Anglos uncuck yourself lads

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Return of the Commonwealth, and I'm down.

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>I can just imagine the riots
>no free speech
How are the brittish handling this? They start to say my country and your country
>Scotland does not have their own central bank

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Congrats to Britain, our new vassal state!

Barely can understand him, why brits talk like this?
Outcome is obvious though, they will be punished hardcore.


You going nowhere i'm sorry. Leaving the EU will be the end of United Kingdom.

I think we should stay in the EU. It give us the best deal. The EU is a superpower. By leaving it, we will be imposing trading barriers between ourselves and our closest neighbours. It's stupid. We should stay in the EU and help guide its future direction.

Parliament will vote the deal down and then I guess we will either have a general election or maybe another referendum.

>thinking we would EVER take advice from a country which assassinated one of its citizens on OUR SOIL with a dangerous radioactive substance which could have endangered the British public, and then attempted to assassinate another of its citizens on OUR SOIL using a highly toxic nerve agent which resulted in the death of an innocent British woman - and which has also illegally invaded Ukraine (both in Crimea and by financially/militarily supporting pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine), and also supplied missiles to those same pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine who then used those missiles to shoot down a civilian plane, killing all 298 innocent people on board

The Commonwealth is a meme to be honest. India hates us for one thing, and then all of the African countries are just meme countries who are of no use to us, in terms of forming alliances, whatsoever.

I definitely support building closer ties with the Anglo countries, the Five Eyes countries (US, Canada, Aus, NZ). But I also think Britain should probably remain in the EU. Greater ties between the western allies is always a good thing.

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It seems like you are dead in or out.

British politicans are getting insane pensions from EU that is the only reason they try to convince people to stay

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Things are only shit in the cities Everywhere else is beautiful and pretty free.

The announcement of the EU army will probably push it into actual brexit.

Fortress Britain may actually happen again.

With the help of these women......

Actual Brittish soldiers

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Fuck off cunt, the EU is a parasite and so are you.
Funny when a slav loves our country more than a native.

Its a draft for the withdrawel agreement (just what we agree to do temperarily to meet the deadline of withdrawl in march 2019), the absolute final deal of our future relationship outside the EU is not agreed yet.

AND this withdrawel deal must still be aggreed by the cabinet AND then the final deal will still need to be approved by a vote in parliament.

>Norway is not a member

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>End of the (((Disunited Kikedom)))
Please God let this happen

>being this delusional
You must be a product of the education system who never learned to think for them self.
The EU is cancer. Period.

Imagine being this much of a cuckolded EU loving NPC.

The EU is good for our economy, good for science, good for our power projection, good for our security, etc.

If we cut ties with the EU we'll just be making ourselves poorer. I don't see the point in it.

We should help the EU to become a mighty European superpower.

>If Brittian had showed power in unity, they would have got a better deal
>Now everyone looks at UK as weak
>No guns and hate speech laws working out well?

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Haha lmao. "I don't like your viewpoint so therefore you can't think for yourself", he says, while offering no counterargument whatsoever.

Are you deliberately being stupid or is that just your natural level of intellect?

>doesn't have a counterargument so commits the ad hominem fallacy instead

>The EU is good for our economy, good for science, good for our power projection, good for our security, etc.
Name one specific example.

>The EU is good for our economy,
Not all things are about the economy? What if the EU collapses in the future (I think this is likely) we will be so entangled in it our economy will collapse with it.

>good for science,
You dont' need political union for international scientific collaboration, also our sovereignty is mroe important than a slight improvement in scientific collaboration

>Good for our power projection,
Why is becoming a meaningless province of a supra national economic zone good for our power projection if we cease to exist a national entity in the first place?

>good for our security, etc.
Yeah importing millions of africans and asians the majority of whom follow a religion which has often an active intention to harm us and undermine our security is so good for us right? Also all these immigrants not only make us less safe, they hurt the economy, they hurt science, they hurt our power projection and they hurt the economy.

the delusion of grandeur is strong in boris.
the British Empire ended in 1947, but many Brits still think of themselves as a strong and sovereign country.
There are few real players now: USA, China, EU, Russia, to some extent India + few 'rogue states' that are independent but isolated (Iran, North Korea).
The rest can either become a rogue state or choose to become either a vassal or part of the first four real players. The UK is absolutely in this club but still thinks of itself as belonging to the real boys club.

We have a lot of soft power though the anglophone world and the commonwealth, our intelligence services and military technological innovation are some of the highest standard in the world. We still produce elite engineering for the world. Not to mention the Anglo diaspora has already happened, through powers like the USA and Australia we have secured our survival down the ages through language and genes. We may not be the top tier anymore but obviously way more influencial than Poland for a random example.


Picture and link related:

>Not all things are about the economy
Wow yeah I can't wait until we can no longer afford basic things like food or energy and the government is forced to reintroduce the three day week. We'll all be able to sit around the campfire and say to each other "not all things are about the economy".

