>Japan decided to accept 340,000 immigrants for next five yeara.
well, guys I am bit suprised. PM Abe and LDP suddenly decided to accept immigrants this year.
what do you advice me?
>Japan decided to accept 340,000 immigrants for next five yeara.
well, guys I am bit suprised. PM Abe and LDP suddenly decided to accept immigrants this year.
what do you advice me?
Go back to America you fucking spicc bastard.
Time to pick the next BFF :-/
be vocal is all i can say, feelsbad
Voice your opinion loudly and often, I guess. The relative ethnic homogeneity of Japan is one of its most attractive traits.
rip japanon you're fucked
I advise you to let me in so I can live in rural Kagawa and spend my days reading Soseki in peace.
this page can't be translated for some reason. can anyone who speaks moon confirm that OP isn't lying?
soseki is shit, novel is for retards
That's 0.27% of your current population, assuming that's 340,000 spread out over five years rather than 340,000 per year.
0.27 is manageable. If you spread them out and don't let them ghetto-ize, they'll die or breed out in a generation.
If it's per year (1.35% total), you're fucked. They'll form a breeding minority and you're going to be saddled with them until the next World War gives you an opportunity to purge your undesirables.
i may as well apply us is going to go tru a civil war
Daniel you fucking TESOL faggot.
Jump off a building.
nevermind, i got it:
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, attended by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, attended the House of Representatives Meeting on January 13, and proposed a draft amendment to the Immigration Control Law to create a status of residence to expand the acceptance of foreign workers. To respond to the labor shortage, the government is planning to announce "Tatatakeda" which estimates the acceptance of a maximum of 340,000 people over the next 5 years and it will be released on the 14th. The prime minister declared at the plenary "We will not accept beyond the figures (to be released)."
> kokoro is shit
> kusamakura is shit
Weeeew I bet you watch anime
You knew this would happen because for six months glow in the darks posted about Japan refugees every hour every day. This psyops won’t work you shitlords
Guess I'm going to have to make a visit sooner rather than later, before the whole place is ruined.
Don't even bother voting. Just start stabbing anyone of non-Japanese descent.
humanities for retards
t. STEM fag
You're fucked. Should have told the burgers to fuck themselves and take another nuke instead.
This is what they are inviting into your country.
Sorry to hear that user. I thought Abe would do better by you.
I guess they gave up on trying to get actual Japanese to have children.
> reading novels means I am in humanities
it's over 5 years, not each year, with a total cap not exceeding that number. and it's expressly for labor/jobs. japan's population is aging and there's very few younger people willing or wanting to do the heavy lifting/grunt work it seems.
japan is strict as fuck as to who they let live there though. you can bet they're not letting somali niggers with rocket launchers into the country.
>Japanese men around the country collectively cum their pants at the thought of 400,000 western, euro women coming to their ountry
>In reality it's a bunch of smelly pajeets and backwards south east-asians
Learn how to take nigger cock up your ass faggot
The immigration is most limited towards chinese people. The Japanese people are smart about their immigration unlike cucked EU faggots
But isn't this good chance to multicultural Japan?
Enjoy your rape and negative productivity
Shibuya and Roppongi disagree with you. Though I haven't seen a rocket launcher yet.
as if chinks aren't the niggers of asia
Multiculturalism SUCKS! Save your people!
yes! Soon Japan will become a civilized and multi-ethnic nation! Welcome to the new world, Japan!
We are all people. #allhumans :)
Look at my country and tell me the Chinese are good immigrants lmfao
japan no!
Well fuck, why did you guys do this?
Good. It's still a lot (the largest foreign ethnic groups in Japan are Chinese and Koreans at 711K/452K, respectively, for comparison), but I expect they'll have strict entry requirements, as you said.
It's kind of sad, because a lot of qualified people from first-world countries do try to immigrate to Japan, but the cultural exclusion drives them back out. It's not like third-worlders who segregate themselves - many whites move to Japan and WANT to socialize with Japanese people, but just can't get anything more than superficial.
Please don't put niggers in my anime thanks.
demand Israel follow in your footsteps
That's another country I'll never get to visit before it's nigger'd. Thanks, jews.
we both know the pimp runners and hustlers aren't somalian, they're just off the boat hatian trash. and they're all there on tourist visa's anyway, you know perfectly well none of them have residency.
You have multicultural japan. You can get a penpal, you can google how to cook ethnic foods and nothing is stopping you from indulging in others' cultures. What you don't have is a BBC bonanza and public rap battles, and trust me you're better off that way
>well, guys I am bit suprised
>have a booming population and economy with age of consent set to 12-13
>set age of consent to 18
>ban porn
>make your entire male population into herbivorous hikkikomories that stay virgin forever and never seen a naked girl apart from those anime drawings
>allow you women to fuck gaijin from Tinder
>Japan decided to accept 340,000 immigrants for next five year
gay and bluepilled, nip
>what do you advice me?
Retake your country from old fucking morons and jewish amerimutt overlords, kick out feminists, set age of consent back to 13 by destroying "youth protection act". Close fucking borders. Get yourself some nuclear ICBMs and be ready to smash those who try interfere with military force or try to "trade war" you. Stop being a fucking cuck.
>it's over 5 years, not each year
Until it isn't. The kikes who push this shit have a nasty habit of amending their original goals and blowing them way out of scope.
