Are there any libertarians left here?

why did Jow Forums turn on libertarians? when did that happen and why? Ron Paul was all over /b/, /news/, etc back in 07.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We started pretending to be pagan/fascists as a joke, but then we attracted actual basement dwelling pagan/fascists and they won't go away


We went out and voted for him and his son in the primaries, and then we realized that we were retarded to think the GOP would nominate a non-Israel-firster. In my case, this happened three times. After the third one, in 2016, I said fuck it. Gas these fucking yids and their kids.

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Read his newsletter, he was a racist piece of shit. That's why he was liked. Trump was more direct in appealing to racism.

Most American libertarians are just embarrassed republicans.

And I would be happy to see Ron Paul return from his eventual grave to run for president a fourth time. Seriously.

OP read pic related. That pretty much summarizes my own redpill with libertarianism. Deep down I still wish we could all just live how we want to and be left alone. That isn't how the world works though. There will always be dumb, resentful people who hate their own lives and take it on others via a lust for power. Libertarians don't have an answer to that. Libertarians couldn't produce a logical retort to hardcore social liberalism even as it flew in the face of science and logic. You can't divorce social values from reality and government. They are all linked together. Read Pat Buchanan.

because libertarians are full blown nigger loving cucks.

Libertarianism is a peace-time policy, and we are not in peace-time right now.


astroturfing and sliding
this place is fucking filled with DNC ops larping as stormfags
also stormfags

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Ron Paul specifically said if we are going to be at war we should declare war and win it, or we should withdraw. Instead of being occupiers in no-win wars. A formal declaration of war means the obliteration of the enemy society until all threats are removed. End of discussion.

Libertarianism is incomplete without white racial consciousness and an understanding of the JQ.

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I was a libertarian back when my city was 90%+ white.

Libertarianism is a fine ideal when you live in a homogenized country of people who want to all go along. Individualism crumbles in the face of mass opposition.

reminder that so long as you don't violate the NAP, there's nothing immoral about being a racist, sexist, homophobe, antisemite, or whatever personal opinion you want to hold
>human rights are rejected
>civil rights are rejected
>social justice is rejected
>affirmative action is rejected
>equal opportunity is rejected
>central planning is rejected
>welfare is rejected
>arms control is rejected
>drug control is rejected

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I still feel like I identify as a libertarian minarchist.

That being said, it seems the libertarian ideology is a bit too toothless to acomplish itself.

So, I guess I'm whatever I need to be for the current year in order to push us closer towards the constitution as intended by the framers.

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Because HBD and the JQ - that and the fact that shitlibs started entering and taking over with their open borders cuckery and promoting all things degenerate.

ideology is dumb

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libertarianism is an ideology for autistic and cold people of the North

Still here
>Don’t steal government hates competition
Ron Paul

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Maybe that’s why we have perpetual wars

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yes, but i understand there will have to be some... unpleasantness before we can implement it.

Libertarian societies can only exist by removing those who would wish the destroy such a society, execute all homeless and junkies and allow normal responsible citizens the freedom to do what they wish. Close the borders to protect the economy and citizens to remain homogenous, and then gas all fucking non-whites to seal it in place

Like this?
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I think we may see some un-godly horrors as a result of messing with gene-editing

>why did Jow Forums turn on libertarians?
Because they're a controlled-opposition clown show, pro open borders, pro browning of america, pro dispossession of whites, they are now okay with "hate speech" laws, and overall not serious in breaking the kike banker stranglehold on america.

Further, insane communists call you a fascist anyway if you are libertarian, so you might as well go full fashy.

Don't call it a grave, you libshit jews.

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You don't have to value open borders to be a libertarian, even more so any body who decrees the rule of law is a communist

>Libertarian societies can only exist by
..... removing big government and federal reserve.

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Yes. Like that.

>Because they're a controlled-opposition clown show
Libertarian party =/= libertarians

No, only neocon boomers and populists who they are.

Good goy CNN parrot

Libertarianism is what you automatically get in a well developed white ethnostate,


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>why did Jow Forums turn on libertarians?
Jow Forums didn't turn on libertarians.. lolbertarians turned on Jow Forums
Lol's are just a bunch of leftist social justice warriors at this point.

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>why did Jow Forums turn on libertarians?
We didn't turn on them. We were them.

>leftist social justice warriors at this point.
Libertarians don’t get talking points from the establishment.

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Live and let live, why is this so hard to comprehend to some people?

