Attached: hammer-and-sickle-red-on-transparent-svg.png (2000x2000, 94K)
What do you think about communism?
Michael Cooper
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Caleb Morris
born 1979, lived under this shit for decade. Only undereducated people, who never been to communist country can belive in this... This is a worst thing that can happen to a civilization.
Even under nazi regime my country was better.
Henry Anderson
Cringe and bluepilled. Also gay as fuck.
Landon Scott
Wrong! All pills were place by the elite to control the people! The pills are just collective egos in different. Take the placebo! Ignore the rhetoric fascist pharmaceuticals and large corperations!
Nolan Howard
Isaac Roberts
Nicholas Brown
>hurr durrrrr muh communism
Fucking brainlet-tier ideology. Fucking normie poster. Get the fuck out of here.
Colton Thomas
something only retards like
Benjamin Powell
Good ideology just abused by dicktators
and cunts likes stalin
Justin Butler
communism is the only thing that can kill the liberal. if you arent atleast marxist-leninist, you are too symphathetic to liberals.
Julian Edwards
1 post by this ID
Isaac Bennett
Lame and gay.
Carter Carter
How can you consider a hammer or a toothbrush a personal property, when in cummunism there's no property?
What is difference between personal property and private property?
If private property covers means of production, what stops me from disassembling a mean of production and claim the parts to be my personal property?
Why would you waste resource producing more than say (hypothetically) 1 hammer/toothbrush per 7 persons?
How can one cultivate and harvest crops to personal use, when there's no personal property to be used for farming in cummunism?
How do you allocate public land for this personal farming?
Who allocates the public land used by the collective?
The ten Planks of Communist manifesto:
#8 "Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture."
> Equal obligation
How can a stateless and non-hierarchical society enforce this?
> Your work-time is equivalent to everybody else's work-time
Am I forced to sit and drawn hentai for as long as others work in factory, if I don't want to do manual labour as an artist? Will my hentai comics have high labour value the longer I sketch it? How is an artist's LTV defined?
If "... each according to his needs", what stops me claiming to acquire 70% of goods to suffice my 120kg fat ass' needs?
How can anyone else define how my needs are sufficed?
How can a collective deny me coming over demand 70% of goods that others have gathered through hard manual labour, while I can provide them only hentai sketches? We are living in non hierarchical society after all, right?
How is Theft defined in cummunist world, when there's no property in non-hierarchical society you can steal from others?
How are decisions made in cummunist utopia? By majority vote? That sounds hierarchical desu.
How do you force the majority's resolution on minority in a society without a hierarchy or authority?
How can you stop minority from implementing their own solutions?
Christopher Wood
stalin was great. name someone else who made a dirt-poor country (that was also ravaged by civil war and also was hated by every other country) into a superpower, in that timespan.
protip: you're a faggot who wants welfare
Kevin Jones
ask a anarchist, these are all questions for anarchist. in marxism, the state reverse too "a established tool for the oppression of a class from one another".
James Cruz
It's a fairytale used to convince low IQ workers that they need to replace their employers with jews.
Brandon Barnes
the same questions apply still, as in Marxism there's no state.
If you have a concept of state in your cummunism , then explain how is it structured and functions
Caleb Baker
its pushed by lazy fucks and upper middle class super lazy fucks because they don't want to work
Adam Martinez
I think what you really mean, is that Communism is a weak as fuck ideology that always gets usurped by the powerful. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
But hey at least you get to actually say it wasn't real Communism!
David Long
in leninism, it is always a conservative republic, with a small leisure market for things like tourism and art (things that arent needed, but are still desired by the people). soviets accomendate the needs and leisure for people, while the central power only interfere's in times of war or other crisis.
Owen Gutierrez
Good in theory, doesn't work in the real world. You can't really give people communism, it's something that needs to be worked out at a society-wide level.
William Lee
all communists should be killed
Easton Richardson
>that pic
WTF I though Harry Potter loved being educated at Hogwarts.