Stop posting this shit, dumb english teacher cuck faggot
I've always dreamed to live in an anime.
more like 3.4 million, at least.
In any case, 340k now, in one generation will be 4-5 million, considering sub-saharan reproduction rates, and mudshit reproduction rates, and native Japan like 1.1 rate. In 2 generations, 20-30% of Japan's population, less than the West, but it's a start. :) Also, enjoy the terrorism and meme pundits going "who could have predicted this?"
>what do you advice me?
They have to go back. Fuck this. I love Japan. I like it the way it is. Full of Japanese. They say they will go back 'eventually.' I would have serious doubts. Seems like it could be a slippery slope.
This can't be true.
>imagine being this naive
I agree with most of that, sand nigger. Age of consent should not be 13, pedophile. Then old men will be taking advantage of 13 year olds. Just because you want to fuck kids...
sorry to hear that brotherjap
I won't rest until every historical piece set in Japan is at least half black, and a journalist says Japan was always diverse.
Kill yourself eurocuck
Oh phew
Don’t it’s a trap, multiculturalism is a bad lie
No its bad, the homogeneity of Japan is a good thing you have going for you, keep immigrants out
>tourist visa
b..bu...but.. that's illegal, user! What do we do?
>a journalist says Japan was always diverse.
Reminder that this will happen in your lifetime and people born the same year as you will unironically agree with it.
You guys are missing the fine print though...they have visas to come and work, but they have no chance of becoming citizens if they are low skilled. If shit gets out of hand they can just end the whole thing.
Be prepared for a plauge unlike anything you have ever seen. Be prepared to see ugly ape faces in the street committing never before seen crime. Prepare for your women to be raped at unpresidented rates. Prepare for obnoxious stenches when anywhere around them. Be prepared for stupidity that is unbelievable, and be prepared for "muh dick" 24/7. You will soon grow to hate them with the same passion that the rest of the world hates them. Same experience will be had with any sand niggers you get.
340,000 , 沢山すぎるじゃない?
I've been learning japanese for a year now, i've always dreamd to live in an anime like city.
How are software engineer perceived in your country?
that's true. i've seen it happen many times, and heard about it even more. this is why the best bet for any gaijin is to stick to the larger cities exclusively. the younger generation that's in tokyo for example is completely different than the way people saw outsiders barely 20 years ago. they are more accepting and understanding. but for most, the people who have dreams of living in japan get crushed quickly having been there only a short time because of social stigma. but again, it's really the older generations. its basically the japanese equivalent of boomers and earlier that are like this.
It'll be sad to see Japan overrun with sandniggers and pavement apes like the west.
Germany did that with turks. How'd that work out?
What kind of immigration it is is what's important. Is it skilled educated people or scum rapefugees?
I actually don't know much about that....guessing not well?
Looks like they are requiring equal or higher pay for immigrants and only actual workers. But this is always how it starts.
340000 brazilians
>take advantage
>fuck kids
Nice propaganda, feminist shill. Get yourself a shekel.
>be an 18 y.o. virgin, go through your school seeing every crush you had being fucked by underage Chad, date those girls only after they had Chads cock inside of them, because you got too old to date younger girls, oh muh high age of consent
Kill yourself, cucky basedboy kike. You dont deserve a life. You must die.
fuck off, we're full
For the love of God Japan please stop
it is simple labor
so basically everyone can apply.
I am sure that this will enhance Japanese society
Tfw being nip
mmm diversity
look at that diversive color
Oh, sorry japanon. You may be fucked.
Who is this milf and please tell me she's been blacked
Misery misery misery that's what you've chosen. I offered you salvation and you spat in my face
Have fun getting raped and killed retarded nips
o vey how dumb or young are you? user just let a few in. user what does it matter. user why the hate. user love is love. user are you racist. user its off to the camps with you.
Not surprising since Japan is an expert in committing suicide.
>you'll witness japan turning into a shitworld country in your lifetime
Detroit fucking soon.
funny joke
You've got 350k spaces to spare
let me in japanon, I bring you white dick and and high IQ points
54 million Americans have direct relatives in Mexico. The beaner voting bloc in now the most powerful in American politics. Foreign interests are now given more consideration than native ones.
If you think Americans are fucked, you Nips are going to have it even worse because the majority of your immigrants are going to be chinks.
Don’t you say that
Try multiculturalism for yourself first with some ebola if you want to see how beneficial it can be.
that's sad to hear
the new japanese will destroy their heritage and let in millions of foreigners to take care of their elderly, those same foreigners will treat those elders like shit but the young japs won't care because they don't have to do it
japan is gone in 40 years I guarantee it
racism is a necessary component of a civilization that wishes to stay civilised
fuck you retarded korean shit, youve been writing this shit for years. I hope you get stabbed by arab niggers.
I think you mean to say assassinate.
Honestly traitors should be made an example of. America is too soft, but it's not too late for Japan. They can fix this.
These were exactly the same arguments used to bring immigrants into the west. "Oh don't worry, they're only temporary guest workers". Next thing you know the entire country has been transformed into a third world dystopia
You let in 340,000 niggers that have 8 babies each.
Japs have like 1-2 barely covering population.
In 100 years there's no Japanese left.
Welcome to what everyone else is suffering from.
I’m sorry user, I feel for ya