What does Jow Forums think of MGTOW?

What does Jow Forums think of MGTOW?

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Psy op and OP is an Israeli shill. Good thing Israelis like OP are all gonna die soon.


MGTOW is like setting your house on fire then deciding that living in a tent in the backyard is going to put it out.

They hate us cause they aint us

If they don't want to pursue women that's fine. Now if only they'd stfu about staying away.

Mgtow is realizing the house is already on fire and you can camp out in the back rent free and do what the fuck you want with your life while watching shit burn down.

If you think there is any chance of tiring this shit show around you are deluded.

this. it's an echo chamber of single men. it's happened since the dawn of time, now it's just a support group for men who aren't jogging in the poon

thats not manly at all.... a real man would go and create a family with a empowered woman in her 30s and he would be a real dad for her children providing for everything they need. MGTOW Need to grow up be real men, just not toxic...

MGTOW is living in a tent in the backyard of a beautiful house, knowing that it will spontaneously combust at any time and you won't have time to escape it

weak crybaby man-pussies
they should go their way and die

Nature cannot be beaten.

Makes sense for low SMV guys.

nothing wrong with men going their own way. it's the natural state of men since we're free to pursuit whatever the fuck we want and not have to worry about giving birth or raising children. it's supposed to be that a woman demonstrate to a man her marriageability and therefore the man decides whether or not he wants to spend the rest of his life and half of his resources with her. mgtow is the only way to get women to be women again because in the current state of things, very few women are consider marriageable.

>> if only they would stfu and go away.
I want to larp as an alpha male savior of the white race while my wife struggles at home with the hardships of the modern house wife. Don't you guys know how hard it is make toast.

MGTOW is like living in the Mother's house, afraid to venture outside, because adult women are outside, so MGTOW is forced out by Mother, but MGTOW pitches a tent in Mother's backyard, then complains about adult women not wanting to visit them in a tent pitched in the Mother's backyard.

men sent their own way

Beta grapes.

going your own way is sensible in these times where divorce rates are so high typically instigated by women and the chance of getting raked through the coals in divorce court is equally high. It doesn't matter what your politics are either.

Any thread with the word Jow Forums in it is a shit shill /slide thread that will be made multiple times again

They have valid complaints, but horrible solutions.

It sounds like you want to larp as a man who gets laid.

Muh dick.


What's wrong with repealing the 19th?

They need to make more demands. At least then they can stir up important issues when they kvetch about modern circumstances.

MGTOW is productive in that it gives men a reason to be cautious of women. They aren't innocent little girls. They're manipulative little cunts.

The fact that they aren't leveraging their stake in participation to repeal it.

with alcohol and digital pornographic content, who needs women?

Imagine thinking you can be a “real man” when at any time a woman can use the government, law enforces, society to fuck you over at any given moment? Sounds like a prisoner desu, not a man

Are guys who go the surrogate route also MGTOW?

Artificial psy op that failed to gather any traction aside from few idiots

What ever the case mgtows and non mgtows have no reason to be against one another.
Men should try and take men's side for once rather then bickering over who gets Pussy.
It is fucking pathetic how much power and control men collectively give to women over Pussy worship. Women should be begging men for the dick and the array of services and benefits that men provide for women. What the fuck do women collectively do for men other then raise children?

>the father could no be reached for comment

MGTOW is the male version of feminism.

gay. youll end up a lonely faggot who wishes for love every lonesome, miserable hour of their life

Another shitty extremist movement when the solution is simple.

Men conceding society to women, then patting themselves on the back for it. Bonus points for asking if half-[nonwhite race]s are allowed in the ethnostate.

I didn't know MGTOW got government money.



Men have a duty and need for women. If men weren't as fucked up as they are right now, women wouldn't be so fucked up either. It's mutual, but if you're a sexist who denies the agency of women, then you can't be surprised that they act all retarded without positive male influence.

Tits or gtfo bitch

You are talking about women not men.
It is not a movement. It is a field of study, most importantly to teach boys and girls about human nature and the human animal.
Men's labor and effort mainly goes to the female or to support female desires. Modern society is a concession to the female and her reproductive capacity.

Usually, even if not consciously. I intend to go the surrogate route and engage in casual dating. Never getting married though, or living with a woman.

Not sure when people will learn that the “extremists” have been the only people who ever get anything done throughout the course of history.


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Boomhauer was based.

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MGTOW revolution
a nation of MGTOW

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>What does Jow Forums think of MGTOW?

It's a way to recruit more men into the homosexual lifestyle. Also, it serves to divide and conquer men and women peasants, so that the elite can rule more easily. Other than that, there are some truths in them there redpills.


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what is your solution?

>What does Jow Forums think
I think this is an off topic slide thread.

Would you have preferred another Ben Shapiro thread?

A necessary course of action post-feminism.