Cameron King
> things that arent needed, but are still desired by the people
and how are these demands determined and measured in Leninism?
Who has authority to decide what is and is not art in Soviets?
Asher Morris
Brandon Edwards
fine as long as jews aren't involved
William Russell
Communism only works in a family unit or a very tightly knit society of a handful of people. Everything else is impossible to apply it to.
Tyler Flores
One of the biggests scams of all times.
Ryder Baker
Jaxson Barnes
jew made, made to cause the most suffering to people imaginable gets you in with sweet words of "everyone should work and be provided food" but if you look in deeper they would simply kill you to provide someone "worth" the food.
Wyatt Carter
Only works in small villages. Brainlet tier if you think it could work in a nation of millions. Ultra brainlet tier if you think post state communism is possible in a nation of millions.
Logan Ortiz
>t. Assblasted commie
Parker Walker
>What do you think about communism?
Communism was created by the Jews.
The Jews are inherently anti-White.
Therefore, Communism is inherently anti-White.
Kevin Smith
>Good ideology
Nothing the Jews do is good.
>just abused by dicktators
>and cunts likes stalin
That's by design.
Jace Gutierrez
>stalin was great.
Stalin fucked a Jewess, made antisemitism a crime punishable by death and was surrounded by Jews that did his murdering for him. Also of course he was a Communist. No, he was not great.
Anthony Ross
Jewish strategy to disposses the goyim of their wealth and technology.
Cameron Fisher
The only reason the USSR made it into space in the first place was because of all the NSDAP scientists they kidnapped.
Nicholas Ross
Sebastian Phillips
and america didnt do that am i right?
Isaiah Bailey
>in leninism,
Lenin was a Jew. Therefore he was anti-White. Just like Communism.
Aaron Moore
>rally bunch of poorfags into hating the richfags
>take credit for it because the poorfags are also stupidfags
>surround self with 24/7 guard because you're now a richfag and the poorfags are still poor and angry
Lenin was a genius!
Samuel Sullivan
absolute state of this website
Michael Flores
>and america didnt do that am i right?
The USA absolutely did steal NSDAP scientists as well.
Your error is assuming that because I am anti-Communist/USSR that makes me pro-Capitalist/USA.
Capitalism these days is just as Jewish and anti-White as Communism is.
Adam Cooper
Pic related.
Jaxson Wright
When i learned the modern day situation in the world is directly caused by nazis, who were not defeated in ww2 but just went underground and are now the global shadow government, i realized communism must have been right. Thats when i became a communist.
Nicholas Howard
So you deny the fact that Marx, Lenin and Trotsky were Jews?
Yes, Communism is anti-White based on its actions and beliefs.
Communism can't work for White people because it's a non-White ideology. Non-Whites and anti-Whites simply have no place in White nations.
>absolute state of this website
You're just pissed that we tell the truth about your anti-White, Jewish ideology.
Christian Davis
so? make white communism then. stop bitch and whine and subvert communism to whites then.
Benjamin Anderson
>When i learned the modern day situation in the world is directly caused by nazis,
The present day situation is caused by the Jews.
If you want to see what the world might look like had Hitler won, read this article:
Isaiah Cooper
read this. dont be a useful idiot
Liam Barnes
Operation gladio
The nazis, actual literal third reich ones, not 'nazis', are in control of the world, right now.
Cameron Clark
>so? make white communism then.
You can't. That's like saying one could make White Islam or White feminism.
>stop bitch and whine and subvert communism to whites then.
Communism can't work because it's inherently Jewish and therefore, anti-White.
The only true alternative is National Socialism.
Carter Nguyen
Simply too faulty
Cameron Howard
>The nazis, actual literal third reich ones, not 'nazis', are in control of the world, right now.
No, they are literally not. The Jews are, that's why they're pushing beliefs and policies that are destroying the White race.
Hunter Fisher
who was Werner Von Braun??
Cameron Rodriguez
How is Communism not a resulf of Jewish jealousy of the goyimâs success in creating the Industrial Revolution??
