Webm of the year

Attached: 1519231736494.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

>the body language of the arm touch
>I am touching you last
It means something, but I'm a brainlet at this.

Putin warned Trump of Israeli/EU assassination attempt.

Attached: 1530745431235.jpg (968x1285, 518K)

Attached: 1533002109247.jpg (2045x5328, 2.22M)

>Merkel and Trump's look after he handshaked Putin
Yep they tried to assassinate him and Putin warned him

Pic related. Macron is missing. Melania is looking at putin and putin is smiling at camera.

Attached: 1528957820180.png (587x571, 396K)

US-RUSSIA Military Alliance

UK too

Attached: 1538401552810.png (1836x1210, 619K)

Superpowers only, and fuck the shit eating queen and her german jew family


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look at Merkels face LOL

Attached: 1517345541033.png (1024x788, 1.05M)

that face says it all, macaroni is going to suffer and pay dearly

Macron looks like the guy that married the boss's sister in order to move up the company ladder.

Attached: 1541978471675.jpg (1600x900, 191K)

Attached: 1524218291877.jpg (4032x2963, 2.54M)

Like we did in WW2.

Attached: haha.jpg (500x273, 26K)

>loves roastie
>gets toasty

Attached: 1542134893385.gif (206x176, 370K)

A faggot frenchman and his Planet of Apes wife.

Attached: NATO wives.png (962x655, 999K)

Something about this guy makes me think he visits bath houses and enjoys watersports.


Putin and Trump total bosses,they are next level,they are more valuable then the rest of all those puppets there

whose the guy smirking?

>this pic
>my sides

Attached: 1541480368811.jpg (950x962, 80K)

>Tfw literally looked into the sleepy eyes and didn't shake he's hand

nice shoop nigger

Attached: 1522934024664.png (1814x1368, 1.38M)

You think he's pulling his hand back because he realizes he can't be seen too friendly with an asset?

spare me the bullshit

Attached: Putin - first USSR gov mostly jews.jpg (646x721, 101K)

Thanks for the rocket help Russbro. How about a new space station? Or no, no ... let's go big. Here's the New Deal:

We help you build supply lines into your Eastern reaches. You help us engineer the base on the moon. Japan can come too. They've earned it this time don't you think?

Attached: bigthree.jpg (700x569, 104K)

Can we just put Putin in charge of everything?

>believing Trump has anything to do with Russia
>liberal brainwashing

Attached: deluded liberal.jpg (711x570, 57K)

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I think your new Cold War is going to fall flat making you politically irrelevant forever.

lol @ merkel doing a half-hearted autistic masonic hand symbol

>being this cucked

Goddamnit. Can Trump go 5 seconds without playing 69 dimensional cribbage? It's hard to keep up.

Obviously thumbs up was a responce for Trump's "How are you?"

what is Melania talking about, "our victory" "our fallen soldiers"? Empire lost the war

why can't democrat presidents be bros with Putin?

Attached: putin-bush-fishing.jpg (1005x754, 179K)

and thats a good thing you kike

show your /pol./ posting license please

Attached: 1511298684817.png (1222x904, 168K)

Trumps touched him so he has to touch him or he'll looks like a bitch

Attached: Schumer - six ways.jpg (821x552, 112K)

Attached: markel raute2.jpg (644x640, 197K)

Hypocritical traitor

She only does this as a pathetic way to add character to an otherwise completely bland human being.
Same with Theresa May's kitten heels, they don't mean anything, they just want to seem more interesting and likeable.

Or she could be advising about how big the cock is gonna have to be.

hmmm its like he is hinting that something will happen if only he went by ground

It's a power play. Look how mad Trump is after Putin pats him back.


and don't forget about Trudeau's socks!

Attached: trudeau socks.png (1200x630, 948K)

it is, dominant people do that even without realizing, but I don't see a change on Trump's face

>putin is 5'6
>nobody fucks with him

Attached: 1539905238572.gif (300x169, 2.66M)

>nobody fucks with him
for good reason

Attached: putinring.jpg (550x396, 62K)

No britcucks tho

>I don't see a change on Trump's face
Yes but you can see that he grabs the front of his coat, and he only does this when he is nervous.


