Why is Aydin Paladin so ugly now?

Is she on drugs?

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because she's a jew coal burner

Post her fat bum or gtfo

Stop making this thread, faggot.

>inb4 anudda e-celeb shoah


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She has no more phat ass. She lost her only positive trait

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Hi Bekah Ford aka Whore of Morgantown

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She was always ugly

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Her retarded white knights are coming in 3, 2, 1...

wtf she is genetic trash

>even Aydin is not beyond acting like a thot
le sigh :^(

I'd say more plain jane than true uggo. Amazing voice though.

lol, that's ancap as fuck. Good for her.

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t. incel


Check her ED

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Did you hear she is birthing (((white))) children from her barren womb?


>White woman


She is a whore

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>why is she so ugly now?
JFC up your standards a bit, bud

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>so ugly now

The state of this fucking board.

There is much more evidence. She is a compulsive liar

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>Implying that she wasn't always disgusting

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She also thinks that she is the grandaughter of Odin

Honestly the only reason I dislike her is because she got BTFO by Destiny in a debate acting as the self-proclaimed Jow Forums "representative". I don't really care about the autistic drama, it's just boring at this point

The 45th granddaughter

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She also lied about her job and about Kraut doxing her

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What's a good Jow Forums-tier drama/lolcow channel to watch now that Jim/IBS sucks? Are the KF/Null livestreams any good?

Is this actually true, or just one of many cases where a nog photobombs her, so now every incel sperg is convinced she slept with him?

It's on her ED lore and she admitted it.

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Honestly I never expected much from a female so I'm not surprised, and I never put her on a pedestal or anything. She makes mediocre (that's a compliment) videos on youtube and that's about it. Maybe her children, if she has any, will be better.

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LOL i mean it was pretty much an open secret that the only women who want to help the white enthostate are all fucking niggers. i love this upside down world so much

What did she do this time to piss off her enemies? Shes a literal who

Women are born and bred traitors. They're programmed to love "the outsider" as long as they're vying for power unless they're kept under control.