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Other urls found in this thread:

i din get the memo. we are doing what now?
>hits bong
>tuns up Monstermagnet
>doesn't write novel or make album
>hits bong

For the kikes sure.

>Gen X
Gen X is a myth, like the lochness monster or australia

pretty good article though
"The members of the in-between generation have moved through life squeezed fore and aft, with these tremendous populations pressing on either side, demanding we grow up and move away, or grow old and die—get out, delete your account, kill yourself. But it’s become clear to me that if this nation has any chance of survival, of carrying its traditions deep into the 21st century, it will in no small part depend on members of my generation, Generation X, the last Americans schooled in the old manner, the last Americans that know how to fold a newspaper, take a joke, and listen to a dirty story without losing their minds."

could you please post the archive version from now on so they don't get any clicks

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>take a joke, and listen to a dirty story without losing their minds
Fuckin A, Dick.

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the writer is defo /ourguy/
"We are the last Americans to have the old-time childhood. It was coherent, hands-on, dirty, and fun.

In this way, the chain was broken, and the boomers went zooming into the chaos. Which explains the saving attitude of Generation X, those born between the mid-1960s and the early 1980s, say. We are a revolt against the boomers, a revolt against the revolt, a market correction, a restoration not of a power elite but of a philosophy. I always believed we had more in common with the poets haunting the taverns on 52nd Street at the end of the 30s than with the hippies at Woodstock. Cynical, wised up, sane. We’d seen what became of the big projects of the boomers as that earlier generation had seen what became of all the big social projects. As a result we could not stand to hear the Utopian talk of the boomers as we cannot stand to hear the Utopian talk of the millennials. We know that most people are rotten to the core, but some are good, and proceed accordingly."

we are everywhere

Which is horseshit because they're the rapidly greying psychopaths all over social media starting the fires and wearing a dress to show they're serious. Millennials are stupid but they aren't the spearhead. They don't even have top positions yet

we're here

take your Adderall, non-binary faggot


you got a problem with wearing a dress?

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yet, just watch the 20s will be Gen X time to shine (or burn)

good shit:
"We watched them at play, studying them as you study an older sibling. They blew pot smoke in our faces at parties and called us “little man,” but we persisted. We could hear them, as we lay in bed, racing up and down the street in muscle cars. The boomers at leisure were pop culture, but it was still the old America at school and at home. Our teachers and parents had grown up in the 30s and 40s and 50s—the Silent Generation, Korean War vets who still spoke the language of exceptionalism, which does not mean we are better, just different. It might not be true, or might be, but it’s a story—we knew that. "

They're already burning. Name 10 """relevant""" people hated across this board and they're 40-50 year old jerkoffs

most of gen x are either dead or in prison or won't out live their boomer parents

it was like we were systematically targeted for extermination

Has that beat style.
No wonder Kerouac hated the hippies.

I just want a titcow gen z qt to be my nurse when I descend into dementia in a couple of decades from now

Good luck with that.
Most of them got "Breast reduction surgery" when it was a fad in 90s.

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Is Gen Z going to bring about a Hitler 2.0?

When they were five?


>gen z
just saw that. nevermind.

>Good luck with that.
>Most of them got "Breast reduction surgery" when it was a fad in 90s.

I said gen z titcows not busted up gen x roasties

>just saw that. nevermind.


There are genz getting sex changes at 5 years old so they're probably getting breast reductions

>There are genz getting sex changes at 5 years old so they're probably getting breast reductions

have you seen these cam whores lately? my god they never looked like that back in the day

And yet, no more Candy Lovings.
It's a bit depressing.

No. We are not. My generation is fucking worthless but leagues better than what came after.

t. X'er that saw a lot in the movement when you used S.A.S.E. to communicate with long dead or imprisoned members of failed ideas that turned me into a bitter drunk

Hopefully not much longer I have to be on this foul planet.

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> By Rich Cohen

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Better idea

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I dunno Jow Forums posts plastic women trannies and sexbots so im assuming that's what camwhores are these days.

>Generation X

Literally who? Fuck those “I’m cool because I like Joy Division” fags. A generation too cool and ironic for everything.

thats a good album

gen Xer here, done all my trying and it crushed my soul.
i don't plan on doing anything accept what it all burn with cool indifference

Better cool and ironic than a pathetic little whining soiboi faggot with a butch feminist girlfriend who likes to peg him till he bleeds on weekends.

