Why Don’t Straight Men Hold Hands?

>hey goy, hold your guy friends hand or else you're a toxic male.

They're not even hiding it anymore.
Literally feminizing men.


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>Literally feminizing men.
nothing feminine about holding hands. it's only femininie if there are women involved.

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Real Reasons. Not watching bullshit video.

1. Human sexuality is geared towards women being sex. Many straight women think about pretty women during sex. Hemosexuality isn't normal. But sexual attraction to women is.

2. Men burn more calories doing the same activates as women and like colder temps because they need to remove more waste heat from there bodies to avoid sweating, etc. This probably has to do with women need to save calories to provide them for children they are designed to carry. This means two men holding hands will probably be unconfortable because of the excess heat

3. Women hate famine men so straight men don't want to appear feminine by holding hands.

4. Women are more communal and also they get pleasure from physical contact to a greater degree then men.

Some combination of those reason is why men don't hold hands and probably 2 is something no amount of cultural force against natural biology is going to change!

how is holding hands feminine?

go ask

Because nowadays men cannot express feelings about each other without being suspected of being homosexual. This stems from overexposure of homosexuality.

Think about the relationship between Frodo and Sam from Peter Jackson's LOTR. They share a strong bond because of the extreme hardships they've been through together. Tolkien modeled this relationship on his own experiences as a soldier in World War I. There's nothing sexual or romantic about it, but every time people see the two in a scene together, they go "Aw, they're gay".


>holding hands with out a glove
That's how you get an STD.

and pregnant for that matter

>holding hands=feminine?

Maybe feminine, is the wrong word. Maybe it's because its a dominate-leadership/submissive-follower relation that happens when holding hands.

But it's probably because one of the persons whose hand is being held is going to have to submit to the will of the other. Two Alpha males can get along but they are not going to put themselves into where one has to submit to other with out good reason. Think about holding hand with a child or girl. You are in-charge of where the two of you are going and you are give subtle dominate clue to other to follow. I think women being natural submissive are more okay with holding hand because they aren't leaders and so they won't worry about hows really in-charge.

Thanks for making me think about it more and flushing my ideas out.
Three should read

3. Women hate submissive men and one man is going to look like the submissive when your holding hand.

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This. And this serve to corrode bonds of friendship and intimacy between men. Male only gatherings and friendship is a threat to women, not to mention (((them))). Females are unable to form these forms of attachment. Female friendship is more like an alliance of convenience than the true bonds men share. I’d take a bullet for my best friends and I know they’d do the same for me. I know for a fact my ex’s friends wouldn’t do the same for her, neither her for them.

all fields

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>Literally feminizing men
In fact, I think in order to prove they don't have that icky toxic masculinity, they should start wearing panties and get on HRT.
It's geared toward left wing "men" who are already low T. Not only does it keep them from reproducing, it also weakens them physically for street battles and increases their suicide rate.

I don't think we need to hold hands. I'd rather hug another man when I am feeling emotionally over whelmed.

Don't they do this in South Korea? Or maybe some Eurocuck country. I forget.

Yes, but we need to make sure that men who if polished up, supported and encouraged would make good strong stock get a chance to make it. Feminization of young boys is horrible because most of them would make decent men.

>a study showed that hyper-masuline men are mentally ill
>meanwhile trannies are completely normal

I fucking hate this timeline

In Arab countries, Africa, some parts of Asia and traditionally in some Mediterranean and Southern European cultures (especially in Sicily), males also hold hands for friendship and as a sign of respect; a custom which is especially noticed by societies unused to it, -wiki

Reading this shit is like reading cosmo dude. If they told you to fuck yourself you would do that too?

HAHAHa, I wonder if it was feminist women who did the study!

But seriously men need either male emotional support or female emotional support. And the over masculine man is going to have trouble getting either.

She probably does use dildo thanks some feminist propaganda like cosmo. And afterwards she feels emotionally empty and sad she couldn't get a decent man to fuck her properly. You ride her rough and put her away wet.

I fully support men getting emotional girl friends on the side of their the girls they dominate and have sex with. It's best if the emotional girl friend is way older to make her less sexually desirable. I used to work in a place with one older female who was like a perfect mother to all the men there

On male support.

I think older post-menopausal women are man's best friend. If they are not ruined by feminist propaganda. But I will admit that I have not had enough exposure to male bonding to know if that's better or not. And queer phobia may have lot to do with that.

I've fished my friends balls out of his pyjama bottoms not gay.

Hand-holding is only appropriate in the case of parent and child.

and they paid a sassy negress to do their dirty job