Are we just going to pretend this isn't happening?

Democrats around the country in Flordia, Arizona, New Mexico, Georgia, etc. are stealing elections in broad daylight, and no one is even talking about it. Are we really just going to let the Democrats completely undermine the democracy of The United States of America without so much as a whimper? Is anyone going to do anything, government official or private citizen?

If nothing happens, the United States of America is a failed project of freedom.

Also, it means my vote means nothing... And you know the old saying, "No taxation without representation". If my vote means jack shit because our elections are rigged, I'm not going to pay taxes ever again.

Attached: stolenelection.png (600x600, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


user, California is on fire and Session was illegal fired to interfere with Muller's probe. Stop caring about elections! That's so last week.

Proof faggot or fuck off. Not everyone in here is a
MAGA moron.

I hear you but it's kind of strange Georgia which has been 80% black since the country was founded can't hire themselves a black governor

>Le it's healthy to masturbate 3 times a day.

Attached: 1541808054498.jpg (252x291, 29K)

What exactly do you propose we do, user?

In the face of overt subversion we seem to be frozen. The rage is there but I don't think anyone knows what to do.

That Sessions firing really died down didn't. Fucking ADHD Left

They are talking about the Florida attempted steal, but none of the other ones.

I mean clearly the election system needs to be corruption proof for both sides, having this be a known thing that Democrats get the results close then stuff ballots and battle it out in court as a tradition is embarrassing. Pubs are too cucked to suppress enough votes to do anything, we need voter IDs and photo ID required in all states, citizenship, drivers license, social are mandatory.

The real theft in Florida is the agricultural commissioner. He's in charge of concealed carry and they're stealing it for a gun grabber.

Democracy means the Democrats must always win.

It's your own fault, and I am laffin. You should've but that rabid dog Hillary down the day she had those kids burned to death in Waco. But you did not. So now, you suffer.

Proof- zero

>republicans control the government
>pretend this is happening and there is nothing they can do to stop it.

I'm pretty sure you can't steal an election. All I see is democrats colluding with minorities to secure a better future fo all people in America, documented or not.

Do blacks really not have IDs?

95% of Whites, 90% of Hispanics, and 87% of Blacks have photo IDs.

Here's a list of voter fraud incidents by state and how the Mexican voter ID system prevents this.

How out of state voters flipped New Hampshire.

Al Franken was elected by voter fraud.

2-6% of non-citizens vote in every election.

Over 2 million Americans are registered to vote in multiple states.

Voter Fraud Overview

Attached: 1960 Election Voter Fraud.png (1693x700, 153K)

Finding more votes happens all the time.

Voter fraud by Republicans.

Red flags for voter fraud
>Close elections
>No voter ID laws
>Same day voter registration
>High illegal immigrant population
>Large nearby population centers
>Motor voter laws
>Above 90% of eligible voters registered
If you find the above look for solid evidence.

Attached: California Voter Fraud.jpg (768x787, 110K)

America is owned by the Jews. You will have your children's foreskins confiscated.

Praise be to Hillary.

Attached: 1541046754424.png (600x598, 86K)

Shapiro says we should suck it and just give up. Much like the rest of the surrender caucus.

Someone help this retard find his handler.

When are you going to wake up and stop believing all the fucking lies that get thrown around by right-wing forums? You think anyone on this board is serious about anything? It's just saying offensive things for lulz. And you think it's real? How stupid do you have to be?

You mean stealing it back?

That kike rat is worse than open leftists.

I think special counsel. Subpoena everyone and get emails, call logs, everything.

Matt Caldwell isnt going to get flipped. Trumps had these trouble spots under surveilance since 2017 fren.

Attached: teach them.png (500x463, 258K)

We need two things:

1) Voter ID cards that can prove a citizen is who they say they are. Use a Driver's License, Passport and Social Security # Card to prove identity.
2) A cryptographically secure voting network. Basically, a record of voting on a blockchain network that works in unison with the Voter ID cards.

Every vote can be tracked to each individual. Multiple votes from the same voter would be immediately recognized, flagged and prevented (along with sending the person to jail for a felony).

That is the long-term solution to this vote fraud.