Nathan Murphy
>who was Werner Von Braun??
A NSDAP scientist.
Logan Young
unworkable fantasy for malcontented failures
John Sullivan
They infiltrated the US and NATO during the cold war and quickly took over
Nathan Sullivan
Is this satire or are you legit retarded?
Eli Russell
thats the problem, isnt it. everything is jewish so you can only do one thing, and if you dont, youre jewish.
what is considered jewish? is 1/1009 jew considered jewish?
Noah Hill
And here we have an image of Alex Jones playing the role of: With Chunk Ogre in the role of:
Gavin Garcia
>They infiltrated the US and NATO during the cold war and quickly took over
Well you are a Communist so therefore, you're delusional. If the Nazis were secretly in control, the White race wouldn't be threatened with genocide via its policies.
In reality, it's the Jews who are in control pushing their anti-White agenda. Which Communism is a part of.
Joshua Price
I fucking hate it
Kevin Long
judaism is communism through tikkun olam
Henry Garcia
Read these, i was a pasta fascist untill i read this.
Juan Bailey
but the jews own everything right? why would they be jealous?
Kayden Hill
>They infiltrated the US and NATO during the cold war and quickly took over
And yet the same states and organizations are pro replacement of native europeans populations with other ethnic groups.
You're not communist, the communists of the 50s and 60s would have you executed
Anthony Campbell
maybe they are angry and want revenge, maybe they are trying to use accelerationism to cause a white nationalist uprising, or maybe they have their people already protected and just want to destroy all remaining potential threats before coming in and clearing out the barbarian hoards, whos to say.
Brandon Jones
Death to communism.
Death to communists.
Jonathan Price
>everything is jewish
Everything bad being done to the White race and White countries is Jewish.
>and if you dont, youre jewish.
Well, Communism and Bolshevism is Jewish.
>what is considered jewish?
The Jewish (or more accurately the imposters who call themselves Jews) race and the religion of Judaism (or more accurately Talmudic Judaism)
Owen Torres
Samuel Jones
He's retarded about nazis "going underground" as a "shadow government" but he's right that America has been a fascist state since at least WW2. We're just the fascists who actually won.
Julian Jackson
Continental Jews did not participate in the Industrial Revolution.
Brandon Long
communism starts genocide and starvation.
Brandon Jackson
>maybe they are angry and want revenge,
So they're going to betray their ideology and kill White people while instilling the Jew in positions of power?
>maybe they are trying to use accelerationism to cause a white nationalist uprising
They wouldn't need to because they could just use the media and the special interest groups to promote National Socialism and White racialism. They're not doing that.
>whos to say.
You are literally making shit up
Anthony Nelson
on the right is sickle
hammer on the left
this is our glorious
soviet union crest
whether youre sowing
or be you a smith
all that hard labour
wont earn you a shit
tried to translate one song from 90s
Lucas Edwards
Tyrannical. The problem with Conservatives these days is they call anything they don't like "fascist" instead of using the proper descriptor which is tyrannical.
Let me guess, antifa is fascist as well?
Dominic Barnes
America has had fascist elements throughout its history but not really anything or anybody you can label as a true fascist.
America however did continue the regime goal of Nazi Germany which was trying to bomb the fuck out of socialism and it has done so for like the greater half of a century
Ethan Nelson
Communism is nothing more than a conscripted Labour Force for the goyim, wtf were all those urbanite Jews doing in the Soviet Union b/w 1920-41???
Juan Williams
communism is the best system to kill communists
Adam Sanchez
The wehrmacht was the most diverse military in ww2. There were black people, indians, arabs, even jews, in it. Natsoc is not 'white people' its 'ethnocentricsm', the nazis had no problem working with other races who shared their vision of ethnostates. As is common pointed out by Jow Forums ww2 was mostly fought by white people. The nazis had no problem shooting at other white people then, did they?
Its easy to see if they have enough genetic diversity for replacement they would just get rid of everyone else who might be a problem, that includes most white people, wipe the world clean to repopulate themselves.
