Red Flag Law

*Knock Knock*

user Anonymous? I'm here to serve you a warrant for search and seizure up the Red Flag Law. I'm going to need you to step outside so I can confiscate your fire arm.

What do?

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There must be a mistake Officer, I voted for Trump

But the knife I use to cut my bread is shorter than 3.75 inches just like the law says

Comply because I believe in law and order.

Am I being detained?

I would shoot him in the face without hesitation and then position myself to kill any other officers with him.

I don't have a firearm, officer, you're free to look for one, but it doesn't exist.

>not setting the place on fire and shooting straight through the door

are you asking me to fuck that dick?

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>knock knock

Should’ve got a no knock dipshit.

>you're free to look for one
Never invite LEOs into your home.

Molan labe.

Sic semper tyranus.

these are the only real answers, zog cronies will refuse to do these searxhes if every schitzo they bother shoots them

Good thing all my firearm are loaded. I'll take as many down as I can until I'm dead.

Sue the everloving shit out of the police department and the person who slandered me

"No." and close the door. He comes in, I shoot. Atleast in my fantasy.

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>bang bang

This is going to work out great for cops. Imagine if they get in a shootout every time there’s a search warrant served. Won’t be great for optics nor morale.

>all these edge lords thinking they can stand up to the cops
was this guy one of you?

If they're gonna take peoples guns, its their civic duty to fight back.

Or attrition.

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The point of the law is the get guns away from crazies. Shootouts only prove the warrants were warranted

hand over the guns they know about.
regroup and kill them with the ones they don't.

this is your future little drumpftards. those "heroes" that you suck off on a daily basis don't give a fuck about you hahahahaha! GET SCARED PUSSIES!!!

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>implying this is not a GOOD thing

Why do conservatards want mentally ill or violent people to be armed?

Oh wait, that describes your entire base...

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1776 will commence again on my fucking doorstep.

If I am killed by some BS like this I have a father, two brothers and a few friends that would probably go ape-shit and kill every cop in the county.

oh, noes! i told someone, baselessly, that you were scary and shouldn't have a gun.
now the state can take your guns and prevent you from getting new ones!

how about no.

>mentally ill
Can be redefined as anyone who embraces wrongthink.
Also, gas yourself for Horseyposting

Lmao. K bud. As soon as 4 or 5 of these happen you will have armed citizens storming police stations. Nobody is giving their guns up without a fight. Cops will quit over this shit, and martial law will be instated. Welcome to civil war 2.0. All these laws do is accelerate what Jews want most, war. You know what, fuck the optics.

Not the government's call to make. Judges and politicians who push this should get the rope first.

They can tell it to God. Crazy people raided an armory and used the guns and cannons on the law to start this country.

And then they get drone striked, but nice try.

Uh, what? You realize that these people are clearly mentally ill, right? The guy that got killed by the police a few weeks ago was most certainly crazy because he started shooting at the cops instead of just giving himself up like any rational human being would do.

>pic related

It's you.

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The point of gun confiscation in the Soviet Union was to get guns away from crazy people too. All of these crazy people happened to have authority defiance disorder, in which they believed their government was out to get them.

No one is afraid of your drones. We will setup cheap spark gap generators all over to take out comms and drones.

hide my guns, wait for them to leave, go
find where their family lives and blow my
brains out in front of their youngest.

and whisper (((your dad did this))).

>thank god youre here officer, a black man just broke in and stole all my guns.

Oy vey, dont worry about the constitution that warns against this very form of tyranny, be a good goy and give us your weapons without a fight.

Ya it was me.

I wouldn't open the door for the police in the first place. And the moment they knock down the door they are going to walk into a swarm of bullets.

i say you're mentally ill or scary or shifty eyed, or angry all the time.
i told them that you beat your wife, but she's to afraid to press charges.
now you can't have guns.
if you have any on you, the police will come by to get them.
have a nice day.

