Why are normies normies?

Why are normies normies?

Is it because they're uneducated since most of them are working class I would guess so, since uneducated people are easier to manipulate, brainwash, they believe the lamestream media same as liberals they run the same script over and over and dismiss any idea or opinion that does not coincide with their perceived world view.

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nope, it's a "conditio humana" for some.
you're just born being a weak-minded faggot without internal monologue or not.
can't un-normie the normie (et vice versa)

Most have never been challenged or even taught to think for themselves. Critical thinking is no longer taught in ant level of education. It is much easier to follow instructions and move with the heard than to develop your own thoughts and opinions. We have a majority populace that's cognitively crippled. It's really sad when you think about it.

Most Trump supporters are working class. Most NPC normies are middle class or yuppies.

No, most of the normies I know are college educated and nearly everyone I met in college I would classify as a normie.

>implying Trump supporters aren't normies/NPCs
get a load of this kikecocksucker

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I have met more people at uni that would fit the label normie than working class people really. Normies are born that way, it's not the result of the social class they are in or life experiences.

Working class think for themselves and vote to overthrow the establishment, college educated have been brainwashed to vote for globohomo.

if Jow Forums is supposedly more educated than normies why does everyone here fall for 90 year old well documented examples of literal propaganda created by a reactionary ideology?

>you are just as easily manipulable
>you are not immune to propaganda
>you are overestimating your own cognitive ability whilst underestimating others'(see Dunning–Kruger effect)
>you don't have a high IQ like you perceive yourself to have
>your observations of premises X are flawed platforms to draw conclusions from(see inductive logic)

It’s because they confuse hollywood, media and literary books with real life

The radical centrist checks in.

because they're brainlets. All the nazi altright(before it was altright) shitposting on Jow Forums was done by libertarians but idiots came on here, didn't get that it was ironic shitposting and took it seriously and eventually vastly outnumbered the original shitposters. That's why the average Jow Forumsack is a braindead retard, they fell for propaganda literally as they were being told it's propaganda to their faces.

I'm an anarchist, literally radical, man

I've spoken to a lot of working class people user and they have shit for brains when it comes to politics, social science, technology so there is a point.

You dumbfuck it's the "educated" college faggots that are brainwashed.
They get useless gender and ethnic degrees and expect a 6 figure salary.
Nice meme flag btw, faggot

You don't necessarily have to go to college to be educated anymore.

So what's it like being homeless?

Sorry to blackpill you user, but normies aren’t as stupid and unthinking as you think. We just live in an unfair system where certain traits are rewarded, and normies have those traits. They’re effortlessly social, have a healthy degree of self-confidence, and derive enough pleasure from their simple lives that they never feel the need to stop and ponder the nature of things. We consider ourselves superior because we view society from the outside and thus have greater powers of perspective, but at the end of the day we’re all losers who wish we could be included.

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If the 'uneducated' are more easily manipulated and brainwashed, why are so many leftists so highly 'educated'?

On a secondary note, the reason the NPC meme is seen as so virulently problematic by the left is that all of the worldviews of the left are, at their core, dehumanizing.

"Educated" is a dog-whistle for Judeo-Freemason/CIA Nigger

wrong op.
they are "educated"
Education today teaches memorisation of things. Q and A style.
No REAL questions are asked that you have to think about.
I've got further maths papers going back to 85 and you see a real step change in 95, the stuff 2000 and later is a joke
they are just trained to memorise shit

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Included in what? I don't know if you noticed, but normies get the rawest deal .
>Spend thousands on college debt
>By the way, go and fuck around as much as you want, zero conquences
5 years later
>Lol, sorry your degree is worth shit, here's a mediocre job
>Oh by the way, you've fried your capacity to pairbond, have fun drifting from 1 relationship to the next for 15 more years
10 year later
>How's that shit job going? Oh and we're rasing taxes again. Need to fund those social programs and immigrants somehow right champ?
>How's the stepson? Giving your wife shit cause their a bastard? Don't worry. I'm sure genetics has nothing to do with it, just raise em right ;)
5 more years
>Oh, and you single ladies, your times up. Hope you didn't want autistic children, lol