Bad blood

We are closer to SJW dictatorships and camps for white men than we think. the democrats STOLE arizona and new mexico, this is a test run for 2020.everybody should read the book *Bad Blood* about elizabeth holmes and the theranos scandal. Holmes is a textbook psychopath and manipulator, and that it what you're seeing here. The democrats are throwing a CNN, sources like CNN are lying to you. It's called political ponerology: and it's how the SJW movement works- it's a network of psychopaths.

They use a method of brainwashing known as milieu control:, it works by isolating channels of thought into an echo chamber. Read the definition:

>Milieu control involves the control of communication within a group environment, that also may (or may not) result in a significant degree of isolation from surrounding society. When non-group members, or outsiders, are considered or potentially labeled as less valuable without basis for stated group-supported and group-reinforced prejudice, group members may have a tendency to then consider themselves as intellectually superior, which can limit alternate points of view, thus becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy in which group members automatically begin to devalue others and the intellect of others that are separate from their group, without logical rationale for doing so. Additionally, Milieu control "includes other techniques to restrict members' contact with the outside world and to be able to make critical, rational, judgments about information.

This is EXACTLY how they shut down people who call them out...they say you're "right wing" or a "nazi", when it fact it's SJWs who are the fascists and manipulators. "He posts at td; ignore" is textbook milieu control in effect.

The democrats STOLE an election in Arizona and New mexico, and they are trying to in Florida and Georgia to. This is very serious...

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Other urls found in this thread:

>camps for white men
don't be ridiculous. you know exactly what happens when faustian men are pushed that far.

I wish. finally get this race war started.

>cnn is milieu control
>pol isnt

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>the democrats STOLE arizona and new mexico, this is a test run for 2020.
the real test run is the excuse for intentionally skewing the vote, "The vote didn't match our pre-election or post-election private polls, so obviously the actual vote needs to be changed to match them."
just like the Roy Moore character assassination was a successful trial run for the Kavanaugh one, they will be using this excuse in the 2020 election to declare Hillary the winner no matter what the public actually votes for

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>The democrats STOLE an election in Arizona and New mexico, and they are trying to in Florida and Georgia


Show me the fraud. These are valid votes and you are a fucking traitor if you think they should not be counted.

Fuck off with your shit.

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Kill yourself faggot kike

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Cuckservative snowflake.
Go eat some shit nigger.

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Psychopath. We can see you.

goddamn you google, you will not stop me from posting the picture i want to post

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There needs to be a "your fucking wrong captcha! That's not a goddamn sidewalk!" Button

this they will just lie and say she won. no need to count precincts

Healthcare was the overwhelmingly number one priority for one voters. Sinema “promises” reform. McSally voted against preexisting condition non discrimination

Is it really that hard to believe that neokikes who just simply say “yay trump!!!” arent viable as candidates to most voters?

No, but the discovery of new ballots and some of the new numbers were beyond suspicious

They did steal AZ. Maricopa county (by order of Adrian Fontes, the county recorder who is a democrat) precincts kept "emergency polls" open in Democrat areas until the Monday before election day for early voting purposes. That's three extra days of 'early voting' as those polling places -- by law -- should have closed on Friday.

This should not have happened -- the result was to advantage Democrat candidates (Sinema in particular). You'll note three of the five early voting areas are in her Congressional district, and all five are in Democrat voting precincts.

The excuse used was that the polls were kept open for *voter* emergencies that prevented them from early voting, yet Fontes admitted that there was no such check in place, and in fact there was a wide effort to continue "get out the vote" efforts amongst Democrats through the weekend.

>Fontes: Now, here's the thing. Emergency voting has been in the statutes for decades. And county recorders outside of Maricopa County have been doing this for decades. And so the fact that we just…
>Resnik: But this is the first time Maricopa County did it.
>Fontes: Yes.
>Resnik: And I could have gone, without any illness and – for any reason I could have gone to one of these centers for any reason at all.
>Fontes: You would have had to had an emergency.
>Resnik: Are you sure about that?
>Fontes: Yep.
>Resnik: Uh, Democrat candidates were putting this number and address out on door hangers saying, ‘Just show up.'"
>Fontes: The law says you can have emergency voting available, if a voter has an emergency.
>Resnik: You weren't checking for emergencies at the door.
>Fontes: It's not my business what your emergency is, Brahm. I've got HIPPA [health privacy laws] laws that prevent me from asking. You've got your privacy that I have to respect, and by the way, what, pray tell, is the problem with giving voters access to the ballot box? That's my first question.

