Hey, Jow Forums, guess who was kind enough to visit me? I hope this country goes down in flames. Thanks for redpilling me, now I’m probably on a list somewhere, faggots
Guess who visited me
Not lies. Swear to God on my daddyos grave. Just redpilled me further
your biological dad
what u do?
They fucked off soon enough. Still, enough to make me want to erase my digital footprint. But that’s not really possible is it? Christ, you can’t have an opinion these days. Any FBIniggers reading this, BTFO
Not saying cause I’m not a total normyfag. Call me a shill all you want but I’m just saying, watch out for yourself bros. Praise kek
I knew a guy who got a visit. He posted something about Obama back then. I can only imagine what he said, he was vague to me, and I didn't press.
We're all on a list somewhere, faggot.
You posted a threat like a fucking retard, didn't you?
He coaxed his dog into licking his hairy ass again by slathering it in peanut butter.
the only thing that gets you a visit is a credible sounding threat. for such things, you deserve a visit.
I really hope Trump brings us to order when this farce of an economy finally implodes. Sorry about your friend user
Were they nice?
FUCK YOU!!!! I've been waiting for them faggots for 2 years!
Hope you told them how worthless they are. I never waste an opportunity to talk trash to the authorities.
Post proofs.
Was this about the Florida voter fraud?
I got the warning and pussed out. If you made it good on you
>But that’s not really possible is it?
It is, but not for a novice ofc.
Unless you posted a threat or childporn no one visited you but (you) may want to visit your shrink and have your dosage raised.
They call it fedposting for a reason. You get too edgy and you get a knock on the door, especially if some faggot screencaps you and sends it to the tips line.
Not all FBIniggers have suits, let’s go with that. I didn’t think they would take my post seriously. It was on fagbook. Where’s the rope?
certainly, you are aware that we are all simply role-playing here. This is performance art, mostly, and when not, it's intended as parody of what certain political extremists would do.
Oh so this is bait.
Hello fellow Jow Forums user.
> How are you?
Any good Happening latley?
>he wasnt on a list before
Quick, go kill somebody! If you do the thing after they've interviewed you and let you go, it'll only undermine their credibility. It makes them look incompetent and helps Trump. Also blame Islam, swear your loyalty to ISIS, yell "Inshallah" and "Jihad" and literally "Dirka dirka Allah!"
Do it, faggot.
low effort larp if hes talking about posting shit on Facebook.
What the fuck did you do to make the FBI annoy you? I know guys IRL that have searched online for shit like 'how to join ISIS' 'bomb making how to' and 'terrorism how to' without getting a visit from the police
its so bad its probably real
At least you will go down as a martyr for this great cause friend. God speed
They were surpingly cordial. They asked if I had guns, if I was part of any supremacy groups, etc. Call me a LARP or FBInigger, whatever. Swear to god this is true. SWEAR TO GOD
shit like this is why I always answer the door naked.
Either way I learned my lesson. Until they can read my thoughts I’m outtie
I'm sure it was some type of threat. He was a pretty cool dude, but kind of crazy and unhinged at times. He was a co-worker and was fired for yelling at a driver. We were doing fleet maintenance type stuff.
>he didn't realize this is a satire board
aaaaaand... *click*. perfect. this embarrassing meltdown by a role playing retard will make a very fine addition to my cringe compilation.
>post vague but menacing threats on (((Facebook)))
>visited by local police about posts
>actually a health and wellness check
Because your a mental case
>community service officers leave
>run to Jow Forums and sperg out about "fbiniggers" visiting him.
Thats What this is if it's not bait.
Nigger, I must be an absolute fucking retard, because I've tried to be as edgy as fucking possible and these faggots still haven't shown up at my door.
Hello good sir, I saw your post on Facebook earlier. I just so happened to be walking through the neighborhood and decided it would be nice to pay you a visit. You don’t happen to be apart of any white supremacy groups do you?
Do it on fagbook. That’s a quick way to get three letter agencies knocking on your door, like my retarded ass did.
>my post
>the rope
Lol sorry people keep visiting you. I wonder why they don't visit me, I'm always posting how to make explosives.
Fuck off
*Yawns in expanding solids*
Call me glow or FBI, but the more people who know how to make em the better.
knowledge is legal
Since when is having guns and being a supremacist illegal? Why would they visit you over just that?
Not anymore
Possessing 'terrorism related information' is actually illegal in a lot of countries user, literal thoughtcrime
Not here though lol
Those were follow up questions, user. It wasn’t the first thing they inquired of.
obama was never great fuck obama nigger needs to hang
the fbi doesn't waste time on neets
This is a shill thread to scare autists into thinking the FBI will come to their door.
Saged, hidden, reported.
It’s the truth faggot, fuck off
My buddy actually had to get security clearance to study chemical engineering at the University of Colorado, just saiyan
>now I’m probably on a list somewhere
If the Jewish three letter agencies think they can intimidate us with their hidden threats. They'd better watch out! Our patience has its limits. One day we'll shut their dirty lying Jewish mouths!
Wtf im JEALOUS DUDE im not fuckin EDGY enough to trigger the fbi in my troll posts, damn it
I was actually looking for the image of those taking out the tank, but I couldn't find it in my disorganized mess.
They didn’t come for me on here, faggots. It was on FB. Be careful retards, don’t be like me
Ive been waiting for 2 years. If you keep pushing, I'm gonna start showing up at their doors.
>having a kikebook
what did you post that caused them to visit you? show their card for proofs. they always leave card
Me too homie. Ive tried so hard and got nowhere.
I like LARPs, but this one is particularly shitty
No, they visit people all the time. Sometimes just asking about a neighbor or co-worker and often just for background checks for employment.
Call the White House switchboard and tell them you're going to off the president.
You'll get a visit.
>they always leave card
hhahaha hello JIDF kikes. How are those missiles coming?
>now I’m probably on a list somewhere
just one?
What a noob.
Speak mthfkr, what did they say
>t. only on 3 lists
Should have used a proxy
Just don't post anything that threatens bodily harm or death to anyone and you should be fine. If you get a visit, ask for their badge number and supervisor contact. Tell them to expect a call from your lawyer. They usually fuck off pretty quick because even a rogue sjw agent knows they will get fucked over on a 1st amendment violation if their target shrugs off the initial intimidation and fights back.
>not posting on an unsecured WiFi network using device you bought from Craigslist
this never works for hotel maids they just come right on in anyway
good for jehovahs witnesses though they fuck right off
fucking heck legalize it
They're called men in black. You been reporting UFO's OP?
You’ve never had that opportunity, have you?
stop watching CP you dumbass
This makes a lot of sense. Thanks user
What if I called you a Marfan?
No I bet if I had I would have had a lot more coming. Aliens don’t give a shit about me, thank god
Well, you just called the FBI ”faggots”, that’s pretty edgy, you’ll probably get a visit now. Would you like me to send in a tip about your post? I’ll mention that you’re a very edgy guy so there’s probably more little nuggets like this one if they keep digging.
did you end up showing them your weiner or what?
glownigger comfirmed
Blah blah blah, don’t redpill the normies so they continue to feel alone. Nigger I drop redpilled all the time irl. Fuck da police! It’s the only way to wake people up.
How do you do that, living in a police state? I’m pretty sure I would have been arrested if I had been retarded in Great Britain
That just shows you think you've got something to hide.
Since when are glowies funny? My post was hilarious.