Because this entire site was overran during the trump election and became further proof that false dichotomies rule our lives and simultaneously destroy everything around us with how stupid they are

>Donald Trump is a crazier candidate than Ron Paul
in GOP-NPC eyes, Ron Paul is still more extremist. Trump just have a more confrontational media presence

Libertarians are still here, those of us who are not cowards that back down from their ideology the moment different neighbors move in. The truth is, most of the people on Jow Forums are and always were cowards hiding behind whatever is fashionably appropiate at the time. They deserve the reckoning that is coming down upon them. They deserve to be so narrow minded and stupid, that they will encourage amongst themselves a radicalism that will lead only to their own pitiful exclusion from the world.

Libertarians will be around long after this childish neo-Nazi frenzy is wiped out. The truth is, police and military are not on their side. The Republicans aren't on their side. Donald Trump isn't even on their side.

This but unironically. I wield nihilism as a sword. I'm just a selfish prick, it just so happens that my selfishnes is extended to my immediate family and ethnicity.

Remember when Jow Forums was leftist?

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It was more chaotic/anarchistic than leftist.

only works with whites retard

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Christ, as a former libertarian turned fascist, I knew it was bad...bud I didn't know it was that fucking bad. Do these clowns ever expect to be taken seriously?

This, peaceful people need to be the most unrelenting and vicious at war.

>Libertarian logic
They kind of do pal, the ones they don't represent are irrelevant politically, at best they scrape out a concession or two by selling out to the GOP.
Their inability to organize into a powerful force is kind of intrinsic to them. Collectivist leftists and collectivist Jews beat them everytime because they aren't afraid to violate "muh principles" for power.

In lolbergs defense.
He was a lefty doing that to shitpost.
They kicked him off and the crowd disaproved.
One said unjokingly
>that was so disgusting I would say it is a violation of the NAP

>do these clowns ever expect to be taken seriously

Wow, look at this edgelord. I wonder how long it takes for you to lose your job for spewing racist fascist rhetoric. I wouldn't know, as a libertarian I have not had that problem. Do you ever feel insecure about your beliefs in a civilized circle of discussion? Does the rage build up inside to the point where you have to exclude yourself and rush to Jow Forums? As a libertarian, I have never had that problem.

Now ask yourself, who takes your vision seriously? Go ahead. Post some spastic reaction. It's the most you will ever get.


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Works good in Japan
>live and let live
>unwritten societal honer code

Because of dude weed Gary Johnson

I mean, you should probably take it seriously since 90% of the Libertarian party is white, and non-whites exclusively vote Democrat.

I'm libertarian, but I realized Jews have to die before that can be a reality, and no libertarian country/territory is ever going to organize a proper holocaust

Libertarians don’t recognize the primacy of God.

>the primacy of God
Christianity is a sect of Judaism and the single biggest weakness.
Paganism in Roman/Greek times worshiped strength, bravery, virility and beauty, while Christianity is the exact opposite

because the market obviously isn't fixing itself.

I used to be register to vote as a member of the Libertarian Party. I was a huge fan of Harry Browne and later Ron Paul. Then I wised up. I realized that democrats were full bore communists and republicans were authoritarian bible thumpers. All the LP can do is help dems win tight races. Now I'm registered GOP because they suck slightly less and are a bit less inclined to fuck with the Second Amendment.

Yes, but that's none of your damn business

The worst thing about libertarianism is libertarians.

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>tfw no gold standard

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>why did Jow Forums turn on libertarians?
I didn't.
They just don't win because republicans are all pussy democrats now.

>republican house, senate and president only manage to cut $100 billion from a $4.1 trillion budget
>spend an extra $60 billion on military shit
>still loves being involved in overseas military affairs

Of course I'd be embarrassed if I were a Republican.

Data mining thread but nope. Not since 2011. Most have moved to far right. Deal in extremes or you lose.

That's pretty much why I was libertarian, being a Normie Neocon was too cringey for me.

Libertarianism could have been a way to negotiate with the left, but they wouldn't have it. They weren't actually interested in important things like addressing mass incarceration, they only use issues like these to further their true principle, you total destruction.

Gene-editing, artificial wombs, microchips... It's all here.

Nah, we already have un-godly horrors. At least transhumanism can let us control them to a degree and further improve those who weren't already going to be blobs and things.

>muh Ron Paul racist news letters
Murray Rothbard wrote all of that inflammatory shit
Look it up.

Nigger here. I wish whites would dominate us, and I want a leather-clad white woman to dominate me directly with her strap-on.

Why are the Republicans and Democrats taken seriously when they continuously drag the country into non-sensical wars and initiate massive tax-wasting, liberty-violating programs like the War on Drugs?

