ITT: We meme a 6-3 conservative court into reality

ITT: We meme a 6-3 conservative court into reality

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I think you already achieved your goal OP
for the first time in a while you're not a faggot

I think KEK is already working on it

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Oh KEK is here today. I thought he was sleeping. Roll for 12-17-18 pneumonia death.

Thank you Kek, very cool!

kek wills it

Fuck ginsburg.

Aussies will fight her.

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Hail kek

Shes going to live at least until she's 90



Holy shit
Kek vult

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Kek really is with us.

i speak for death, and i say

before winter ends the pnuemonia willclaim her soul
specifically on the 4th of January at 2 PM

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I worship Christ but you guys are alright, better than atheist faggots

Kek has willed it
jolly good show, chap

Oh god! Please not again!

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ok, again, I guess...

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>Conservatives creaming themselves over stacking the court
>Most recent pick was involved in writing the absolutely treasonous patriot act
>Next pick is likely to be a """conservative""" women who adopted multiple Haitian babbies

Fugging based maga.

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