>Fuck those “I’m cool because I like Joy Division”
Mommy issues much?

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Damn that's a lot of projection there

We didn't all listen to that droning garbage

>swaggers up to you at the coffee shop
>lifts gunt up to the table
>swishes purple hair to catch your eye
>scratches post menopausal stache
>"so you're a tool fan, I like the pixies"

>Oi only gen X will swallow the poz and this is so great
Watch as the media more and more fellates their egos and how they lap it up like the attention Daddy never gave them

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>Watch as the media more and more fellates their egos
Been there, done that kid.
We already were the media.

Gen X here as well. I remember before anime was mainstream, video games were for children, cars had carbeurators and malls were full of normal Americans instead of shitskin foreigners but most of all I remember when our individual characters, interests and accomplishments defined us. Now it's just race and gender excelling is looked down upon.

Ekshully, because of our familiarity with all that shit, we know in our gut none of it is ever coming back. Like everything else, the Boomers fucking killed it just as we got there and they expect us to clean up their fucking mess AGAIN. But we can't do it this time.

Watching the ensuing collapse and burning of this shithole world is all I have to look forward to. We’ve never known hope in our lives safe for possibl scant few years. Life hit hard and early. Now it’s a wonderland of delusion and faggotry i want no part of. Better yet I want to watch pain suffering and inevitable nothing that ensues. We had no future and we are the middle children, chattel of humanity. Only death fire and violence will change course. I pray for it every day

take a pill of ecstasy laced with crystal meth
listen to this

how old are current day gen X'ers

This, only through suffering can great men rise again.

Usually late 30s into mid 40s

>just turned 50
>still unironically skate once a week


Struck a chord?

Gen X can fade to black along with the boomers. All the tent pole franchises and mass consumerism is directed at your lot now. It wasn’t boomers guzzling Lucasfilm cum and gobbling Disney dick for forty fucking years. Mellenials didn’t finance the mumbling grunge scene and the excesses of nineties teen culture.

Blame the boomers and malign the mellenials all you want. The rot happened when your lot became apathetic.

>it was like we were systematically targeted for extermination

This peak suicide rate has actually moved from young male to middle aged male as we aged. The only generation that can however actually make stuff work, from household plumbing to the internet. Mean while millennials are being 'creative' and useless and boomers have spend all their lives spin doctoring and marketing and advertising while sniffing their own farts and asking someone else to actually make stuff work.

generation x is irrelevant

Look out, got a real Tom Wolfe over here.

GenX generation slave


But seriously though, we can't save shit as long as millennials and zoomers keep making up rules as they go along and blaming everyone else for their bullshit, meanwhile boomers are stuck in the mentality that every generation since theirs has exactly the same opportunity as they did at our age.

I think most of our generation is pretty sensible and not steeped in postmodernism or rigid traditionalism.

I think we might be the last generation in America that will be reasonable, but we are out numbered by everyone else.

You will, but you might regret it.

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Their faces aren't nearly as attractive tho

>well hello boys
>you look like the singer from Say Anything
>wanna see my jagstang guitar?

>meanwhile boomers are stuck in the mentality that every generation since theirs has exactly the same opportunity as they did at our age
And then they voted for every single thing that wrecked that model.

Any of you born in 1980s are a millennial and if you try and deny it you will show how much of a millennial you are - because nothing is so millennial as being a special snowflake, an exception. And no generation before or since has tried to pass themselves off as another generation.

You also all apparently agree with Rich Cohen. Let's see what he's written.

>Tough Jews—a non-fiction account of the Jewish gangsters of 1930s Brooklyn, notably those involved with Murder, Inc.—in 1998. In The New York Times Book Review, writer Vincent Patrick called the book "marvelous and colorful" with "writing good enough to cause one, at times, to reread a page in order to savor the description".[8] Newsweek critic Jack Kroll called the book a "bloodstained fairy tale for adults ... entertaining and defiantly romantic".[9] In The New York Times, critic Christopher Lehmann-Haupt called it "exuberant" and "a vivid narrative"; Cohen's book had "taken the noise of these facts and turned it from gunfire into a kind of music".[1

>The Avengers: A Jewish War Story (2000), follows a group of anti-Nazi partisans in the forests of Lithuania at the close of World War II.

