Why do people still believe in the "draining the swamp 4d chess qanon" stuff? It is all god damn lies. Trump is as much of a stupid sockpuppet as the others
I'm thinking it's the biggest psyop of all
Keep all the incels on Jow Forums incapacitated by leaving them a trail of breadcrumbs
Because either Trump is being protected by God himself or the Q thing is real and the military is protecting him. If either of these things were not true than he would have been JFKed by now and not for lack of trying.
Military protecting him is what Q claims.
Better than carrier politicians
I guess when you’ve shit canned the upper echelon of the FBI that’s out to get you is just dumb luck.
Believe say Trump is like Hitler.
Can’t retain cabinet members.
Nice to meet you. You must the guy that believes what the media tells him.
>First time voters.
>Politically Naive.
Pick all.
I like the consistency of Shareblue shill threads. They all follow the same basic pattern with sock puppets and all.
Let's assume this is true that the military looks out for his well being now. Although the military answers to the Supreme God Emperor of the United States, they are also connected to the federal and state government as a whole. How much can the military sever its connections to the state and lend their loyalties to Trump?
lol that is fucking awesome
The powers that be have used fascist propaganda to install the most pro-Zionist political figures in modern history in America and Brazil.
It’s fucking hilarious almost, but online anti-semitism has done more to help Zionism than anything in decades.
That’s bullshit, but I believe it
why jfk him? he makes sassy tweets then rolls over the second the media criticizes him
he's been the best thing for democratic turnout since obama in 2008
How many times has someone/group tried to subvert Jow Forums?
How many times has it worked?
The US Marines are entirely under the president's control. Little reminder what kind of legendary generals surround him.
Somebody test this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee phone fagging
I honestly can't tell. But I do know that they have never, never, never exposed themselves the way they have over the past three years. He could be drawing them out, he could be a lightning rod, it could be they just feel strong enough to live in the open. But I've never seen it like this.
Holy fucking shit I just barged into Starbucks and stole a laptop it's fucking true
He seems to be in good hands then. I'm not too well versed in the Marine general picks, but it appears that he's in favor of picking wartime generals, so he's getting ready for some very restless times.
Ok there was no q33 flight but NYC is correct which is odd by itself
The Bronzed Aged Pervert just messaged me, “Q is legit”. Holy shit guys!
It's well known that 9/11 was premeditated and it wasn't a well kept secret for that matter. But hindsight is 20/20 at this point. Why they didn't act is also known and premeditated, but I think the conditioning is too strong to let that information leak. The conditioning is breaking though. People are making fun of the Jews, but eventually it'll lead to hatred as they make sense of the jokes.
Also, I must check digits like those.
Flight 77 "hit" the Pentagon ahhhhhhhhhh
> B.. but Q can't be real right ?
Sure... The cabal just goes into full hysterical panic shitting their pants over some internet larper pulling pranks.
You better pray Q succeeds because due to the cabal being so blatantly criminal and perverse other criminal organizations have lost even the tiniest bit of respect they had left for for governments and started to see them as just another rival gang and are planning their own bloody take overs.