>instead of just giving himself up like any rational human being would do

It's rational to watch the delegitimization of the government and do nothing? This is why the constitution and really the entire legal system is a farce. There will never be a singular moment where it becomes ok to fight. It will always be easier and more 'rational' to sit and watch it all disappear while still pretending that it isn't so.

A rational person understands that a government needs to be afraid of its citizens. Cops are welfare queens that deserve what they get when they violate a citizen's rights.

>muh dick argument
Proof that anti-gunners do nothing but dream about dicks all day.
>muh gubbmint drones gonna blow up whole city blocks and kill bystanders for one fucknut with guns
Pic related. See also: Vietnam, Rhodesia, Northern Ireland

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What a waste. Why wouldn't you just kill their families?

The simple fact is that accusations almost NEVER come out of thin air. There's always an element of truth in these kind of situations so even if they circumstances aren't as bad as reported it's still no reason NOT to confiscate their guns at least until they are thoroughly investigated.

Ultimately this would not even be necessary if you conservashits would allow for universal background checks and require background checks for every 20 rounds of ammo purchased or something like that. But noooo, can't have that because muh 2nd 'mendment.

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You niggers will all die.

The name's Snakefister1337 you dumb noob, prepare yourself for combat!

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Fact. Shouldn't have to be like this but if they wanna keep pushing then people will push back. Especially these days.

Oh come on, that was written hundreds of years ago by men who owned fucking slaves.

Times have changed in case you weren't aware.

If they did this tomorrow, 95% of cuck gun owners would hand over their guns.

As soon as leo's serving these orders get killed they'll stop.

Nothing has changed. If you try you will die.

more like 50%

I'd be robbing gun shops and NG barracks.

I wouldnt open my door to begin with once they id;'d as the police

if they said they were going to come in and take my guns id literally batton down and take as many out as possible

>anatomy of an assrape rifle 15
>implying any of those features make them more deadly
>implying they don't just make them uglier and less ergonomic
Pix related is a CA compliant AR.

Attached: Compliant-rifles-e1525746325512.jpg (500x279, 42K)

It's next door officer.
>*close door*
>*an hero immediately*

>What do?

Sorry, there are no guns or weapons of any sort on my property or in my house.

They were all lost in a tragic boating accident.

I wish you the best of luck with your hatred of America and the systematic violation of the 2nd amendment rights of Americans. I promise if this country devolves into civil war that I will not name you as an agent of the anti-American traitors to my fellow American Patriots.

May you have lots of children and teach them how to hate our Constitution as much as you do.

>it's another "gun grabbers get totaly btfo" thread

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*grab the ol' rooty tooty aim n' shooty*

Copfag here.
A few weeks ago we were dealing with a old Nam vet with dementia. His family were begging us for help, which we can't provide. They wanted us to take the guns out of the house. They wanted us to force him into the hospital for a psych eval, or a nursing home.

A law like this would actually allow us to do something. Even if we can't get him some mental help, we could at least take his guns away so he's not a threat to himself or others.

No doubt some of you will still cry bullshit. But taking guns away from mentally unstable potentially dangerous people should be something we can all agree on.

Is there rook for abuse of the system? Sure, it's new. But once the kinks get worked out I don't see it as a bad thing. Remember all of the spree shootings where the FBI was watching the guy and didn't do anything about it. Wouldn't it be nice to do something about it.

where do you put your thumb in the second one

A rifle is bad for close range combat.

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Don;t open your door. Make them get a warrant. At least then the bar is a bit higher than some hosebeast ex dropping a tip that you're angery.

>But taking guns away from mentally unstable potentially dangerous people should be something we can all agree on.
Wrong faggot, you and your kike psychologists don't get to make that call. Try and die.

Sure officer they're in the cupboard upstairs, the one with the wires coming from it

up your asshole

I don't have any firearms, so why am I on the list?

