Why is this little faggot allowed to run rampant and roughshod all over right-wing pundits...

Why is this little faggot allowed to run rampant and roughshod all over right-wing pundits? Someone needs to hand his ass to him in a debate once and for all.

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From what I gather, this guy just uses the equivalent of the content from an intro philosophy course. Doesn't he just keep asking questions?

>picks easy targets
>relies on Reddit fanbase to swamp people after debates
>constantly uses "MUH KIDS" as a excuse for retribution
>Literally one guy spam Jow Forums for the better part of 3 fucking years with this to get (you)s

well here you go

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You missed the bandwagon like 8 months ago, you need to go back Des-Tiny.

The guy is pure refined Autism, he streamed a debate with his mom over a disagreement.

Obviously you missed him trying to debate Ryan Dawson.

>advocates using force to control and subdue the reactionary brainlet conservatard base


Even your sperg lord hero Metokur admitted he liked him. He destroys you alt right brainlets

>Jow Forums is terrified of a midget who plays starcraft for a living

this place has completely lose it's edge

this desu. desTINY legs got a free lecture from a superior mind in that "debate"

I like Destiny, I just think he's a little autistic

>ryan dawson won

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go be a nigger somewhere else

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Sorry. Right wingers are not smart enough to win debates against Destiny.

Is that bud bundy?

right wingers aren't smart enough to vote for a candidate that has their interests in mind

He gets his ass handed to him almost every debate.

Being a weasel doesnt equate to winning.

He didn't win because it wasn't a debate. Ry gave desTINY a class on Middle East politics. Clearly you didn't watch or listen.

>terrible human being #1 likes terrible human being #2

wow, color me shocked!

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All he kept saying was "I just feel that..."

clearly you didnt read my comment you dumbass. no one won it was not a debate even.

Who dafuq is this guy lol

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Have you taken the Destinypill yet, Jow Forums?

>ad hominem
not an argument brainlet

That's not possible.
He's so intellectually dishonest you could BTFO him by some kind of divine, truly objective standard and he wouldn't admit it. He would just deflect and keep moving. As long as his delusional viewers, and most importantly his delusional self, believe that he's still making arguments then he will keep buzzing like the shitfly he is.
I hope he reads this. He really is one of the most contemptible individuals I'm aware of and he deserves to die just for his intellectual dishonesty.

look at all these cowards pretending to not know destiny after he destroyed them

Destiny is the straw man killer.

Sure bud.

To everyone itt: you don't have to like Destiny. Just admit that he is intellectually superior to those supposed "geniuses" you hold in such a high esteem.


Destiny is also afraid to debate Alt Hyp.

you don't have a single argument, so by your own definition you are a brainlet

whoops LOL

Go back to losing in Starcraft

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His debates should be moderated. Slippery manlet fuck deflects like there's no tomorrow.


Destiny ANNIHILATES and OWNS poltard fatsos?
Destiny EVISCERATES NAZI BIGOTS with TRUTH and LOVE epic style?

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Also this

>Destiny wins all you do is attack him
>You don't have an argument
retard alert

from what I've seen no right wing has even been close to him in a debate. if I'm wrong link me. most arguments against him are personal attacks like *you're short lol* and calling him a pedophile even though he never protected pedophilia, just the ethical part of it i guess. he straight against it in practice.

>metoker liked him is an argument

>damage control
Destiny won faggot nigger

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The midget fears the Canadian frog.

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he's your god fag retard nigger

Destiny has daughter too? I have only seen his legit autistic son.

lmao what the fuck was that

This 100lb faggot has never won a debate.

>strawmanning faggot

typical demonrat

you suck metokur dick faggot

No one on Jow Forums likes Jim anymore. Only people who do are literal teenagers from his discord and a couple autists from /cow/.

Every debate i've seen him in he gets crushed and resorts to ad-hom

Ok shill. Whatever you say. Clearly you have no idea which "debate" I was referring to.

Looks like nog Jew hybrid

Yes. He also acknowledged he only trys to argue with people who believe in equality so he can show them how their views contradict the notion of treating people equally. He wont go against Mike Enoch or JF Gariepy. If he did he would only bring up Mike's Jewish ex wife and the fact that JF dated a retarded Mexican 19 year old.

he's a manlet though lol

you're the one who brought him up and keeps talking about him
you're clearly in love with him you cockgobbling fagshit

not an argument

>Everyone I disagree with is a shill
ok retard

Who cares? I dont watch Destiny but his clips enjoying his time with his son is redpilled and wholesome.

He doesn't debate race realists ever since he sperged out with jontron lmao

that was the most awful e-celeb diarrhea ever. metokur w/ his autotuned cadence and Destiny with his faux exhausted splay- manlet's so genius he can't sit up straight, he must lean extravagantly over his 'battle station'
it was pure rectal cancer

maximum tism

not because he's that smart, but because all the "right-wing figures" i.ie shekel-grabbing e-celebs you retarded motherfuckers worship are DUMB as hell—a fact made obvious every time they're not the only one in a room speaking.
Higher your fucking standards for intellectuals. And maybe read a goddamn book every once in a while. Fuck you.

well said user

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alt right keeps losing because this guy was banging porn stars, korean fan girls, etc. for years before becoming an online babysitter.

He cannot be shook.

Coming from the kid calling everyone either who doesn't agree a retard, faggot, or nigger. Don't you have homework to do buddy?

Yes, Ryan Dawson objectively made king manlet look like an absolute fucking retard

The reason he runs rings around rightoids is because you're all low iq imbeciles.


Well I mean, Sargon absolutely destroyed him

he's hilariously thirsty for asian girls

literally creeping on like 10 different asian females on twitch and donating to them just to get them to talk to him

he's pathetic

Steven, no one is buying it

Go back to ethical cp arguments and threatening children

He lost a debate to Sargon. Maybe everyone else thought he was retarded and took it easy on him out of pity.

He's all in on that asian girl that sounds like a pikachu. Disgusting pervert.

Jesus, Dawson was lecturing him instead of debating this clown. Why did Destiny even bother debating him when admits he doesn't know much about the Middle East, let alone its histories, traditions or politics? It's like watching some internet no-name Atheist debate James White or Gary Habermas about early Christianity when they haven't even read the Bible outside of Googling quotes from the internet.

That is where I first heard of Destiny and needless to say I was not impressed. Ry had been studying the ME for over 2 decades and the gap in knowledge was very evident in that "debate".