>What if the EU collapses in the future (I think this is likely)
What if dinosaurs with laser beams attached to their heads come back from the dead and kill us all (I think this is likely)

>You dont' need political union for international scientific collaboration
1) The EU gives out big money to fund scientific research and we won't have access to that if we leave.
2) Free movement means scientists can move across the EU to work at different universities and collaborate.
3) The Erasmus programme has helped students to attend universities all over Europe and grow their knowledge.

>Why is becoming a meaningless province of a supra national economic zone good for our power projection
You're exactly right. Why is becoming a meaningless province of either the EU (if we do a soft Brexit, meaning we have to abide by laws we can no longer vote on) or the United States (if we do a hard Brexit) good for our power projection? You're smart, kid. I've been wondering exactly that myself.

>Yeah importing millions of africans and asians the majority of whom follow a religion which has often an active intention to harm us and undermine our security is so good for us right?
If you don't like non-EU immigration then why the FUCK do you want to leave the EU which will cause non-EU migration to rise? Are you literally a fucking moron?

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Didn't you just lose a frigate after an oil tanker collision?

There may still be a hope for UK.
Take a hint.

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We're pretty strong and sovereign. Fifth largest economy in the world. But yes the British Empire basically doesn't exist anymore (apart from some tiny meaningless islands) so yes, I think we should stay part of the EU, where we are the second largest economy (although France is extremely close and may well overtake us soon, so in practice we're basically the joint second largest economy along with France).

>'rogue states'
You know what, I kind of like that idea. We should become a rogue state and threaten the rest of the world with nuclear weapons just to fuck shit up and make them bend to our will. Although I guess Iran and North Korea aren't exactly the nicest places to live... so maybe that option does have some drawbacks.

Hopefully we get a hard border. I don't want Mutts coming over here from Anglostan.

I'd like to see if we can become a Japan like country. We invest a lot in AI and computing so we aren't being left behind in terms of tech. We can export technology breakthroughs.
We are going to get hit hard for a year or 2 then we will balance back out and things will be better, and we will be able to get some national pride back.

Nobody looks at the UK as weak, simply retarded. You see, this isn't the 19th century anymore. The UK neither possesses any economic nor diplomatic power. It's an irrelevant nation that noone gives a shit about. They have only been semi relevant due to their involvement and membership in the EU. Once they are out they are basically as good as wiped off the map. Noone is gonna care for them anymore. So no, the British don't look weak because of BREXIT or because of a shoddy BREXIT deal. They were never expected to get a good one anyway since you can't leave the club and still expect to use the clubhouse. They simply look dumb, overconfident and utterly detached from reality. That's not the same as weak.

>If you don't like non-EU immigration then why the FUCK do you want to leave the EU which will cause non-EU migration to rise? Are you literally a fucking moron?
Because then politicians can't hide behind the EU free movement policy as the reason for the unpopular mass immigration policy.

>soft power
is in reality only a multiplier of the hard power and can't exist in itself. The UK has next to none. France is much stronger in this regard in its former African colonies, the UK has lost influence completely.

The negotiations concerning brexit shows how important the UK really is.
>through powers like the USA
trying to identify with the stronger protector is pretty pathetic.

I'm not shitting on the UK, it's no longer possible for any european state to be important alone. Russia would be completely irrelevant if not for massive nuclear weapons, with each year it's becoming less and less of a player and more of a rogue state. It's going to collapse eventually.

>We should become a rogue state

that's fundamentally incompatible with anything resembling democracy. I can't imagine British elites wanting to become an European version of North Korea.

we cannot have closer relations with the anglo countries because of the EU. they are having their pissing match with trump and all closer agreements that really make a difference have to go through the EU. when we joined the EEC we were told that if we want Europe we have to cut most of our integration with the white commonwealth. This meant we screwed over Aus and NZ who were forced to sell their shit to china putting them where they are today. EU wont let us reverse that policy as they never wanted cheap aussie, canadian and kiwi goods flooding into the uk as it would undermine European markets and fuck over the trade protectionism of the original six members who didn't want to compete with countries that could feed a empire with the amount of farmland they have.

>it has to pass a vote in Parliament
>If it passes then the EU has to vote on it

No one will vote for this shit so we are leaving with a no deal.

>One of the biggest economies and armies in the world
>Hurr durr you are not important

very funny

And here we have the typical Brit being utterly unaware of what is going to occur over the course of the coming 20-30 years. No European country is relevant on its own anymore, Abdul. Neither Germany, France, nor England. You'll probably realize that once you're on your deathbed.

>we must protect our union from EU

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>No one will vote for this shit so we are leaving with a no deal.
God i hope this will happen.

>a superpower
??? Maybe economically but literally keks in every other aspect that gives a superpower classification