Joshua Sanders
Antifa is not fascist, they don't advocate militarism, totalitarianism, nationalism, debt-based economy, any other aspect of fascism. Brainlets just call them fascists because they wear black and hurt people, which is superficial and not central to fascism
Jordan Turner
It never ends in true democratic ownership of the MOP. Its basically urban socialites convincing urban poors to go out and enslave or exploit the very people who are closest to owning their means of production (i.e. the Girondins, the Kulaks, or any other type of farmer or suburban hobbyist). The ideology hurts these people just as bad as the capitalist system, if not more because the reciprocal exploitation thats supposed to make the society equitable cannot function. Also Im anti-egalitarian, and dont think the working class needs anything above subsistence.
Bentley Gray
>What do you think about communism?
I think America needs to go back to the good old days where we killed communists by the millions.
Christian Watson
actually US antifa is controlled opposition ran by operation gladio fascists
the antifa on the street are just stupid college kids and other idiots lured in though
William Green
>The wehrmacht was the most diverse military in ww2.
And still the NSDAP never intended those non-White elements to live in White nations ,hold positions in White governments or breed with White people.
>As is common pointed out by Jow Forums ww2 was mostly fought by white people.
Yes, the Jews had to exterminate the bravest and strongest of Whites to cull the herd.
>The nazis had no problem shooting at other white people then, did they?
The Jews left them no other choice when they started the war against Germany. What were the Germans supposed to do? Let the Jews regain power in Germany?
Cooper Gonzalez
>actually US antifa is controlled opposition ran by operation gladio fascists
Antifa is literally paid by Jews like Soros, who are anti-White globalists.
Evan Phillips
they are, they are the early version of Brown shirts of Nazi party in modern era.
Their dreams do require militarism, totalitarianism & the rest of the fascist aspects to overthrow "fascist" structures of modern states.
also this
Jacob White
Cooper Stewart
socialist/commie mobs infringing on peoples rights of private property and right to assemble cant be fascist cause you say so. ok moron.
Jayden Rodriguez
Commies deserve a bullet
Jack Brown
>Antifa is not fascist, they don't advocate militarism, totalitarianism, nationalism, debt-based economy, any other aspect of fascism. Brainlets just call them fascists because they wear black and hurt people, which is superficial and not central to fascism
Correct. The media promotes calling them fascist because the media and the government is fine with you being either Communist or Capitalist. Just as long as you don't choose Fascism/National Socialism. The ideologies that they don't control.
John Allen
Jow Forums cant read colorful popout picture books let alone marxist literature that stems from german idealism and enlightenment thinkers. Why Jow Forums thinks they are qualified in discussing complex political ideologies I do not know. Most of the time these threads just end up being a shit flinging contest between the american public education system and its inability to produce students that understand words longer than 4 letters and Marxists trying to explain what a political compass is and dispelling myths of McCarthyism/Cold War propaganda and insisting that SJWs are not marxist.
Every single one of these threads is the same. Nothing changes. It is entirely pointless because historical materialism cant be hilariously oversimplified to the point where neck beard turbo fags can understand them with their 8th grade reading comprehension like how the fascists were able to do it with DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS.
What an immense waste of time. And to think google gets 100% free AI datapoints for its self driving car autopilot system every post.
Austin Richardson
soros is still a nazi all along
Austin Scott
Fake and gay
Elijah Gomez
>socialist/commie mobs infringing on peoples rights of private property and right to assemble
That's not fascist. That's tyrannical.
Under Fascism/National Socialism, you have the right of private property and right to assemble (just as long as you're not advocating anti-White causes and beliefs).
Angel Wright
>soros is still a nazi all along
He's literally not. He's a globalist Jew that advocates the genocide of the White race via demographic replacement and leftist causes.
Tyler Jenkins
that just isnt true.
Liam Collins
>lets kill all the deplorables
Joseph Morales
most systems will fail eventually because humans will constantly try to cheat it