>appealing to boomer sentiment on the board of peace

my accusations came out of thin air.
because i didn't like you.
the end result is that now you have armed men with guns coming to your door to take away your guns, and you can't get more.
all because i'm petty, and because i know there's no form of recourse for you.
i'm sure this won't be abused like this.

They already have a "warrant"

>What do?
film that guy and sell the film to news orgs, film his plates, film everything he says, tell him he's being filmed

You do in fact shoot them at this point

>we have to take away guns because old crazy people

shall not be infringed zog nog

and the remaining 5% would be put on watch lists for non-compliance and be flagged at their place of employment or anytime they tried to leave the house to buy groceries.

LMAO at Americucks thinking they're "free."

What'll happen is:

>>gib guns sir, we haz court order
>>Absolutely ossifer. let me go get them for you.
>closes door
>>gets rus milsurp and starts giving them
>>while cops distracted pulls g40 x2 and wastes the ones in front yard
>>holes up and grabs SCAR
>>takes out 20 or so and an heroes
>>Cop unions issue order to not comply with red flag orders

He didnt threaten anybody with his weapons. you're taking away his rights based on YOUR own fucking assumptions of what if scenarios

i hope u come to my house so i can fucking shoot you in the face

youre the true face of corruption and evil in the usa

Refuse to open door, demand to see search warrant and credentials, inform them I am calling their department to ensure they are legit, also call my attorney, wait for SWAT team to arrive, cost the city millions of dollars and then inform them that I sold the firearms years ago at a gun show legally and let them in since all my firearms are stored in caches.

You sissies will fold as soon as a few vets shoot some .308 back at you

p.s. there's a rumor going around the community where you live and the school of your children that you hate America.

Is this true? Do you hate America? If not, then why do you willfully violate our god-given 2nd amendment rights, Comrade?

Would you care to comment on that?

Seems as if a lot of people in the community are naming you as an "anti-American traitor" and forbidding their children to play with your children.

In fact, your entire family has apparently become pariahs in the two you live in....everyont hates you and think you hate America.

When your wife goes into the grocery store while you're out violating the 2nd amendment rights of citizens, she's being given dirty looks from other townsfolk and the word "anti-American traitors" can be head softly being muttered as she walks by a group of gossiping women.

Why do you hate America so much for?

These laws have been in place for a very long time and it's not something easily abused. Also if unjustly taken it is a violation of your constitutional rights and you can now retire.

So if this happens to you, cooperate and sue.

Maybe it depends on the state. In MD if you refuse the police entry when they show up with their red flag order they will then have to go get a search warrant.

That's why you go out in a blaze of glory and take as much property as you can with you

Make his wife a widow

the niggers were right all along weren't they? the only good cop is a dead one

>law and order
Guess you're in a quandary, then, aren't you, because there's the Second Amendment in the Constitution (aka law of the land) saying one thing, and then there's the local statute saying the exact opposite. Your synapse must be exploding with cognitive dissonance.

More like
>knocks down user’s door
>bam bam user is dead
>if white, scatter Hitler stickers around the house
>if black, scatter weed
Dissent taken care of.

You're not a cop, you're a fucking shill. Propogand bullshit artists deserve to be hung from streetlamps.

Also, why the fuck should anyone have to prove they are entitled to have a RIGHT? It's the RIGHT to bear arms not the privilege to bear arms. BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE. I don't give a fuck if someone who has been forcibly disarmed can go down to a courthouse and "prove" they were wrongly accused, everyone knows that it won't happen so the person will just be stuck with no means to defend themselves. This kind of law is the absolute worst type of "slippery slope" and should be resisted AT ALL COSTS.

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>t. lapd

>Implying the cop won't "fear for his life" and cap you while you're in the process of complying

Sounds like a great way for antifa to deal with all you NAZI'S.

Just goto the law and say they fear that you are a danger to yourself and others, and Johnny law shows up and empties his Glock into your chest.

show your flag

Terrible thing, lost them all in a boating accident

has to be family.

I wasn't aware of that. Either way, at some point you're going to have to shoot them.