What is the absolute lowest class of people in society? Meth users? Pedos? Thieves?

What is the absolute lowest class of people in society? Meth users? Pedos? Thieves?

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ease... a meth-head pedo thief

Wow. A rare glimpse into the mind of a methhead. Thanks OP.

Ben Shapiros

it's very clearly a doll mate

Pedofiles are top tier. Kids are worthless apart from their sexual value.

Praise Jesus.

People who work for the government


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Satanic meth head pedo kikes.

N e time

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Pedos, the other two are scum as well but pedophiles usually do much more lasting damage than thieves.


To lighten the mood, Chris Hansen has just released a new (yes, new) bust video.

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Straight White Christians

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Irish travelers, no question


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People that are not in control of themselves and are the nearest thing to animals. So there can be meth users better or worse than thieves, pedophiles, etc. it depends very much on the case and the value can’t be given just by an easy classification of what they‘ve done. The why is inportant.


Is that the Paladin?

Skub advocates.

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anyone have those screenshots of discussions from the tribes pedo methhead group?

That's the worst I've ever seen.

Section 8 nigger woman with children from different fathers, and fat from too much fried food

Did he died?

Breeders. People who keep having kids despite not being financially self supporting enough. They demand everyone else pay for their children. Offspring tend to follow same pattern as parent. Endless cycle of filth.

Somebody knows how to party

Only fags use this language. It stands to reason that fags, dykes, and their propagandized ilk are naturally the lowest class in society, otherwise they would not be elevated to such a high stature by the enforcemenet of the progressive stack.


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Psychopaths and Sociopaths.
They have a literal NEED to break the law and exploit people.
Exploiting people gets them nowhere because most people eventually get tired and realize what they are doing. Breaking the law eventually gets you caught.

Jow Forums subhumans. I love the threads where you guys actually open up, get a bit honest with yourselves and reveal what depressed, pathetic losers you are.

Nah, he just smoked a big puddle. Thousands of people do shit like this every day. For the next few hours he probably thought all his mates were undercover cops.

>make up a disproportionate amount of the ruling elite
>lowest class in society
Pick 1


Seconding this

Jews, without a doubt.

hold your hörses dere friendo, we kant be de worst of de bottomtrash. What about alla thise kalifornians??

pedos are only scum if they act on their desire in a harming way

Becåse from what I kan see from de njews, they are i a HOT SPOT if you get wat im saying. Trömp isn't dere nummer 1 problem va?
It kinda smells like börnt meat, and smells lajk a red wajve hehe

All pedos are scum and should be shot in the back of the head, regardless of how they "act out".
If you're a pedo, you don't belong in human society. Only proper thing to do is kill yourself.


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That picture is pure evil.

I mean terrorists, but they are at least competant. Serial killers are the least respected, but at least they are spooky. Pedos are just worthless losers.

This is how I picture most of you knuckle dragging jews ...


They are pretty much all those things you mentioned

She reads and watches CP, check her ED page

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Feminists. You can fix all of those if you start there.

stop replying to him. he's a fucking retard who has never and will never leave his country. He has no concept of what swedes are actually like. To answer OP, i would say middle american trailer trash are literally on-par with third worlders. I can say this with confidence because i have actual perspective to be able to say this. I am willing to bet he lives in a trailer in arkansas or some shit

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>doesn't recognize a doll
That IQ chart of all the boards is looking pretty accurate.


valid point

furry pedos

*Gay pedos are worthless losers.

Fixed it for you, fucking faggot.

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Sweden is full of women who want to be men and men who want to be women so much so that the government has to import high test cavemen

>full of women who want to be men and men who want to be women
So is the US.

What’s going on there? why would anybody give a baby speed, it would drive you potty screeching and doing other baby stuff. I could imagine a junky giving a baby methadone like super-calpol but that seems crazier than even whizz rats usually are.


Oh it’s a toy. FFS. All that typing. I’m an important man, why do a nog like that.

Sounds like a typical Jow Forumsack then.

I still like her work

>all pedos arent sodomites to begin with
Neck yourself nigger i fight pedos in the streets of minecraft

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then women.


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Drug dealers should be executes on the spot. They're parasites who contribute nothing to society but poison and usually bring with them theft, violence and gang activity.

Mobile Gamers

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>"all his mates"
>american flag

wtf is this shit user?

>lives in a cultureless, jew-owned consumerist hell
>has been this way since the 19th century
>coalburning is a rite of passage for most women
>the lowest form of white people anywhere on earth, even worse than eastern european bydlo or brazilian favelitos
>has the nerve to insult sweden, a beautiful, genetically sound, and homogenous country under attack by jews for the last 40 years.

>relating more to communism than libertarian capitalism
Nigga what are you smoking.

More than that. I bet that the photo was taken by an idiot conservative Jow Forumstard just to have an argument against the liberals.

I don't smoke because I'm not a faggot. Capitalism and communism are both Jewish.

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I am pleasently surprised by the results in this thread

Democrat voters
They keep pretending they are doing good things but their cities and up being hubs of crime, poor slums, and bums.

>crime, poor slums, and bums
More descriptive of red states than blue states.

She also accused an innocent of rape attempt

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Also, Democrats produce the highest gap of inequality than anyone else.

That's because we get STEM degrees, unlike niggers and conservative trash.

Great episode but it actually came out like 2 years ago or so. One of the better more lengthy interviews too. I wish there were way more of these

not really. You’ve got Atlanta, Memphis, Jackson, New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, NYC, LA, Phoenix, and a shit ton of other blue cities that account for most of America’s crime at a higher total and rate than the rest of the country. Even the poorest white county in the whole country (a staunchly red county) has a lower crime rate than the richest black county (an intesnsely blue county). But please, keep believing your unsubstantiated bullshit.

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most people here are true subhumans

And yet even despite those shithole nigger cities, red states overall tend to overtake blue states in terms of welfare use, teen pregnancy, violent crime, etc.


>Meth users? Pedos? Thieves?
>mfw that baby was probably stolen by pedos and they are forcing him to do meth

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Poor people.

when the fp is also the bp

No, you faggots get degrees in communications then ruin the companies you work at implementing stupid shit like sensitivity training.

Ojojoj, we have reel big guns over here (since you gajs all got guns amirite?). Also it's kind of ironic that you say "i wold NEVER leave dis country" and you're american, since u have evrithing so most americans actually never lieve de kontry (and de poor, never leave de county u know).
If i want to åka skidor i got to france or switzerland, i majt go to norway får some good tajms, finland to sauna and see de nörthern lajths but I sure as häll löve my köntry, and sippin on some imported belgian beeer on de west coast inn summer söre is wönderföll


We get degrees in all sorts of things, and are the breadmakers of the country.


>red states overall tend to overtake blue states in terms of welfare use,
Look, both of you total fucking idiots don't understand the difference between correlation and causation. Basically, nothing you say has any bearing on reality because you failed your critical thinking course.

Oy veys.

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The quest is, which thread are (they) sliding.

>society? Meth users? Pedos? Thieves?

>cold hard hard data has no basis in reality
Keep your ears plugged and don't clean your room then, little faggot. Anyone who's visited the red states won't by whatever bluepilled cognitive dissonance you've built up.

>t. dicksuck rabbi

Meet me behind Café Siilinkari and say that to my face.