Fuck this degenerate earth

Fuck this degenerate earth

>Bile bears, sometimes called battery bears, are bears kept in captivity to harvest their bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, which is used by some traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. It is estimated that 12,000 bears are farmed for bile in China, South Korea, Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar.

>Farmed bile bears are housed continuously in small cages which often prevent them from standing or sitting upright, or from turning around. These highly restrictive cage systems and the low level of skilled husbandry can lead to a wide range of welfare concerns including physical injuries, pain, severe mental stress and muscle atrophy. Some bears are caught as cubs and may be kept in these conditions for up to 30 years.

>Bear bile and gallbladders, which store bile, are ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Its first recorded use was recorded in Tang Ban Cao (Newly Revised Materia Medica, Tang Dynasty, 659 A.D.).[citation needed] The pharmacologically active ingredient contained in bear bile and gallbladders is ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA); bears are the only mammals to produce significant amounts of UDCA.

>Initially, bile was collected from wild bears which were killed and the gall and its contents cut from the body. In the early 1980s, methods of extracting bile from live bears were developed in North Korea and farming of bile bears began. This rapidly spread to China and other regions

>The Chinese media reported an incident in which a mother bear, having escaped her cage, strangled her own cub and then killed herself by intentionally running into a wall.


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>fuck the degenerate chinks
is what I think you mean

I really hope that is all fake.

it's just an insectoid thing
a human wouldn't understand

All cultures are beautiful!
China hate thread?

slide thread

It is actually used in modern medicine, but I think you can synthesize it. Here it's sold as ursofalk

>bugmen being bugs
What a surprise.

This is now a China hate thread.

>The Chinese media reported an incident in which a mother bear, having escaped her cage, strangled her own cub and then killed herself by intentionally running into a wall.
That's pretty sad, desu. Mother knew what was in store for her cub so decided to put it out of its misery while she had the chance.

Chinks are subhuman insects. Never understood why people on here say otherwise. Probably chinks in hongcouver or something

I'll say it again for you vegan crybabies:
IT HAS NO AGENCY AND IT IS SUBJECT TO MAN'S WHIMS. Right now there are billions of animals "suffering" in cages to provide us food, even though we could live on a vegan diet instead. We also use animals to make leather handbags and makeup products. ONLY CRYBABY ATHIESTS CARE ABOUT ANIMAL "RIGHTS". READ YOUR BIBLE

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Wow. I can bearly believe this. What grizzly conditions these animals face. It must be pure pandamonium. I'll need to bear this in mind.

Fuck off the National Socialists saw stuff like this as barbaric and primitive and outlawed it, we don't need to do stuff like this.

Don't get me started on how those Chicoms have been harvesting bear gall bladders here in Canada.

>gooks are the only trash humans


As if America's factory farms and slaughterhouses are any better. Modern industrial methods of raising livestock are downright Auschwitzian, it's not just bugmen who are guilty

While the practice is disgusting, I find the attempt at tugging at my heartstrings to gain an emotional response to what is essentially an issue of livestock cruelty to be disingenuous and annoying. It's the same behavior that would beg me to donate to breast cancer research even though there are ten other kinds of cancer that kill more people.

Abusing animals should be illegal--sure--but if you know half of the shit that's horrible in China, this pales in comparison. These people once accidentally starved 50 million of their own people to death. It's fucking China. Feeling bad for stuff happening in China is like feeling bad for all the clams in the ocean that get hideously devoured by starfish.

The world sucks. Okay we already knew that. Take control of your emotions, you're an adult. There are people near you, people who you know who are suffering or misguided. Maybe you should think about your own flesh and blood before you start worrying about bears on the opposite side of the planet from you.

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>using God's word to try and justify animal cruelty
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel."
Proverbs 12:10

china deserves to be nuked continuously until its completely wiped off the map

God never said to brutalise animals for your own goal,just that you are superior over them

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Pretty sure bears are still subject to our dominion per God's word. You fags probably never owned a Bonsai Kitten either.

Fuck the Chinese

it's not vegan faggot, bears are intelligent enough to be worth living a decent life

You're not welcome in the ethnostate.

King James Version is best Version.

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China hate thread?
China hate thread.

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>Pretty sure bears are still subject to our dominion per God's word.
Yes. That doesn't mean we have to treat them like shit.

It means we can if it benefits us as we are above animals.

You are superior to a child on almost every metric. Doesn't mean you can do what you want to them.
Not surprised to hear something like that from an inbred gypsy retard.

Alright Mohammed

that's not nearly as bad as being cut open while alive to harvest organ fluid

He said “chinks,” you stupid subhuman gook.

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Are we really acting in our Lord's own image if we rule over our dominion with cruelty?
Our Lord is merciful and we should be as well.
Cruelty should only ever occur when actually necessary. We live in a world of excess. Most cruelty in our world is unnecessary.

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>"dont brutalise animals"
>"do what you want to them"
>calls me an inbred gypsy retard
Also,just google Jesus and the lamb,there you fucking have an example of superiority over an animal and still threat it nicely if your britbongistanian brain doesnt work for you right now

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rule over does not mean abuse. those who abuse their rule, lose it

I don't eat factory farmed meat either

well said

اللعنة على الوثنية

>Some bears are caught as cubs and may be kept in these conditions for up to 30 years.

Chinks are literal subhumans and need to be exterminated!

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he was agreeing with you

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>Several methods can be used to extract the bile. These all require surgery and include:

>Repeated percutaneous biliary drainage uses an ultrasound imager to locate the gallbladder, which is then punctured and the bile extracted.