Pic Related

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And if you prefer to hear it directly from Fontes in the interview. McSally et al rolled over for this. They could have (and should have) fought this.

Valid voters casting votes early is not "stealing an election".
Republicans were allowed to do the same, if they so wished.

If you were saying illegals or non-citizens voted, then feel free to make that case.


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The problem is they are arguably NOT valid early votes as the polls were kept open for three extra days in specific areas by a Democrat operative to favor a Democrat in a race. No notice was given about this to other precincts, nor was the option given to Republican-leaning precincts to extend their early vote. Federal statue -- under the Voting Rights Act of 1965 -- could EASILY be applied in this case as you are discriminating against a certain political class of voter. The Republicans in the state of AZ, in their infinite wisdom (/s) has not fought these issues as vigorously as they could.

Look, user, we have laws and rules for a reason -- they protect the integrity of the voting process and make sure that situations like this (and AZ and FL) don't happen. Not following the law results in chaos. Keeping the polls open longer, not following chain-of-custody procedures for votes, not keeping questionable/uncanvassed votes quarantined, etc. All of these were violated to one extent or another in AZ. That may seem like not a big deal to you, because you want to "COUNT ALL DA VOTES" but throwing our entire election procedures under the bus (especially when there are blatant problems) for a slogan is madness.

Maybe Sinema won in a split-ticket vote, but Democrats (you included) do yourself no favors when you play games with the law and VIOLATE statute and state constitution. Again, these LAWS are in place for a reason, to prevent chaos and ensure the validity of elections. When you violate them you're going to create an opening -- as it is now -- for one side of the party to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the process. That's dangerous.

Finally, yes, about 1500 non-citizens were registered to vote, too. At least that's what we've found so far.

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702 is one of the psychopaths in the network. They know they are wrong, they are being intentionally disingenuous Textbook, just like theranos. Read “bad blood!”

Regardless of whether the polling centers were open illegally, the votes are valid. If they were turned away, they likely would have voted legally on election day.

You should be holding the person in charge of the voting center liable, not the people who used it.

And yes, I agree that those people who opened these voting centers should be held accountable if it is found that they were opened illegally.

You don't do it by throwing out the votes though, and I believe a judge would agree.

So.... you lost, get over it.

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>Regardless of whether the polling centers were open illegally, the votes are valid

No, they aren't. It's like saying votes are valid if they opened the polling centers back in October in democratic only area's for a few days. You can use the same justification for why those votes are legitimate as you are for the polling stations being opened illegally now. They should be throw out.

wow, a relevant, interesting, and meaningful post. better 404 it before people start talking too much!

>They should be throw out.

No, they should be converted to provisional votes. Or the voters should be contacted and allowed to re-cast their votes properly.
You shouldn't take away someone's vote over a clerical mishap.
If this was a republican district (or your own district) you would not be saying to throw out the votes.
The issue was not caused by the voter and should not harm the voter.

Psychopath. It is easily recognizable in the way they type.

is this a merchant?

They're not keeping what's been called and don't call an election and then when the person you don't like wins grab a box of spoiled ballots, fix them and call it for your guy.
That is what they've been doing.
One election official even put out a tweet asking for volunteers to fix spoiled ballots. Like wtf is that shit?

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Here is what used to happen when some group tried to steal an election.

We've gone soft over the years.

I don’t think you know what those words mean

The problem is we've never had this level of conditioning and brainwashing over decades before. We aren't the men of the past, dude. That's what you aren't wrapping your lil nugget around. Men today aren't going to push back like they would even 80 years ago.

They are called "insults". I made them up.

Question to the thread:

>In heavily Republican Bay County, however, election supervisor Mark Andersen acknowledged Monday that he had allowed some voters to cast their ballots over email, which is not allowed under state law.

>Bay County was hit hard by Hurricane Michael on Oct. 10, and Scott issued an executive order on Oct. 18 extending early voting and expanding more voting locations in the eight affected counties. His order, The Associated Press reports, explicitly prohibited votes being returned by email or fax. Andersen defended his decision to let 150 people scan their ballots and email them in, telling NBC affiliate WJHG/WECP, "If you want to turn around and take away these votes away from voters because it's not the normal prescribed issue, I would just say you ought to be ashamed of yourself because what we did is take care of voters."

Should these votes be thrown out as well?

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