The short-term solution? I don't know, but other countries have descended into civil wars for a lot less than election tampering.

Not sure I want the govt to know who I voted for...

cry more you worthless niggers

Attached: 1484430923099.gif (500x500, 2.51M)

It's the future we're heading towards. Traditional ledgers are going to go obsolete in the next 20 years and all transactions will be traceable.

*winning elections

Attached: deal with it.gif (257x137, 457K)

>"No taxation without representation"
Our tax code, immigration laws and foreign policy are all based in slave morality. This is a violation of 1A and a tyrannical moral imposition. These "come and take muh guns" types aren't going to do shit when the niggers from the ZOG show up to confiscate their guns, so they damn sure aren't going to shit when an election is stolen. Anyone that truly believed in the bill of rights and the republic would have started freedom fighting years ago.

So you don’t want America to be great?

>Communist cancer gets Varg'd by mother nature
>Cuckservative is fired to stop Mueller's taxpayer-funded shitflinging at Trump
Neither of those things are anything other than justice being served.


forgot the pic

Attached: spongebob.jpg (680x440, 34K)


What's wrong sweetie, I thought you were going to win?

Attached: 1.jpg (832x219, 36K)

That's why the right can never win and Shapiro is controlled opposition.


But this is only one thread. The USA is dead.

Hmmm, I guess we should keep our powder dry and see what develops here. They might be waiting to make their move till they all have certified the results and fully broken the law.

It's not looking good... that's for sure.

Because Florida is doing it right on camera. In front of your fucking face.

And still you will do nothing. You need to be dominated. The Illuminati is right.

Let's be honest, if he had proof he'd be dead. There is evidence though and you shills can find it for yourselves.

We should start "finding" enough R votes to top them.
Beat the faggots with their own stick

The Arizona vote was legit, due almost entirely due to Hispanics who are notoriously left-leaning and had their highest voter turnout of all time. This is just going to continue as America becomes more brown until it is all permanently blue.

Florida is legitimately shady though, since they tried to bar off the press from witnessing the recount, and having a history of voter fraud.

a piece of paper will change everything.

Attached: voting.jpg (890x722, 212K)

I was 2 years old during waco

>Democrats around the country in Flordia, Arizona, New Mexico, Georgia,

It's more likely that Republicans are just losing.

its all shady at this point, and nothing will happen

no its not more likely

1) Stash as many guns you can get
2) Dissociate and separate from this kiked oout system as much as possible.
3) Be prepared to fight and die to for your constitutional rights.

Two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

oh my god you’re actually serious
Hahahahaha faggot
Shame you can legitimately win and you supported the lying cheating side (just like you have you’re entire life) and you’re mad now because bubby can’t have his way. Haha haha faggot skin head crybaby. Off yourself.

Of course not.
It's much easier to scream VOTER FRAUD, RIGGED ELECTION, to stir things up, right?

crying because you lost is funny. your the new fags saying its was her turn

by way of honest votes or election fraud, the republicans are indeed just losing, and no one is going to do anything but talk tough online

I have a hard time believing that 95% of the additional votes were all voting for the Democrat. Statistically, this is impossible.

Take the black pill OP. The only thing keeping today's society together is massive amounts of debt. Interest and social programs take up most of the tax revenue, we are a dead man walking. It's better to prepare for the next global financial meltdown when the next recession comes, this ones going to be a doozy. Everything will change.

They are just salty about all the found ballots being democrat.
Maybe you republicans should get better at hiding the boxes.

>means my vote means nothing
Your vote always meant nothing you fucking retard. Who cares if democrats steal elections from republicans, it will literally make no difference, U.S. is still a tyrannical police state with an imperialistic foreign policy.

The chance for the United States to descend into a civil war is very very high, and unless you want to end up dead, I'd suggest keeping your gay liberal rhetoric to yourselves.

>America becomes more brown until it is all permanently blue.
That's not how electoral politics works you fucking retard. As long as the system stays like it is today, you will always see republican and democrat parties, no matter what color the country is.

The parties don't represent a stable ideology or narrative, they are simply marketing agencies saying what their pollsters and researchers tell them to say.

literally fucking anything, maybe?

