This is what niggers in gambia do to their dogs because they are fucking retarded...

this is what niggers in gambia do to their dogs because they are fucking retarded. they think buying dogs is cool so they buy them and then are fucking niggers about it. dogs suffer and die young. listen to the doctor break down. he has been doing this for over a decade, but niggers are fucking terrible. I need a thread to make me feel better after watching this shit.

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>reeee muh sacred animals!
the whites care more about dogs than about kids. You are worse than niggers

what are they doing with the dogs?

mangoworm....fuck this is grim.

niggers aren't people. Dogs are likely closer to having souls than niggers.

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considering whites provide those apes clean water, medicine and food

blacks dont even care about their kids. stfu you retard.

Because dogs have souls and dreams, unlike niggers

god dammit OP for some reason pets in africa is a topic ive never really thought much about and now that i have im horrified

Judging by the severe case of genital warts on that puppies mouth, I don't really want to know.

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what the fuck why are they massaging his cock?!?!

why would south african whites be different from other whites?

its not genital warts. those are maggots infesting the flesh.

in the video the doctor desperately trys to get maggots out of the dog because the nigger left the dog locked in a box unable to get away from the flys for weeks.

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>care more about dogs than shitskin kids

So satisfying watch them pop those worms out. Like huge zits

Spotted the slant eyed Chink insectoid

Nigger detected. Lack of empathy for animals is a literal nigger trait.

my guess is they're dumping cold as fuck water and jerking him off in an attempt to do anything they can to stimulate the brain because in real life if you get knocked out you cant stay like that for long before you get serious brain damage and possibly die

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>muh dik

I'm not watching that video, but I suppose that these aren't the sort of maggots that just eat the necrotic flesh and would actually be helping the dog in a repulsive sort of way.

show us your flag muhammad

Only a shitskin would ever respond like this.

Everyone saying that it's a nigger when it's obviously a disgusting Spic behind the pirate flag.
Your time is coming Spic.
Day of the rope soon.

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If you enjoy blackhead popping vids, you miss out hugely if you don't watch this.

We care more about dogs then *your* kids. If I saw five creatures drowning, a dog, a nigger, a taco-nigger, a sand-nigger, and a curry-nigger and only had time to save two, I'd save the dog and then jump back in to make sure there weren't any other dogs I'd missed.

these eat you alive

I love that doctor and his vids. This one broke my heart. The difference in his voice and tone is telling. Plus that last pup ffs

Mango worms not maggots

well, I knew what I was getting into clicking this vid, but fuck niggers. fuck them all. I wasnt ready for the doctor's commentary.

That vet is on the verg oi going full on drunk Jow Forumstard hulk transformation powerlevel on those dumb apes

Funny thing about niggers is that they don't care about animals or their children.

Mangoworms are common in that place of Africa and all the outside dogs and to some extent cats get them because flies are attracted to them, especially dogs, and then they lay eggs on them. Mangoworms are harmless if treated early and just need to be popped and skin will return to normal in a day but if you leave them for long like on a video mangoworms will infest every possible part of the body to the point that there is no skin anymore which is fatal for the dogs, cats or any animal. I watch that channel and find it oddly pleasant when he pops the mangoworms.

You owned them all. Not a single one gave the right answer to your claim... Am I too old for Jow Forums being a yoomer?

red and basedpilled

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I care more about my dog than nigger kids in Africa, so you're not wrong.


How can someone not notice such an infection. Fucking niggers

>all whites are the same race

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>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

I get what you're saying user, but look closely at the dog to make sure it isn't a pitbull.

If it's a pitbull, remain calm. It knows what it's doing and has the situation under control.

Friendly reminder that dogs are inferior to cats and pitbulls and chihuahuas need to be gassed. Whiteys are too sentimental about doggos and need to embrace the feline supremacy

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ALL niggers should be exterminated!

Based and catpilled. If it wasn't for the risk of toxo cats would be the best pet ever.

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Geographical Isolation


Only whites should be allowed to have pets.

i dont care if its cats or dogs, if you die they will be chewing your leg in 20 minutes

“Now’s our chance”

mango worms are in the dirt there. I've seen the vids about these things and it's kind of hard to prevent.


Just don't google "dog ear ticks" in images - please don't do it. You will have nightmares and lose all hope.

kys scum

because they are Gayniggers from Outer Space

Non-whites should never be allowed to own animals. Period.

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A symbolic relation of white countries and Jews

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This video serves as a great counterpoint to all those vids the black power meme flags post.

It's got it all. "Muh dick", stupidity, comedy. The trifecta of a good nigger webm.

I live right next to a school and me mum was watering outback and this little nigger girl kept kicking our fence and messing with the dogs, my mother yelled at her 5 times but it did nothing.

Fucking hate these monkeys.

All niggers must die!

The cat will.

That's fucking gross, I'm really itchy now. Fuck you op.