>Israel is Real: An Obsessive Quest to Understand the Jewish Nation and its History.
>The Fish that ate the whale: " rough-edged, tough-minded Jewish machers who vanquish their rivals, and sometimes change the world in the process."

This lot was born into apathy and a world embracing participation trophies, project charlie and the birth of overt globalism and PC. Children that weren’t allowed to be children because they were latchkey kids- babies raising babies. Forced to be desensitized by the selfish narcissists that brought the m into the world for no other reason than to be an accessory. We didn’t ask for this and the challenger exploding was enough to make me bitter about everything at a ripe old age. You’ll never know this pain till I string you up on a lamppost and slowly disembowel you. You’ll never know what it’s like to be so self aware you realize all hope was last long ago. Apathy? No you have no idea how deeply we all cared and the scars we carry.

You may find interesting:

GenX is gonna save what Now?
They can't even save themselves from heroin.

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42 yr old here

I think deep down they just want to destroy the world because writing bad poetry and cutting themselves just doesn't make them feel anymore

I get nauseated just hearing about the jizz. I want a return to the natural order. I want to kill most of my elders and the younger among you content to ignore the maladies the world is stricken with and dying from. We bide time and wait for the day. Planning and preparing. I’ll likely die but take joy in taking others with me as I taste the copper in my mouth


>writing bad poetry and cutting themselves

Who mentioned Lou Reed?


The world is
A) not worth saving, that includes you shlomo
B) a mistake
I don’t blame anyone for offing themselves of doing drugs, shit just look at all this. I want it erased

Gen X grew up to be neocons or suicidal. Not even going to bother reading this rubbish.

JIDF all up in here

Yeah right, hand me the (((NULL HYPOTHESIS))) bong, watch the smoke rings I can blow with this thing

press F to pay respects

>still straight edge
Try again kike, misdirection doesn’t work on my mind

did you just link a vanity fair article? are you so desperate for ways to please your man that you read such rubbish? suck his dick. there i just solved all your problems. stop reading jew propaganda

>excesses of nineties teen culture

whew lad

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I could have linked a bread wrapper and you would still bitch, so who gives a fuck?

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>subversion don't work on me
Posted anyway.
>0.1% always controls the majority
Your Republic Failed

That's the last of em tho. The oldest ones are the 55 year old fuckers

Gen x here.
Let it all burn . Rebuild from ashes or fade away.
The old world has all but vanished

I’m gen-x. Peaking career wise, have passed on my genes and have disposal fuck you income.

Boomers are losing their minds now, literally, from old age.

Gen-x is on the cusp to take over the leadership positions of the world.

We’re bringing back military boots and those little baked pies filled with pudding. There will be no discussion. As they say around here, it’s fucking happening.

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christ. gave up at 40 after a face splat.

I’m hear for shits and giggles it means nothing I like to fuck with your types like cats do rodents. Doesn’t change fact I see your shnoz

Not my republic faggot. I want it all to be ashes. Further. It wasn’t ever republic. Also, go fuck your Torah. Roll it real tight and stick it in your kike hole. The end is near, I’ll be there and even if I don’t get you I’ll get as many of your kind as I can

Fucking this.

> Gen-x is on the cusp to take over the leadership positions of the world.
Nope .rich elites boomers are about to hand power over to rich elite gen Xers

I know why all of us just X-ers idle by. We are the middle ground. When the world burns. Boomers will die cuz they are ild and fragile. Millenials will die because they cant even buy insurance or change a tire. X-ers can scrape by on the obsolute bare bones shit. We went through life learning more than any other generation. Consider us the Cockroach generation.


Sure buddy. Or live in the real world and embrace the fire that rises

1965 or so to 1984 or so
Basically can be classed by vidya games, in waves: First wave paid a quarter a game at the arcades, second wave was nintendo, third was sega-wave maybe....which isn't so shallow since you can class earlier gens by their relation to books, movies, movie stars, etc

But according to Boomers, you don't even exist, Gen X.

>t. pro-Gen X Millennial

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Nah, anarcho-fascism is our only hope.

Checked for truth. I’ve never known anything but pain and suffering and want. It’s my normal. Before and after are in for hard awakening.

Yes, I am here

bet you liked NIN.
fag. have another clove

>rich elite gen Xers
You mean these fuckwads?
The Olive Garden crowd?

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