>Permanent implantation uses a tube entered into the gallbladder through the abdomen...the bile is usually extracted twice a day through such implanted tubes

>Catheterization involves pushing a steel or perspex catheter through the bear's abdomen and into the gallbladder.

>The full-jacket method uses a permanent catheter tube to extract the bile which is then collected in a plastic bag set in a metal box worn by the bear.

>The free drip method involves making a permanent hole, or fistula, in the bear's abdomen and gallbladder, from which bile freely drips out...Sometimes, the hole is kept open with a perspex catheter, which HSUS writes causes severe pain.[citation needed] An AAF Vet Report states that surgeries to create free-dripping fistulae caused bears great suffering as they were performed without appropriate antibiotics or pain management and the bears were repeatedly exposed to this process as the fistulae often healed over.

Chinks are an eternal slave race. The mere fact that nobody in China batted an eye when Xi Jinpig removed his term limits is quite telling. Chinks literally want to be enslaved and told what they can and can't do. China will never beat the West. Every time shit goes south in China, what do they do? Do chinks try to fix the root of the problem? Nope. They allow their country to go to shit until a new dominant master "unites" them. Basically, they just sit around doing nothing (besides massacring each other by the tens of millions and feasting upon human corpses like the triple niggers they are) until a new master shows up to lord over them. Doesn't matter if the new master is a chink or a foreigner, because as long as he has power, he will be obeyed. Chinks want to be enslaved. No, they NEED to be enslaved. The burden of independence is simply too overwhelming for them. Being enslaved is the only way they know how to function as a society without resorting to chaos and cannibalism.

Chinks are the most easily controlled and brainwashed people in the world. That's why Chinese nationalism is such a big thing, and even overseas chinks defend their motherland despite enjoying all the benefits of not actually living there. If you're an overseas chink nationalist reading this, ask yourself why you even defend your motherland in the first place. You just do... right? It comes naturally, right? Bingo. That's because you are a member of the Chinese slave race. Your ancestors were slaves, your grandparents were slaves, your parents were slaves, and so are you. You can take a slave out of China, but you can't take the slave out of a Chinese. Imagine that. Living in the West and having the liberty of independent thought... yet, you're STILL controlled by China. You're simply incapable of independent thought. You're a slave.

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what are those

quail eggs i assume, not sure though

Every animal will be ground up and turned into boner pills.

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Chinks deserve genocide

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Nothing in the universe is infinite. Even souls are finite. There’s only so much soul to be divided among mankind. China has so many """people""" that there aren’t enough souls for everyone. In fact, the vast majority of Chinese don’t have a soul at all. That is why the Chinese are so susceptible to sudden deaths and mass genocides by famine, disease, disaster, and enslavement. They’re literally a counterfeit people whose lives have no value. They’re the fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race. They’re not even eligible for heaven or hell or reincarnation.



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Animals are superior to asians in terms of morals

Animals have souls.

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In comparison...

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lol, a dog is trying to save his friend but imagining a chink doing the same for another chink is just impossible, fucking hell

yep, fucking insect

Feels fucking bad.I bet that also happened in some chink shithole too, considering nobody even stops and at least removes the corpse from the fucking road which looks to be in urban area.

Those crabs are already dead

Give to animal charities. They help prevent stuff like this (I assume).

Meanwhile human charities basically work to dismantle Europe's borders.

>mother bear killed her baby so it wouldnt suffer the same fate
>mother bear kills herself from the psychological torture

The Chinese truly are insect like subhumans that should have their shit kicked in and their country occupied so their resources can be put to better use. Fuck these "humans" they are insects

>not respecting gods creatures
It's our duty as the higher lifeforms of the planet to take care of all life on the planet and not lock it in fucking cages to harvest their bile to make my insect dick bigger. I hate the Chinese more than Jews or muslims


only subhumans do not have compassion for animals

go back to lereddit you fucking faggot

>animals above animals
Oh boy

I read it. Jesus said that God cares about every last little sparrow. Granted, we're worth more than many sparrows, but the point is that a tiny bird that a man regards so little he'd throw in one for free (sparrows were sold on skewers) is actually precious to God.
Think of how lowly and insignificant and undeserving we are next to God. Now think of how God treats us. How should we treat living things lowlier and less-significant than we are?

Maybe God should rule over us the way we rule over the animal kingdom.

>thinking the money you give to ANY charity actually does what it's supposed to or goes where it's meant to

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Filthy creature. Dares stand up to the human will?
I wish we could briefly it back to life just to punish it for defying the god that is man.

I hope Chinese cities get nuked by the hundreds.

nuking is far too merciful for these slant eyed niggers, firebombing by the very least

china hate thread, post webms

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What wrong with killing non-white children?

>right onto its head

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its funny because its in china

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Good hopefully it died.

your fucking post is unbearable. i hope india will winnie poo your whole country.

niggas here would kill you if you were caught doing that to a formosan black bear

Attached: gookdrivers.webm (640x420, 890K)

you're right, then drop nukes after.

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I'm actually doing something similar to a black bear here in Alaska. Except I'm just extracting it's pain

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You'd be an afternoon snack, you fucking beanpole.

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>that ending

LMAO based goats

>contribute to the mass torture, rape, and slaughter of billions of animals for a big mac with nuggets



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What is that thing?

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It's a live eel with its skin flayed off.

what the fuck happened here

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>beaner cant read filename