It's no different than red neck hicks that let their dogs get into shit.
t. faggot that works at a animal shelter

Why are americans so fucking stupid unirionically

>Dogs exist
>Bugs/parasite exist in climate of africa
>Dogs go to area of africa as they do to rest of the world
>Get infected
>and somehow this is the african mans fault

lol. I hate dogs almost as much as I dislike dindus. Korea got that shit right, eat dogs and keep away dindus.

I sure as fuck havent ever seen this happen in a white mans country..

Stop pretending to be a non american nazi, Chaim Shekelsteinberg.. We're onto you..

Trying to give him a boner to try to get the blood from swelling in his brain

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong

Whites love their pets so much that they gave them rights to be people and imported tons of different kinds from around the world. They even love to give them toys and other free shit.

We are stewards of God's creation.

Chinese and Africans... well...

Didnt shave dog before removing botflies

OK. For those of you who don't have the stomach to watch the video, I actually took the time to listen to the doctor in the video.

Those are mangoworms. The mangoworm is a parasitic mango fly larva that burrows into the skin of its host.

According to the doctor, the niggers basically buy these dogs & expose them to unsanitary conditions & do not take care of the dogs.

The doctor is complaining because he can't treat the poor puppy & can't get rid of all the parasites, & as a result, he has no choice but to put the dog out of its misery.

Fuck niggers.

Those are mango fly larvae

Based and redpilled.

Trying to wake him up. This is an actual medical technique.

Jesus mother of Christ

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Yes, dumbass, it's the fault of the owner for not taking care of the dog.

Not only is prevention recommended by vets (should be seen regularly), the fact that the dog is turning into a puffball being eaten by hundreds of maggots is reason to do something. This doesn't happen overnight, it's a process that takes weeks and is evidence of neglect, abandon.

Dogs aren't just animals. They're literally a part of humanity. Anyone who abuses them is subhuman, and the fact that nonwhites are so careless with them just solidifies my beliefs. Niggers are animals, and the domestication of canines is beyond them.

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Imagine being eaten alive like this

Attached: watch?v=aiy8GJHlozA_00:06:34.667.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

fucking look for some liveleak videos of people jumping in the water to save drowning shitskins the shitskins always wind up causing the person trying to help them to drown.

Didn't care.

Meme flag, don't be ashamed of your country.

We do have them here in the US. My wife's pet rabbit in the US had cuterebra. That is the name of the bot fly we have in the US. Even as a connoisseur of videos from that doctor for years, I never knew we had something similar in the US. But, we are outstanding care-takers of animals and the land. The lowest White trash would never let that happen. But in Africa, it happens all the time due to niggers and their low IQ.

Here is the difference. White people have been touched by the hand of God and bring light everywhere we go. This is why we are People Of Light, how /pol gets its name.

Cats are totally unacceptable as pets due to Toxo and the fact they piss on your walls, puke on your floors, and shit in your laundry room.

Street shitters have their sacred cows, whites have their sacred dogs...

Everyone but the nigger knows how to swim

can your tissue ever recover from shit like this?

You can't hate niggers for not being capable of taking care of themselves let alone pets, you can't hate bugs for doing what bugs do. It's just pointless, really. It is what it is.

lmao, White people suck even worse than niggers. At least niggers have the excuse of being dumb, please refrain from virtue signalling. You're not that great.

Fucking hell.

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No, they put it down, vet said its impossible to recover from in the video. Mouth was literally falling apart.
>save one
>vet sullenly says "he has to go back"
What's the point of saving the dogs if you're just going to send them back to where they came from?

If the parasites are caught early, then yes. However, if treatment is postponed, then no.

The Putzi/Mango fly lays quite a few hundred eggs.

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mate wtf was he in a coma wtf leads to this
is it some kind of insane hobbo who just didnt care that maggots were eating him for months?

Please tell me that picture are those friendly life saving maggots that prevents necrosis?

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How is it niggers fault. Mangoworms is like flees on steroids. It's just happenes.

>What's the point of saving the dogs if you're just going to send them back to where they came from?
It's call a mercy killing. The dog is covered with worms & is in terrible pain.

>However, if treatment is postponed, then no.
is there any treatment beyond removing them and general antibiotics for the wounds I guess?

Poor doctor sounds like he has lost all faith in humanity in this video. Shame about the doggo too.

Think it's one of those fruit flies on south america. Fly larva in Europe only eat infected or dead skin and cells - the ones in south america literally eat you alive.

>Please tell me that picture are those friendly life saving maggots that prevents necrosis?
>Wound is dirty as fuck
>no medical garb , he came in his shirt
>the maggots are brown
>he isnt lying in a proper place to keep the worms from going away

>is it some kind of insane hobbo who just didnt care that maggots were eating him for months?
Spot on , frog.


Go get in a car crash you disgusting shitskin faggot. A single dog’s life is worth more than a billion of whatever mongrel abomination you are