Nice trips.
Because there’s so much propaganda about “keeping the other side out of power”. The truth is that the other side is already in power. America is a one-party state that’s afraid to show itself.

>Because there’s so much propaganda about “keeping the other side out of power”.
You're not wrong. A two party system is the playground of the Devil himself. I incubates the worst of human nature.
Us versus them is the Devil's game

Someday, a real one party state will take power. America will be white again, and I’ll be in the kink dungeon of a wealthy white women while my fellow niggers are oppressed under the superior white man.

>fake being fascist
>real fascists come
>libertarians decide to team up with fascists
>fascists take over
thats the story of Jow Forums

I am still an ideological libertarian. Leave my rights, my guns, my marijuana and the gay couple at the end of the block and stay the fuck off my property.

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When leftists violently attacked them and forcefully suppressed their speech for being anywhere to the right of Stalin. Sorry you were too young or stupid to be aware of what was happening politically at the time.

Because libertarianism, much like pacifism, is fine as a personal ideology. It’s flat fucking regarded as a national policy.

>muh rights

Shitskins will outnumber you no matter what unless they lose their rights or you get us to abolish social welfare altogether and achieve your ancap wet dream of forcing plenty of single white women and their children to starve just to prevent niggers and kikes from breeding until they destroy everything. And that’s never going to happen before society utterly collapses. You’re naive.

actually tho

he's right 100%

libertarians and liberal shitposters never left, they just get slid by hypocritical degenerate low-IQ neo-nazis and shareblue shills 24/7

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Simple. Theu are useless.

>they never left

You’re right, we grew up, then you dumb autistic faggots showed up without any contextual knowledge for modern politics

I am not very optimistic about the state of things. The Libertarian Party is an absolute joke and Jews have ensured that western civilization will at the least brink on collapse in our lifetimes. However, I moved to a 90%+ white county that is strongly libertarian/conservative and this what I believe and how I want to live my life.

I don't understand why maximum personal rights are such a controversial thing. It wouldn't even be hard if you just enforced the fucking laws.

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sign me up

I would love to be a libertarian but it takes some ridiculous levels of naivete to think it is a tenable ideology as long as there live kikes and/or shitskins.

Because you don’t need to let fucking tens of millions of white women and children starve en masse If you just simply remove niggers and Jews and provide an incentive for them to be stay at home mothers with a white man with a job. Hitler did it and they prospered. Don’t know why you’re all so afraid to realize how right he was.

>Imagine being a lolbertarian T
>thinking brown people will respect your principles
Enjoy being walked all over for the rest of the century

Good luck with that.

anti-degeneracy policies protect the degenerate man from succumbing to his vices. The best remedy for degeneracy is freedom & natural selection.

>why did Jow Forums turn on libertarians?

We're still here; but most of us are bored of having the same old debates about what a "real" libertarian is or going over why you shouldn't trust the government to run everything for the umpteenth time.

Also seeing the progressive left veer towards socialism, turn on free speech, and exploit racial division for political gain has rendered any debate amongst elements that oppose the left seem unimportant.

The progressive left has set the political climate both in Jow Forums and across society. They got Trump elected because they abandoned the white working class and their incessant white bashing created and PC nonsense incited the white nationalist movement.

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Libertarians are like Anarcho Communists, both ideologies will never work so their supporters are used as the useful idiot brigade to prevent ideologies that actually do work from formation

>Also seeing the progressive left veer towards socialism, turn on free speech, and exploit racial division for political gain has rendered any debate amongst elements that oppose the left seem unimportant.

Pretty much this. The Republicans were something very evil my entire life. However the left has gone so far over the fucking edge that a lifelong traditionally socially liberal personal has more in common with traditional enemies than what I grew up and spent my young adult years in as a base. I now want to burn down all of it because I watched it turned into totalitarian racist communism that is everything it claims to be against.

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>I don't understand why maximum personal rights are such a controversial thing.
>It wouldn't even be hard if you just enforced the fucking law

Do you even listen to yourself?

the relevance of the group the "libertarian" party represents is... irrelevant because its still not libertarianism that they represent. states are by definition inconsistent with freedom so actual libertarians dont try to work within the system of the state to achieve libertarian goals, its pointless.

>NAP defines immorality

It's more about setting a framework for the rule of law rather than being a moral framework.

FOX news censored this question when they broadcast the debates.

"Fake News" was something the Ron Paul supporters saw starting in 2007.

Jews and niggers want me dead and lolbertarians are still running Gary Johnson style open border memes

Theres no messing around with libertarian candidates when the left wants us gone