Putin is a puppet of the globalist Jewish cabal, the same group that controls Trump.

Attached: Allies.webm (1122x624, 1.06M)

More like 5'2. Find pictures with him and Medvedev who is 5'4 according to the Wikipedia.

Looks very high energy to me

Was Macron Wife hot when she was younger?

Le 56% still thinks he can into space


Attached: 1542134277316.png (515x422, 338K)

Exactly. As simple as that. Leave it to autistic Mutts to overdramatize it as usual

inshallah! why cant we come

who knows?
hieroglyphs aren't exactly high fidelity

Attached: toutenmacron.png (272x204, 109K)

i just googled her and she wasnt really must have a thing for older chicks

Putin really hates Trump doesn't he?

I hope Macron is 100% Catholic before he dies and that he makes it to heaven, though.

Can't be happy about any damnation until Jesus comes back and judges everyone. Judgment belongs to God alone.

>It means something
It means nothing. YOU assign some meaning to the nuances, facial expressions and other minutia of this masquerade ball of your owners and assume it has some bearing on your dumpy life. These monsters snack on your children and everything else is superfluous ... but go ahead and waste the precious moments of your managed existence pondering what may only be a game of elite tag.

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Attached: 1515723417953.png (1812x1131, 3.32M)

Fucking on top of you right now.

Attached: thanksforallthefish.jpg (1366x768, 174K)

Yeahhhhhhhhh deals off then, best of luck.

Attached: No Deal.jpg (718x437, 79K)

Melania looking like a magician or magician assistant?

Are they trying to tell us something?

Attached: fdu8g3ojdhwz.jpg (629x626, 16K)

she's an alibi, nothing more
he didn't went to her place to fuck her after school
at that time, being gay was socially unacceptable, if not downright dangerous
so she prbly let him come so that he could have some sexy time with his then boyfriend
since it worked, they must have set up an arrangement, and it went on for so long that they can't admit they lie anymore
rly, micron is surrounded by each and every notorious faggot in France
even his former speaker and now current interior minister (castaner, who looks like a gay bear, so I call him castabear; former punk squatter, who must have sucked a few dicks to pay for some drugs, btw) told that he liked everything, with emmanuel, including his physical strength (it's not exactly printed on the package, lol: gotta try it to know it, I guess)
somehow, he still isn't the worst we've had (eg miterrand a ultra corrupt socialist piece of shit allied to the communists, or hollande, a legit

Attached: macronbodyguard.jpg (1300x732, 193K)

>Are they trying to tell us something?


Attached: American Women.jpg (931x524, 51K)

bost the nudes..

Based. Never give a man something you intend to keep.

At this point and time Putin would be the one living person I would choose to talk to if I had the chance to do so.

>Are they trying to tell us something?

Attached: no.jpg (402x511, 52K)

...is that a dr Phil shoop

>Melania on a horse
>tall leather boots likely involved
>grinding on small riding saddle
its a equine inspired outfit

maybe you'll like this one, another super high energy trudeau

Attached: trud1535431346291.jpg (817x1464, 460K)

A little bit of pumice and you could sharpen knives with that dudes thighs

Attached: kys.jpg (232x132, 13K)

and I shouldn't have called her a roastie either. Ew.

Attached: when-the-cringe-is-too-strong-1638269.png (500x498, 96K)

>super high energy trudeau
With a pink shirt.

The fact that we live in an apartheid and every nook and cranny of power and celebrity media is filled with deceptive queers, trannies and eunuchs is a topic that hasn't even begun to be fleshed out on Jow Forums. Why is that?

Attached: melania trump freak.jpg (198x229, 9K)

Gave me a feel. Thank you OP.

Attached: 1521112595817.jpg (974x649, 121K)

whos the british looking guy giving the disappointed look in the caption

>Trannies bring him joy
Trudeau is the /gif/ candidate

Exactly, first. Stalin purged most original bolsheviks.