As long as the TV is on, there's food and beer in the fridge, there will be no civil war.

For the hundreth time. They dont count any of the votes. Politics and elections are just a reality show, to make the proles feel like they are in control. Its sociological equivalent of giving a toddler a toy lawn mower, to let them feel like they are helping. The “voter fraud” is all part of the theatrics. They are testing the water to see what you will put up with.

i've never seen this much salt in my entire life. you weak faggots can't handle any challenge at all whatsoever.

>Democracy means the Democrats must always win
is this why you're so salty about not winning everything?

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Shut up, Cletus.

This user gets it. They do whatever the fuck they want. As long as the people have their bread and circus, nothing will change.

It's funny how this rings true for each end of the political spectrum.

>They are testing the water to see what you will put up with.

It's literally this. No jail = nobody cares.

the (((powers that be)) are trying to force a situation that will result in protests so they can plant some agent provocateurs to make the maga crowd look bad. The DOJ has been watching for election fraud since trump got in, not a q tard, but i think it'd be best to wait and see what happens. remember, its not election fraud until they catch them in the act.

Attached: WALL-Might.jpg (400x414, 58K)

>be republican
>not understand what mail is
I knew you guys were brain dead but come on

we don't owe the government taxes if we don't have proper representation

Democrats are above the law, republiturds. Get it through your thick skull.

>be shill
>have no argument
It's funny when a double digit IQ nigger like yourself speaks as if your knowledge is better than ours.
That's not how this works kiddo.

>duuuurrrr what is mail
>dey stole da elekshunnnn

>without so much as a whimper?

Full Demoralization Achieved

Attached: Demoralization.png (379x541, 364K)

Please, continue

literally pay attention meme flag faggot.

If Dems won then suddenly thousands of ballots arrived by truck to people who have a history of illegal ballot activity (google it with Brenda snipes) and suddenly republicans won you would be reeeeing about it too.Stop being such a fuck already...

Being faggot fucks is all they know how to do.

It's possible to design a blockchain which insures...
* No one can vote without a proper ID card (private key).
* No one can vote twice.
* Vote counts cannot be tampered with.
* No one can actually tie a specific choice to a specific ID card.

It sounds like the last point would contradict the others, but there are currency blockchains that are effectively private

No, you're a meme flaggot jew

Democrats outvoted Republicans by more than 10 million votes in Senate races but still lost three seats due to the biased structure of our electoral system. Al Gore and Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but had to watch Bush and Trump sneak into the White House through the electoral college back door.
But please, do whine a bit more about how the system favors Democrats.
You stupid bastard.

t guy who has never set foot in Georgia

What are YOU doing you fucking faggot?

>through the electoral college back door
Thinks the Electoral College is a "back door."
Sucks cock for a living.

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Yup, and I think this is the best long-term solution for this issue.

Of course, everyone is angry now with this cheating, but it's about not letting future generations go through this fucking bullshit.

We have the technology, we just need the determination to get it done and signed into law.

I see you failed civics and don’t understand that the electoral college and senate were created to give states voices, even if they’re not new york or california.

>biased system
>stupid bastard
The next generation of adults is utterly and hopelessly retarded as fuck.

>ITT Redditors first election and they realise voting is a sham

Twitter shut down so many conservative sources yesterday probably so they couldn't talk about the "bomb threat" on sunday after ballots were found there.

Funny how there is no proof whatsoever of fraud being committed.

>pay attention
If it were true, "arguments" wouldn't just amount to this.

We can't do anything because this is a real-world situation and anonymous boards are simply not the mechanism for battling this.
The left has captured most tech/media, and conservatives are fundamentally disenfranchised and unable to organize because of it. The left also uses this same system to demonize any professional who is right of center if they actually try to speak up or cause change within their organization.
This has caused paralysis as basically only trolls and e-celeb types get attention, while conservatives simply can't organize logistically to any real degree. I think this is something that could change while Trump is still in office but it will require something to change in the broad conservative approach - we're also addicted to things like fox news, youtube, etc.

I don't like "back door". I like "affirmative action for red states".

Yeah, just refusal to comply with court orders and state laws.

Not proof